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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Ahhh, it was a figure of speech...nevermind. Just...go play EQ.
  2. Snes - I can't choose any two games Genesis - Shadowrun Sonic 3 And if the Dreamcast counts... Dreamcast - Time Stalkers Space Channel 5
  3. Wait, I think I got the first question. "You are outside a room with three toggles." So the toggles are already IN the room. you just go in there and test all the switches.
  4. I saw something like this at a vendor's cart in the mall the other day. It actually had the original Contra on it, I almost got it. And there's no real reason I shouldn't have. Contra, Mario Bros. Not quite as nostalgic as these C64 things might be, but it still looked cool.
  5. Who changed it? I found the "read my review *******" part funny. Oh well... The game looks great though, if I can find it I'll give it a try.
  6. Yeah, the links worked for me fine. Back to Tekken. It looks pretty good, but I've never gotten a chance to play many of them. I've glanced at the last few, but Tekken 2 was the last one I really played.
  7. Yeah...somehow Acclaim isn't bringing up any memories...NBA Jam comes up now that you've said it...I just can't think of any others.
  8. It hasn't been ignored, it's just been ignored by anyone important. Personally, I think it makes some sense...
  9. Title: Zombies ate my Neighbors Genre: Top-down Shooter Platform: SNES Uuuuuuuggh... Guuuoough... Do not be alarmed, these are not moans of frustration , these are moans of joy. It's You play as either Zeke or Julie. I'm not sure if their names are listed anywhere but the instruction book, but I've been callin them that for a while now, we're gonna roll with it. The object of the game is to save your neighbors from being devoured, or otherwise harmed, by the invading zombies and monsters. There's several different kinds of neighbors. You have the bratty girl jumping on a trampoline, the burger chef, your evil F-giving teacher, and the babely 1000 point cheerleaders. To combat your neighbors, (unkown entity) has sent a wide variety of monster parodies, from your average everyday zombies that walk slowly toward you, to werewolves that decide their going to jump on screen and kill you for wearing clothes. Each stage has 10 victims on it for you to rescue, after which a mysterious dimensional door opens up to take you to the next stage. If one of these monsters manages to catch one of the victims, you'll have one less victim in the next stage. You get bonuses for saving all the victims, so it's very important to get to them before the zombies do. There's an even wider variety of weapons to choose from. You start out with a squirt gun filled with holy water, you get a lot of this, and it will be your main weapon as you progress through the game. But you'll be picking up weed whackers, shaken-up pop cans, bazookas, silverware (good for killing werewolves), fire extinguishers, and much more, all of which are best used against a single type of enemy. You also have secondary items that heal you, or transform your body in some way. Various potions allow you to move through enemies, destroy enemies with your new mutant fists, or become a zombie yourself and walk around aimlessly for a bit. For accomplishing certain tasks in various places, you'll recieve several odd bonuses that add up to BIG points for you. Points will restore lost victims, give you an extra life, or give you...more points. The graphics are...well, not perfect, but they're good enough for a SNES game, and fit the theme of the game well. The sound on the other hand, IS perfect. This game has my favorite soundtrack to date. Unfortunatly, I'm having trouble actually finding it. The controls are fairly stiff, and sometimes you'll be moving toward a neighbor, only to barely miss it while a zombie comes up from behind you and takes the kill. Gameplay: 10/10 Graphics: 9/10 Sound: 10/10 Controls: 8/10 Overall: 9.5/10 A+ You should play this game if: you have hands.
  10. This may just be me...but it looks like you just liked the game's features more than me. And when I first looked at it and started playing...it look like Zelda. Also, I don't hate the game, it's a good game. I mean, a C- is passing where I come from.
  11. I'm pretty sure (Christian religion here) that god fed it to his followers while they were trying to cross some sort of desert to get away from some dude. Doing some research...it's spelled manna. Oh well.
  12. Is it really? I'd go for Superstar on the SNES. But to each man his own, eh?
  13. 1.Why choose, just flip 'em all up and the light'll be on. 2. B 3. Dead 4. Jimmy 5. C Meh. To K', 1, but it takes 10 episodes to do it!
  14. Title: Secret of Mana Genre: Action Rpg Platform: SNES With how popular this game is, surely it must be incredible, right? Right? ... Look, a big fortress that's powered by mana (Those honey flavored wafers God sent down to feed his followers if I remember correctly). Apparently, it was destroyed by a sword made out of the same material...hmm... Oh, I forgot, someone changed the meaning of mana to Spell Points. Not sure when this happened, or why honey wafers would be used as Spell Points, but mana now refers to a magical flow of energy. Start over. -------------------------------------------------------- Using the power of Mana a civilization had grown strong...In time, mana was used to create the ultimate weapon, the Mana Fortress... This angered the gods. They sent their beasts to destroy the fortress. A violent war rocked the world, and mana seemed to disappear.... Are you sick of this shpiel yet? So am I. I swear I've heard it somewhere before. Long story short, the mana sword was sealed away safely, then while wandering around in the Forbidden Forest with your friends, you fall off a log being used as a bridge. You pull the sword out of a stone to cut some grass that's in your way. Lo and behold, some monsters have mysteriously appeared! The battle system works as follows...when you attack, a percentage meter drops down to 0, if you attack again before it's filled to 100%, your attack is wimpy. Now, kill them, grab the candy they drop (?), move on. Back in the village you learn that the sword had been protecting the village from monsters, and now doom will befall it because you freed the sword. The ground shakes...you fall in a hole with your (former) friend. There's a big monster in there. First problem with the game, undodgeable attacks. This makes it seem less like Zelda, and more like Final Fantasy trying to immitate Zelda. While this isn't that big of a problem, the attacks tend to knock you unconcious, setting you up for MORE attacks, which often leads you from a full life bar to death, without you getting any say in the matter. Regardless, after beating the monster (it takes several magical revives from a man above the hole), you get pulled up and told that the sword could only have been pulled by a legendary knight. Wow, didn't see that coming. The man tells you to meet him in front of the water temple. Where we can learn how to repower the sword, as it's lost it's mana. You're banished from the village for bringing doom upon it....well that blows. Here on in it's pretty much a standard RPG go here get something and learn where to go next to get something game. You get a variety of weapons that work exactly like your sword though, in the way that they're all mana powered and can be powered up more. You get things like a spear, knuckles, a bow, a boomerang, and a few others. Each weapon has a couple attacks it can do immediately, but I don't know how to use any one attack. Using a certain weapon long enough will make your skill with that weapon go up, allowing you to perform powerful attacks by charging your meter beyond 100%. Be warned, it never tells you you can do this. Ever. Fairly early in the game, you recieve your first decoy. As the name might imply, decoys cannot attack, cast magic on their own, or really be useful in any way. They tend to die a lot, and obscure your vision. You also can't move very far without them, which is bad, because they don't have the intelligence to walk AROUND that patch of flowers. They CAN cast magic after a certain point in the game, but must be ordered to do so through the menu. The animation in the game appears choppy at times, but you get used to it after a while, as you do with most animation. The backgrounds are often too colorful in my opinion, and that takes a couple notches off the graphics score. The sound tends to be repetitive, annoying, and not very good to begin with. Despite the enemies super combos, unblockable attacks, and your teamates AI being replaced with AS, this game is moderately fun. I mean, I kept playing it didn't I? But don't be surprised when that big dog knocks you out with a couple flame breaths and you have to go back a few minutes and try again. And again. And again. Gameplay: 7/10 Graphics: 7/10 Sound: 5/10 Controls: 8/10 Overall: 7 C- You should play this game if: You think Final Fantasy was too turn based. Mmmmm, honey wafers...
  15. Yeah, never played this one, but it's Kirby, it's hard to make a horrible Kirby game.
  16. I truthfully don't know what I'd use it for, I've never had problems with my Yahoo mail account...
  17. Soldius wins the prize! Kanti would have won it but his answer for number 4 didn't have the proper explanation. Bleh...
  18. Try playing the original Tetris music, on loop, in the background. Music always energizes me.
  19. 1. How do expect to take a picture with hair curlers? Use a camera! 2. Johnny... 3. The match. 4. 48 is not twice 29, therefore does not belong in the sequence 5. 5, just because he's only carrying one can doesn't mean he walks a shorter distance. 6. c. 21:00
  20. Don't give up! You are our last hope in destroying that high score! Yeah, no one else has the enthusiasm to try.
  21. The trick is tricking the ghosts to go where you don't. Has everyone here about the man with the perfect PacMan game? He actually BEAT Pac-man. It was 3 million some points.
  22. I personally believe banned members should have their high scores removed...because apparently j to the 3rd is better than us at Pacman and Tetris.
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