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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Nekomata ha utsukushi desu. My attempt at japanese.^
  2. I'm guessing a Non-Disclosure Agreement. *sigh*
  3. Except the Gamecube controller is deformed. Whose idea that was I don't know...they said it was so people could tell where the buttons are without having to lookd down at the controller. But I know where they are anyway.
  4. Heh, who needs it to be legal? I remember playin' the Warcraft 3 Beta. I sucked so bad then...omg... I mean, I don't have to kill someone for it. Now, K', violence is NOT the answer. Oh wait...better double check that...
  5. Heh, who needs it to be legal? I remember playin' the Warcraft 3 Beta. I sucked so bad then...omg...
  6. What about KOF 2005 then? And Capcom Fighting Jam doesn't look bad, I might give it a go.
  7. Haha, yeah, Vega rules. Brainwashes Ken...tight...
  8. Screw this game. Where's my Brewmaster class? I can't believe they make an MMORPG and forget to add the best race and class.
  9. When one talks about "rabbits" in an mmorpg, he or she refers to tiny creatures that shouldn't pose any sort of threat toward your character. While I didn't literally fight rabbits, I did my fair share of fighting beetles.
  10. I haven't seen Naruto yet, but it sounds so cool...
  11. The better answer would be an actual anthology, let some of us noobs catch up on the series.
  12. If it's anything like the first one, no. Getting killed by rabbits is something that should only happen in a Monty Python skit.
  13. Ryu is my mortal enemy! (I use Vega)
  14. Video Game, dude. Street Fighter, Darkstalkers, Mortal Kombat, Guilty Gear, that sort of fighting. Try setting your hands on fire for added effect.
  15. This doesn't follow the standard review guidelines... I played it off a friends account once, didn't really get me hooked. And I played for a while. If I have to spend the first 10 levels fighting rabbits and bees, I get pissed off.
  16. 12? I bet she's almost done with puberty...yeah... Back on topic. That movie owned! Make one of all of you beating each other up, VG style! Have the Mortal Kombat theme playing in the background! I wish I had a camera and enough alcohol to get my friends wasted enough to do this!
  17. It won't work at it's best if the game is scratched, or if the console itself is old. Sometimes I wish they'd stuck with cartridges. It actually seems pretty simple to put a thin cover around the disc, and then just slide it in. Like a floppy disc, only bigger, unless it's a GC game, then it's the same size.
  18. Summer was ultimately uneventful. Friend got his car window smashed in by some drunks...he repaired it...other friend forced to work hard labor all summer...I had to go to summer school to make up some classes...new PC for moi. End.
  19. Heh, why choose? It's not like you can't get all of them! Though computers are insanely more expensive. And you have to upgrade every few months to play the latest games, which makes it more expensive. But then, a lot of stuff on the PC is downloadable for free, making it less expensive... But still, why choose? Get a job and get everything! What else are ya gonna buy? Food? Sheesh...
  20. Who? I really need to read up on my history...
  21. I love that song! Weird Al - Angry White Boy Polka Weird Al - Amish Paradise
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