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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. That Would Be So Cool, But Sadly Liek K' Told Me A While Back The Developers Went To Other Companies And The Games I Really Want Are: Satarcraft Ghost(Punked Me Name(Time To Change It) Don't Have XBox, So BLAH! Damn My Brain Cant Think Of Any More Games. I'll Gust Say THis: Original Pc Games X2, Most Of My Games Are Off Suprnova, And I Barely Have Any Good Originals Games. Yeah, MOST of the original starcraft team made a company called Flagship Studios. There is only 1 man from the original SC team taht still works at Blizzard. Is there any reason Flagship Studios can't make the next Starcraft game? I'm assuming it's still licensed to Blizzard...but then, do they need the original team?
  2. The Scissorman? No, no, no! I don't want this character to ruined that whole event of SVC2 then. Come again? How would Scissorman ruin it? Because he's too cool?
  3. I prefer one on one matches. Characters I want... Forte The Nemesis Vega/Bison Dante The Scissorman (The REAL one[or two], which may not be Capcom's. Oh well)
  4. Protricity - Assemply Line Aparitions (DKC2 Remix)
  5. Recently discovered... Silent Hill 4 Mega Man X Command Mission Gradius V
  6. To G: What's the Hippocritical Oath? To Skythe: Bombs DO rule. On Topic: When we invaded the Taliban or whoever, I didn't care. Saddams whatever seemed a little less meaningful. We never even found proof about the nuclear weapons! I have literally seen reports of finding nukes in the National Enquirer, just to prove a point. I've also seen evidence of us finding a "Giant Slingshot". Which is apparently what Bush wanted to find the whole time!
  7. Welcome. Kind of. You ARE welcome, nontheless.
  8. Phantom Brave: 8/31 Evil Genius: Sometime next month And believe it or not...Pokemon Leaf Green: No idea.
  9. Uh, congratulations. Haven't played any of 'em. But I should at some point. To short for their price IMO.
  10. Ghede; The town's gone mad! Ghede: I've got to get to the tavern... *Ghede rushes through the streets to the tavern* Ghede: Now where are they... Flyrin: So I tells her...babe, you're just not my type. My type are female! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mondo:...*sips his liquid bread* Ghede: There they are... *Ghede walks up to them* Mondo: Ah! Sir! We were just..um...that is...it's a field trip! Flyrin: Ahhh, quit lying...we're ditching class to have a drink...*hic* Mondo: Please don't tell Zyq... *Ghede grins* Ghede: Zyq is dead. *Mondo and Flyrin appear startled* Ghede: He had it coming. Ghede: The guild has been in a downhill spiral ever since he took over. There's no stopping it now. It'll be crushed within the hour. You two are coming with me... Flyrin: Where we goin'? *hic* Mondo:...*sips* Ghede: We have 3 main objectives. First, a man named Shemesh. He is to be killed. Second, the party of adventurers I was with. They are also to be killed. Ghede: We leave now, the town is no longer safe. Flyrin: Hold on, lemme buy a couple drinks...*hic* Mondo: What of the third objective? Ghede:...that's a secret.
  11. I don't have a job either. I've upgraded once in my entire life.
  12. But drunken kung-fu kicks so much ass...
  13. Duuuude. Why'd you stop? I find a comic...and get all interested...and it ended 6 months ago?! Fan cruelty is illegal man...
  14. Actually, kangaroos box all by themselves - they don't need us to teach them. They still need you to take bets.
  15. Wow, not a soul's helped him yet. I gotta try this...
  16. I haven't done any maths since grade 10! You haven't taken any english either have you? j/k
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