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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. Cut out that blank white area around his face so it looks more realistic. 8/10.
  2. Uh...y'know, I SHOULD know this..um...yeah...
  3. Violence being proposed to? Eh? And another Cosplayer...with some dude's head floatin' near the top. Good as a wallpaper maybe. But not necesarily a banner. It's a little big to be a banner...o_0 7/10
  4. I did load it...
  5. http://www.ocremix.org/ A website featuring only the finest remixes, of some of the finest vintage games. And then some remixes from FFX, but we'll overlook that.
  6. Problem with Highway Hunter. If you win, it won't post your score. Very annoying when trying (and technically succeeding) to regain champion status.
  7. I dled the mirc program that shows what's playing in winamp, but it's not working correctly. At first, the option in the menu was just greyed out, then I deleted it and re dled it, now it says it loads, but it shows up nowhere. And I can't help but feel like this has happened to me before...
  8. Whatever stores the most...I dunno. I think my friend's dad works at Western Digital, so I'll say them. But wait...I think one of my other friend's dads works at Seagate...that negates my method of selection...hmm...
  9. Shouldn't you order more? o_0
  10. That's really not very ironic at all... And I always thought it was pseudo french for "Ze Huge Wang".
  11. That is one of the funniest things I've seen today. Odd, very odd... 8/10
  12. I never even saw BESM, but I found the Lain sourcebook at a "we don't support other companies anymore" sale at a Wizards of the Coast store and picked it up for like five bucks. It's a good read ifyou like the series. The Wizards of The Coast store at the Mall of America (what a lame ass name) went out of business! I was like WTF?! Now the only real reason to go there is to eat at Long John Silvers...
  13. You have been a member since 03 and you only posted 10 times? Not everyone is as big of losers as us. We're not losers, we're superior to them in every way! WE ARE SUPER LOSERS More like people who have some sort of lives and spam alot Not quite what I meant...
  14. Heh, yeah. I wonder if I'm any better though... ???
  15. I've been using Shadowrun 3.0 for a couple years now. Ever since I found it at Shinder's. I saw it and I'm like "WOAH!", because I loved the SNES game so much.
  16. That'd be interesting. Maybe it'll show up in the NES Classic series.
  17. I was looking into playing D20 Modern, but never got into it. I was also looking into BESM but never found it. Though I found a cool Lain sourcebook for it.
  18. You have been a member since 03 and you only posted 10 times? Not everyone is as big of losers as us. We're not losers, we're superior to them in every way!
  19. I think the one on the right looks better...but that's only one person's opinion. *No offense meant to KD*
  20. Uh, sure, Garou. Wolf eatzes u! ?
  21. Ooooh, delicous snaaaake...mmmm....*drools*... And you'd have a lot of cover in a jungle...I think...
  22. Wow, that's just awesome! *downloads*
  23. You perv. List! (Second Form) 1. Eddie (GG) 2. Zappa(GGX2) 3. A.B.A. (GGIsuka) 4. Laharl (Disgaea) 5. The Nemesis ( 6. Forte 7. The Scissorman (Clock Tower) 8. Vega/Bison (Street Fighter) 9. Yuri (Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2)
  24. I don't remember ever hearing about it being on the PC...but ya never know. sory.. I`ve mestaken with another game..realy sory No problem.
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