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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. I remember trying to fix my first PS2. I unscrewed everything and pulled the cover off, not realizing that there was a ribbon attached to the cover... I replaced the ribbon, did what I was going to do, and moved on. However, as I was repairing it the ribbon fell out, repeadetly. After a while, the ribbon started to fray and I had to get a new one. it was like 5-10$ (ripoff). Anyway, by the time I got and replaced it, lo and behold I'd fried the thing. Fortunatly, my parents opted to simply get a new one. ... After a few months.
  2. It's just a hoax by Rilkeen or whatever to get more people to buy their beer. It may have been a trained bear.
  3. I picked it up from too much everything. My friends are huge shooter buffs. I'm sure they have every WW2 game ever made, even if it sucks, even if they think it sucks.
  4. I'm absolutely real, we don't have enough bandwidth so I have to delete users. By roll of die, I'm deleting those users whose names start with R or Q. This will be put in effect later tonight. that's just dumb i think u should delete users that haven't been on for the last month or week not users like me Nope, the dice have spoken. Sorry, dude.
  5. That sounds irritating, but I don't have the game yet, so can't help ya.
  6. Dude, that game was like, just to play around with the Xbox and to show it off it's power. Who actually played that game for the volleyball anyways. Me. The joke is, most Volleyball games can be played one-handed.
  7. Hehe, you say that one less pair of boobs won't hurt the game. But I think that's exactly what made DOA:Xtreme Beach Volleyball fail.
  8. To various people in the thread... Breasts are an important part of any game. Why, without breasts, what's to separate the men from the women? I for one, don't want to stare at men all day. End sarcasm.
  9. NOT IF I DO IT FIRST Naw, i'll prolly end up doing stalker =o Right now, my current goal is finishing Knights of the Old Republic so I can review it. Here I'll review it... KOTOR System: MS-BOX, PC Emulators: KOTOR owns you! It's the best Star Wars game ever! It's one of the best game's ever! Graphics: 10/10 Sound: 10/10 Gameplay: 100/10 Speed: 9/10 Overall: 32.25 S+++ NOTE1: All the quotes in my sig are from that game. HK47 is the second coolest robot, ever! NOTE2: I plan on reviewing Shadowrun soon. NOTE3: I've changed my sig since this post.
  10. I'm absolutely real, we don't have enough bandwidth so I have to delete users. By roll of die, I'm deleting those users whose names start with R or Q. This will be put in effect later tonight.
  11. So he cools his PC with bier? What's bier?
  12. All the GBA Castlevanias are still 2D. Though I agree going 3d with the series was a mistake.
  13. I'm confused He's either refferring to me being put in charge, or Cleveland sucking. Either way he's correct.
  14. Yes, even they get made into delicious sticks of fish. Sometimes they'll be molded into patties, breaded, and put and sandwhiches as well.
  15. Whatever. Trout/Bass, they all end up the same in the end. ... As fish sticks.
  16. Lol, this site is getting so many bumps it should start using acne cream!
  17. I'm glad someone shares my point of view! I thought of a "sport" where two people are given nearly bare computers, containing a single file that the other person has to hack out of the computer. You could code better protection, try to get the file, or maybe other things that I haven't thought of yet!
  18. It's a bass GUITAR. Obviously, sheesh. If I said I'd hit your with my bass we'd have more fish slapping wars going on here.
  19. Great, you just reminded me of that. Die. Slowly. By a Pyramid Head. Raping your leg. It's nice to know how considerate you are!
  20. No! No one gets MY head! I'll beat ya with my guitar.
  21. Less puzzles and more action-oriented? Maybe that is a good thing... EDIT: And if you want distrubing, go back to SH2 and watch the Pyramid Head raping the Leg Manequins.
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