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Everything posted by OverlordMondo

  1. The server was what? The FBI must be after me again...
  2. We don't need hope, of course he'll like it here! Welcome, Kefka.
  3. I'd join, but I know less about football than the length I can throw one.
  4. Yes, contrary to popular belief, Cleveland sucks.
  5. Looks good, as expected. Maybe I'll play it at a friend's house. I'm sure someone can run it.
  6. Yeah, actually. As it turns out, Gamecop was injured badly in a car accident and left me in charge of the place. I decided I'm going to delete all users whose name begins with the letters R or Q, just for starters.
  7. Hmm...the response seems mostly negative...
  8. Wasn't Tekken 4 just reviewed by Magnis? Should we combine the topics or something? Having the reviews at the top and saying the topic was started by both of them...I dunno. Just rambling I guess.
  9. A 1emulation Quote book! Wouldn't that be a great idea!? Just think of the profit you could make... Or better yet, one of those daily calenders! We could have a quote for each day of the year!
  10. I bought Neverwinter as well now, but I can't get it to play on this comp... I badly need those Windows CDs, maybe my parents took them somewhere... But props to DnD for creating the RPG, and influencing the creation of video games in general.
  11. You aren't of significant value? 3.50$ for that one! *Points at AntiWinner*
  12. Yeah I think he did. Look I recognized him as a he this time. I'm getting better at this.
  13. Who's dead? When did this person die? In SF3, hes dead. Guile also died trying to kill him. So he's Zombie Vega now?
  14. If you've ever been to a Lego themed park or store, they'll have huge models built entirely of legos. And I'm telling you, a punch doesn't break 'em. Even a Psycho Crusher wouldn't break through them.
  15. Flashy combos make a game very scrubby. Take the VS series for eg. Rather than complimenting gameplay, those dial combos make the whole game revolve around them. I'm used to Final Fantasy, bare with me. I mean...Omnislash was flashy, and it didn't make FF7 scrubby... huh Omnislash is not flashy. Knights of the round is flashy. Well you get the point.
  16. Favorite soundtracks = Zombies Ate My Neighbors .hack//
  17. You do not know the power of Lego! "Feel the power of the brick!" *Hurls brick at SpyderX*
  18. Psh, why is Vega/Bison so far in the background. He should be the only one on the box! I mean, he did take over the world and stuff...
  19. I'm a Silent Hill fan, so it's a must-buy for me. Though I don't have it yet... The other one isn't exactly among my standard choices, but I might give it a try. I'll do it for the XP!
  20. Falco - One Night in Bangkok (One night in Bangkok makes the hard man humble...)
  21. Flashy combos make a game very scrubby. Take the VS series for eg. Rather than complimenting gameplay, those dial combos make the whole game revolve around them. I'm used to Final Fantasy, bare with me. I mean...Omnislash was flashy, and it didn't make FF7 scrubby...
  22. Great, thanks. Now that I've found those files it's all uphill.
  23. A GBA SP and one of those flash linker things you can put your roms on. Great for playing during class!
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