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phil death

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Everything posted by phil death

  1. 0.13 seconds !
  2. heres mine... a work in progress of course.. it will be bigger
  3. hey all... james... i used the cheats which you posted a couple of pages back.... i added them to the samsho5.dat... when i go to cheats in kawaks... the only cheat that shows up is the full health cheat... am i doing something wrong??
  4. i dont know about you... but after watching so many japanese horror movies.... like ringu, jin roh, the eye...... just for example... i find little asian kids scary...lol
  5. comments and suggestions are welcome !
  6. METAL SLUG 5 CHEAT DAT add this to your mame cheat dat ; [metal slug 5] mslug5nd:0:10095e:63:000:cha select time! mslug5nd:0:100a40:00:000:cha select! mslug5nd:0:10d45d:ff:000:1p bullet 255! mslug5nd:0:10d457:63:000:1p bomb! mslug5nd:0:10dcd7:23:000:1p tank energy! mslug5nd:0:10dcdf:63:000:1p tank bomb! mslug5nd:0:10D67E:60:000:play time 60 mslug5nd:0:100D19:40:000:1P invincible mslug5nd:0:100A41:09:000:1P life 9 mslug5nd:0:100D56:01:000:1P pig freeze mslug5nd:0:100D56:01:001:1P pig now mslug5nd:0:10DDDD:0F:001:1P safe prizoner
  7. cheat dat for samsho5 Cheats: Violence - At Level 3 blood is enabled (and other things too) - Game must be reseted Language - Game must be reseted Infinite Select Time Infinite Battle Time P1 Health P1 Pow P1 Palette P1 Char P2 Health P2 Pow P2 Palette P2 Char Stage Select - Deactive after use Region - Game must be reseted
  8. http://emu.magma-net.pl/NeoGeo/ antoher link for samsho5 zip and mslug 5 zip
  9. password for the ms5.rar is : www.emu-zone.org it works... it contains mame and a batch file to run and that executes the game... but i wanna play it in kawaks!!!!!!
  10. now im getting a z80 error
  11. that 14 mg zip is missing the m rom
  12. cant get it to work in kawaks... any help??
  13. works great in nebula... but i want kawaks version and just noticed... no console version??? just straight arcade....
  14. This is from the Speksnk website..... rough translation from spanish...with babel fish.. crc that appears does not correspond to any according to the ROM dates to maker nor winkawaks to romcenter ????????????????? this image passed me. who assures to have the ROM... but similarly I am not very safe, only them step the data and of passed pregúntole to wesker if it knows these CRC again... another image... Im dying to get this rom......
  15. The Last Samurai is an amazing movie.... everthing about it was great..... and it also brought a tear to my eye during the final battle scene.... my wife and i braved the snow storm here in NYC to see the first showing and it was worth it... definetly a must see movie... only thing i found trivial was the fact that Tom Cruises charatcer "Nathan Algren" was only at the samurai village one season if im correct.... and he became a sufficent enough samurai to engae in battle?? or was he there longer???
  16. Ive been listening to "The Black Dhaila Murder".... awsome album..... need more new Death Metal like this
  17. take a look at this page.... these gotta be pics from the rom dump being emulated page tell me what you think
  18. hmmm it worked for me... im using kawaks.. maybe thats why?? i just opened the cheat dat... added the info... added the next number from the list in the space required... and it shows up when i go to cheats.... and let me tell you... Mais boozums are EXTRA BOUNCY... lol
  19. New Cheat for SvCPLus - Make Mai's Heaving Boozems go Boink Boink [insert Number Here] Name=Mai's Heaving Breasts 0=Normal,10AC23,01 1=Bouncy,10AC23,00 Just add to the cheat dat and get ready to play Mai like she was meant to be played, LIKE A WHORE!!!!! Thanx. got it from Shoryuken.com respect goes to the original poster :Hellfromabove
  20. ok i got it.... but when i try to run the game it tells me that its missing the svc m1 rom.. yet its in the zip... any suggestions?
  21. i downloaded this flashget file.. it has these links in it: - link removed - its about 10 rars.. bout.. 42 megs total... only thing is that its pasworded!!! i open it and look in the rom folder and it says that it has svc chaos in the folder already!
  22. dudes... where can i get this awesome rom from???? PLEASE!!!
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