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Everything posted by -VIOLENCE-

  1. all you fake ass A & R's make me wanna play PIT FIGHTER FOR SUPER NINTENDO
  2. over this old ass topic. i'm neutralblooded right now
  3. okay but the cheats dont work, i don't know how to activate them. The general "input" says that cheat is A and when i press it nothing happens
  4. hella useless ass thing. for that money i'd rather buy a light meter and maybe 300 sheets of pearl ILFORD photographic paper over that
  5. ja ja ja, i wonder if he's sure he wants to introduce his girlfriend to me.... stoopid ass ma flocka! ugh got mah blood pressure up! now i gotta think of alexandre despatie!
  6. it has everything to do with hamburgers. alexandre despatie is associated with everything.
  7. ummm, you have to remember. you're a sexy bit easy for you but not for people like jwakadanko. haha
  8. umm Alexandre Despatie and I are vegan oooo baby girl the streets are on fire such a dirty look that i ENJOY kyokugen. you know what i'm talkin about - Inappropriate -
  9. thanks guys, so where do i extract this shi*? just in the MAME folder?
  11. haha, that's funny
  12. Ohhh yeah, my girls are back in the bay area once again to blow our minds. for you local boys here on the forum can tag along i *heart stormy* friend of mine who went to the summer show said that stormy is a conceided bi^%, thats hot
  13. I'm lookin for cheat codes or zip or whatever for MAME i remember someone gave me a link to some website to donwload it but that was like 8 months ago and i lost the link so yeah - thanks
  14. FLIP-FLOP You can run, but you can't hide group of folks "whoo!" thats a heated question. ---------------------------------------- as of this moment everything is focused on kerrys comment on dicks lesbianic daughter. So we can forget about the real issues and how poorly iraq is runned by the bush administration
  15. yeah baby, this is how much money i got from the government! thanks bush! i'm also looking forward to being shipped off to iraq as well with your draft coming up!!
  16. Yeah Guys i plan to get sattelite radio around 2006'ish when HOWARD STERN comes to sirus radio LIVE AND UNCUT BABY MMMM so yeah, any of you cats know anyone who has sattlite radio and how do they like it and is it expensive and shi* is there alot of drama to go through to install it and all that mumbo jumbo... *nod*
  17. oooo i'm so buying that, and this sucker comes with CS SOURCE?? i'm waiting for DOD source
  18. i didn't read all that BS text that fatal wrote, but whoever thought the bad sequels were KOF 1996-2003 should get their ass beat.
  19. ohh is this one of those games where you create some land and throw in people to live. like this snes game i played before called populus or populous or whatever it's called
  20. umm, i think hentai websites
  21. looks around*... wow i like the new look for the forum it's cool coming back after a frenzy of current events going on and shi* the new look is deck. now lets bring out that fashion section in this forum
  22. what a long joke.... ...Honey, I don't read. "I'm read to"
  23. figures someone like you don't like andy
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