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Everything posted by -VIOLENCE-

  1. NeO GeO CD Emulat? Can you give me a link or whatever for that neo geo emu and roms?
  2. Came back big from vintage shops in berkeley down telegraph ave. selling some hot items there, anyone here into vintage shops and what not for some old, yet unique fashion?
  3. my story about my avatar? ------------------------------ I was messing with my webcam and i thought this picture of me was cute
  4. Yep, the boys are back in the bay area! PLACEBO in concert @ SAN FRANSISCO SLIMS BABY NOVEMBER 24TH 2004! I was at their previeous concert in JULY. picture from JULYs concert and if you don't know who PLACEBO ARE, shame shame! Here is a list of good songs you can discover. Placebo - Pure Morning Placebo - Special K Placebo - Come Home Placebo - Without You I'm Nothing [Regular Version] / Feat. David Bowie Placebo - You Don't Care About Us Placebo - Burger Queen [English/French] Placebo - Brickcrap House <--- supposed to be Brickshi* ETC. ETC. ETC.
  5. PLACEBO - SPECIAL K Placebo Rocks Whats up with all these mainstream bands, why not listen to some INDIE bands for a change people
  6. I'm hella stoked, and those people dissin KOF, and you all know SNK can't stop, they don't know how to stop HATERZ!, stop hatin and participate
  7. Can't for this game to hit San Fran Metreon gunna be HELLA GRUBBIN
  8. LOL, yep he basically "TELLS IT HOW IT IS"
  9. first of all, does anyone here listen to the "King of all media" howard stern? over here in the bay area we can listen to him but since i'm at cali it's like a 3 hour difference... Anyways he's been talkin about quitting radio and i'm like but he won't quit now because he has 2 years left on his contract... any thoughts about this guys?
  10. ^well put. SNK has always had characters w/ tons of attitude and style. for some reason it just doesn't come through in svcplus. and as mpm100 stated, the gameplay feels "outdated" and leaves much to be desired. outdated? hmmm.. so whats the "up to date" fighting gameplay are you guys talking about?
  11. YUP! going to be hella cool to see the new stuff
  12. well, you know in holland they put mayonese in their french fries?? i seen em drown em in that shi*
  13. well, you are right on the coolness part far as best original story and character design capcom can't compete. They've recycled that old boring VEGA too many bloody times i feel like they're the P.DIDDy's of the fighting world. and the best eye candy neo geo put out would have to be in my opinion Power Instinct Matrimeele. But shiet for 16-bit they're whippin that ass still
  14. Well first of all [HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!] and, are you 18+? Cuz I am a 19 year old college student [Art Institute Of San Francisco, woo hoo] And if you're around the same age as I am i can suggest 1.go out night driving with all your buddies 2.bonfire at the beach during the evening/late into early morning 3.pass out flyers around campus and throw a fat ass BBQ 4.get a buddy who is 21 and over and get some "grandfathers cough syrup" 5.Call up your best friend and just kick it -------------------------- PG-13 version 1.Small Party with friends and just chill out at your house 2.dinner with "FAMILY/FRIENDS" 3.video games/ hecka movies with good buddies 4.Call up your best friends and just kick it I hope that helps
  15. LOL, i know how that feels [s.F. Sony Meteron Arcade]
  16. LOL, My fiancée is Italian and you are wrong about the expensive play and dinner. But you were right on the money with the meet the parents / spaghetti and meatball. in my case "alfredo"
  17. I personally thought that SNK playmore did a wonderful job on SVC chaos. Yeah, the graphics are a little... blah but still, the gameplay is fast as ever I know cats who hella dis the graphics of SNK games, but it's dumb when some take aim at the gameplay. Sure the graphics are old school but never dis the gameplay it's still hecka fast And shiet, I think SNK did a hell of a lot better job than capcom did on this franchise. they ink CAPCOM chars better than capcom themselves with more detail.
  18. .... Rock "HARD" Howard Yet another "Gackt" inspired Character.. Just like K' (gackt: is a japanese J-rock star who was the former frontman for the hot, gothic band "MALICE MIZER" from 1995-1998, then went solo and going strong " hell, his FORTH solo album is coming out december 4th 2003
  19. 1. Genjuro / BUST 2. Uyko Tachibana / BUST 3. Cham Cham / N/A "Part II" 4. Minazuki Zankuro and finally tokugawa
  20. hmmm, None I don't dig capcom BUT, i happen to like "Rose" Seems to be the remotely interseting/visual kei char that capcom can ever design compared to SNK's chars.
  21. K' - VIOLENCE Kicks Ass / "GACKT" inspired Char IORI YAGAMI - Sexiness / Skills Saisyu Kusungai Kula Diamond Kensou - For Laughs seems Thats more than one...
  22. Hi guys, when i go on NETPLAY for kawaks 1.45 and i'm inside a room to play other people in SVC CHAOS, and yet i cannot enter the room with they beacuse it says i do not have the same rom. People in the chat room itself often tell me to rename the rom through ASR file, 1. how do you rename 2.what does asr stand for?
  23. i downloaded that mame emulater so i can play that old school X-MEN game that i used to play as a kid, and well i do not know how to set the controllers.. -. -;; i can only use keyboard... HELP!!
  24. gamecop rocks
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