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Everything posted by -VIOLENCE-

  1. well, give me the link to your website and i'll give you some constructed criticism
  2. DAMN RIGHT a village is missing an idiot
  3. well for all you cats who wanna vote for bush i guess i'll be seeing ya'll in bootcamp since he wants to bring back the federal draft so we can embark on the war on terror and... yeah students aren't excused this time - toodles
  4. EITHER I'm all about using my good old imagination... "nothing can compare with the imagination of a 10 year old boy" - BART SIMPSON *itchy and scratchy are just standing there doing nothing* Season 4 = "itchy and scratchy the movie"
  5. Mmmhmmm today in the city there lots of pro kerry stands so i got a bumper sticker and button cause i'm a reigestered voter already i really hope this guy can defeat bush... since there are hella people in america who whine and whine but don't do anything about it and don't vote zzzzz
  6. dang the last time i played tekken was in HS, and this was tekken tag & 4. I got a friend who works at the arcade i think i'll play this game since i can get freeplay
  7. haha okay, so if some random dude gave you that card would you put it in your system? or wait umm let me say that again... if you had an athlon 2200 and someone gave you that card for free, would it be wise to put that in or sell it and get a more suitable card.
  8. what do you think is a good video card for a athlon xp 2200 without bottlenecking it. or.. maybe bottle neck it a little, bottlenecking doesn't hurt that bad does it?? like taking small sips of poison and shi* For the Athlon XP series, anything from a Radeon 9800 or GeForce 5900 down would be great. The only thing higher than those are the absolute latest generation (GeForce 6800 and Radeon X800) and it's not really worth it since you wouldn't get maximum performance from it. And they are hella expensive. what would happen if i get it anyways, like some dude came out of no where and was like... psst, yo kiddo you want this stolen video card? me: sure... how would the new games like doom 3 and stuff run on it?
  9. what do you think is a good video card for a athlon xp 2200 without bottlenecking it. or.. maybe bottle neck it a little, bottlenecking doesn't hurt that bad does it?? like taking small sips of poison and shi*
  10. yep yep, the Olympics are over i'm watchin the final ceremony on TV right now the NBA basketball team aren't the dream team anymore, they suck comparing to the 1992 dream team back when basketball was actually fun to watch nod* sooo sad how Alexandre Despatie didn't win a medal in the 100m diving competition "so so so so flocking hot" scruffy, dirty look they need to update his offical website and put soem screenshots from the 2004 games, old ass pictures my friends and I watched the first 5 rounds of the finals at around 2 am PST and then they went off to other BS and BOB COSTAS said that they will broadcast the final part of it later on in the evening... we ended up staying up till like 5:30 am to see him he messed up on the last three rounds, and the stupid cocking chinese dude beat him and this balding ugly ass australian dude did a SENSATIONAL dive that brought him to 2nd place. I hate that guy, but shiet he can flocking dive haha. oh well Alexandre Despatie didn't win that night but he's still better looking than all of those stupid asses i find it hilarious how he's candian and yet they show hella footage of him on NBC, cause they know he sells ratings haha and oh yeah, paul hamm is a stupid a$$ ma$#@ with the most annoying voice in the world, that guys should just give the goddamn medal to the korean dude he performed so much better than whack ass paul hamm and our sync swimming team "USA" stunk they should just return to girls gone wild *nod* i'm also glad that the two hot girls in the beach vollyball team won gold, too bad i didn't see that happen. yap, it was fun. time to wait till 2008 in china
  11. yap yap, ummm like welcome back
  12. no anal,oral or jeans!? oh my stars this guy has gotta go and the pictures don't work
  13. so bottle neck is like buying the best of teh best video card that costs like 1000$ for your hella slow 900mhz computer? is taht BOTTLENECK?
  14. hella funny how people were boo'in his ass when he went on the high bars and stuff
  16. get rid of akuma, ken , or ryu all those stupid asses are the same people or better yet just keep ken he always had the flaire. also replace morrigan with some other dark stalker snk hella drew demetri better than capcom with more fluid animation haha. and yeah other stuff too
  17. I never played the first one, so yeah good for you babe
  19. hell yeah, i cheated my way through Junior/Seinor Year in HS in math classes *nod*
  20. what the heck does bottleneck mean?? i see and hear that alot
  21. ooo 6 slot MVS can I come over
  22. I HATE MATH!!! I couldn't help you if my life depended on it don't you have a solution book?
  23. I'll take Dagmara Dominczyk instead *nod*
  24. I'm 1 Year Old I was created in a lab by Dr. Frank-N-Furter *nod*
  25. Truth Or Dare With Friends
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