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Everything posted by Haldrie
I understand your method megaman_zer0 but the only thing I've gotten out of that method is a black screen and a scratched disc. You don't have to wait for anything with my method just make sure to get the copy in before the Playstation stops reading.
The Secret: The secret to this trick as you might already know it to make the Playstation think that is is booting an original Playstation game disc. Any time the CD door is opened and then closed again the Playstation will reverify the disc to make sure it is still the original. The easiest way to prevent this is to jam the button that tells the Playstation that the CD door is open. When this is done the Playstation will then only perform the check on the disc that is in the Playstation when it is turned on. What you need: - A Gameshark or Codebreaker (one that all you need to use is a CD) - A wad of paper or foil What to do: - Take a small wad of paper or foil and tape it on the button so that is is pressed all the way down. The button can be found in the upper right corner of the inside of the CD tray. Make sure that is taped flat so that it will not rub against any CD you put in. - With the button held down by the wad insert your Gameshark or Codebreaker and turn on the Playstation. When you reach the menu you can choose to use cheats if you want which is the cool part about this trick. - Once back at the main menu choose "Start Game". You will now be asked to insert your game disc. As the disc will still be spinning at this point you must be very careful not to scratch the disc when you insert or remove it (also make sure not to hurt yourself while doing this next step) - Now simply take out the cheat disc and insert you copied game and press the OK button. At this point the game should boot as if it is an original game. Tip for multiple disc games: You can also use this same trick for game that have more then one disc. When the game reaches the end of the current disc and asks for the next one simply perform the swap as you would with the cheat disc. I have already done this for Final Fantasy IX and it worked perfectly. If you have any questions about this guide please feel free to let me know.
Hello Kobiko and welcome to the forum. From what I have seen Agozer said is true. There is no way (at least not right now) to do what your asking. However if you are looking to link games on your PC you can use a program called vba link. It is a modified version of VisualBoy Advance that allows you to link up to four sessions of the emulator at once. It can also be used to link with up to three other networked computers. If you want to do this you can use the PC cable to connect you GBA/SP up to your computer and copy your games save file to use it in VBA. If you still have questions feel free to ask and if I don't know the answer I'm sure someone here will.
Is that all you have to do? Well if that's the case I'll post an update for vba-over.ini file. Thanks megaman_zer0. [uPDATE] Ok here is the update for the vba-over.ini file to allow the effected Dragon Ball games to work correctly: Dragon Ball Z - Legacy of Goku (U) [ALGE] saveType=1 Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu (U) [BDBE] saveType=1 Dragon Ball GT - Transformation (U) [BT4E] saveType=1 I have tested these setting for all three of the above games and they are working perfectly. I did not see the need to include the other Dragon Ball games as they already seem to work using VBA's auto detection feature. Please let me know if any of the information in this topic has been useful to you. [uPDATE] I decided to actually look at a specs page for each of the above roms and have discovered that they really use just EEPROM not EEPROM+sensor (at least I hope that is what it meant). I have updated the above settings based on this information. Note, I have not yet tested them so if you are having problems with the new settings let me know.
I keep reading everywhere that Final Fantasy X and Kingdom Hearts (both U versions) are suppose to go in game but every time I try to play them on my computer the emulator crashes. KH crashes when I start a new game and FFX crashes right as it's loading. I there some kind of settings to use to get these games to work? [uPDATE] Nevermind it was the cpu settings I got it working now.
If you guys are refering to the same patch I have it just allows you to use the direction keys to simulate motion and the B button to move faster. And for iamjack I contacted GameCop to see if I could post the link to the patch for you and I'm just waiting for his reply.
[NOTE] Some of the following information has been updated in later posts so please scroll down further to view these updates. Not everything has been updated though as there was no need for it since the information is already in this post. The updates do include all of the Dragon Ball (Z)(GT) games that are listed here as well as a new Pokemon game the was recently released. There is also more information about the IPS patches for all of the Pokemon games. [END NOTE] I've been using VisualBoy Advance for some time now (since version 1.3) and have built up quiet a large rom collection for it. Although the best Gameboy emulator out there (in my opinion) it is still not perfect. Below are a list of games that do not seem to work well in the latest versions of this emulator but do work in older versions or by modifying some of the emulator's setting. [uPDATE] Using all of the information in this topic (not just this post) you should now be able to use all of the below listed games on the latest version of VBA without any problems (at least as far as being able to save your game). [END UPDATE] Dragon Ball Z Games (See below for an alternative fix for these games) Dragon Ball Z - Legacy of Goku Problem: As of version 1.7.1 of VisualBoy Advance this game will display a message stating that it will not run on the current hardware. Fix: This message does not show up in version 1.6.0 of VisualBoy Advance (I'm not sure about other versions exept 1.1 but that version is too old to worry about) and does not seem to have any other problems. Dragon Ball Z - Taiketsu Problem: First of all make sure you do not have an into hacked version as this version of the game will crash the emulator. Other then that it basiclly has the same problem as Legacy of Goku showing a similar message when you try to play it. Fix: Pretty much the same way. This message does not show up in version 1.6.0 and will play perfectly. Dragon Ball GT - Transformation Problem: This game will also display a similar message as the above games but only after you have beaten the second planet after the game has saved. Fix: Once the message shows up on the screen reset the emulator and load your game. You should be on the planet select screen and be able to continue your game. The only other problem here is that you will have to do this after every planet. I will do more research into this and post a better fix if I find one for this game. IPS Save Patches - A thing of the past. Anyone that plays the GameBoy Advance Pokemon games should know about the countless save patches for these games. I have discovered a setting in VisualBoy Advance that will make these patches obsolete. Problem: "Corrupt Save" message and/or inablility to save your game. This problem is caused by VisualBoy Advance being unable to correctly detect the the save file size of these games. Known Games Effected: Pokemon Ruby Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald e-Reader Fix: The simplist way to fix this problem is to increase the Flash Memory size in the emulator (Options->Emulator->Save Type and choose "Flash 128K"). However (although not confirmed) this might cause problems in other games that use 64K memory. The other solution is to create a "vba-over.ini" file in the same directory as the emulator itself. With this file you can set "game specific" options that will only be used for the games you specify. Instructions for creating this file can be found in the readme file for VisualBoy Advance. I have provided the specific setting for each known effected game below: e-Reader (U) [PSAE] flashSize=131072 Pokemon Ruby (U) [AXVE] rtcEnabled=1 flashSize=131072 Pokemon Sapphire (U) [AXPE] rtcEnabled=1 flashSize=131072 Pokemon FireRed (U) [BPRE] flashSize=131072 Pokemon LeafGreen (U) [BPGE] flashSize=131072 Pokemon Emerald (U) [BPEE] rtcEnabled=1 flashSize=131072 The legend for this code is in the read me file and I have also provided it below for your convinence. [????]=The four character "Game Code". This can be found by choosing "Rom Information" from the file menu of VisualBoy Advance. This code must match the game you will use it for or the setting will not work. Make sure that the codes above match the rom you are using if these setting do not seem to work. rtcEnabled=Real Time Clock <0 for false, anything else for true> flashSize=Flash Memory Size <65536 (64K) or 131072 (128K)> saveType=Save Type <0 for automatic, 1 for EEPROM, 2 for SRAM, 3 for Flash or 4 for EEPROM+Sensor> The Real Time Clock setting is only used for games that need it so having it enabled for a game that does not use it really won't effect the game at all. With this file you can leave the Flash Memory setting at 64K in the emulator and not worry about messing up any of your other game saves. When you open one of the above games the vba-over.ini file will override the emulator's default setting and use 128K memory for that game even if you have it set for 64K. Regardless of which method you choose you can now play the game without a save patch! The game will run as it would on the real GBA without any problems and you won't get a "Save is Corrupted" message when you go to load your game again. The only problem with either of these methods is that they cannot fix an existing save file. You will have to start a new game with these setting enabled. Yes I did try this and even though it increased the save file size to 128K it still gave me a corrupt save message when I went to load my game (even though it loaded anyway). A corrupt save message does not mean you can't load your save (as you really still can) but it does get annoying and this fix will help to prevent it from ever showing up again in these games. [uPDATE] Other problems have been found with these Pokemon games when you use the IPS patches. See below. [END UPDATE] [ANOTHER UPDATE] Scroll down to post #9 if you want to know how to fix those corrupted saves that you have. [END UPDATE] Please let me know if you are still having problems with these fixes and I will try to do what I can.
Chankast Alpha Emulator Compatibilty List
Haldrie replied to Alpha's topic in DreamCast & Saturn Emulators [/pc/dc+saturn]
I found a site where you can rip dreamcast games using your CD-ROM drive. I haven't tested it myself but it seems like it acctually works! This could help those of you that might have corrupted rips of games and you still own the original. STC-Fan's GD-ROM Ripping Stuff Again hope this helps. -
Chankast Alpha Emulator Compatibilty List
Haldrie replied to Alpha's topic in DreamCast & Saturn Emulators [/pc/dc+saturn]
It's about time I'm able to post here. Anyway I've been able to play through Sonic Adventure 1 & 2...well sort of the games will crash at a currtain point using Chancast Alpha v0.25 but here is what I've noticed so far: Sonic Adventure: Only a few almost unnoticable GFX problems but nothing that can effect gameplay. Also speed seems to be fairly good for this emulator. Sound emulation appears to be almost perfect. As for the crash points the emu will crash after running the first demo screen, when you enter the elevator to Chao World and after the train leaves for the Mystic Ruins. Sonic Adventure 2: Many GFX problems that will black out part or all of the screen making it difficult to play at times unless I turned on the wireframe feature. Two-player mode is vertually impossible to play due to a problem that blends the graphic on both players screens. There are also sun glare gfx errors on many parts of the game. Another gfx problem is in Chao World. At times when you take your Chao into the lobby the main textures for the Chao's head and body will be invisible (eyes and many animal features will still be visible however.) Also Eggman appears to be simi-tranparent in just about every part he shows up in. Speed is only an issue during the in game cutscenes which will also cause the audio and video to go out of synch (using the Capcom Hack only made things worse as it caused the game to run double speed.) Sound emulation once again however still seems to be perfect. The crash points for this game are: Hero Story Mode: After Metal Harbor Dark Story Mode: Before Sonic boss battle These test were done using ISOs that had bad sectors. I used a program to fix the bad sectors but I'm still not too sure about it. I had both ZWrite and AphaTest ZWrite enabled as these showed better gfx in the games when they were both activeted. Ok I've rambled on enough for my first post in this forum so I'll leave it at that and I hope this information is useful for you.