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Everything posted by Haldrie

  1. I get the part about it being a DVD Player. I just started imagening all those little connections everywhere. *looks down at PSX, PS2, DCx2, GameCube* Hm...maybe I could see how that might work out since I have all those on my floor in front of my TV right now.
  2. You may have a point Shibathedog. I downloaded a copy of an old Dremacast magazine that had news about this in it. I'd forgotten about it until now. ...a DVD drive? Didn't they realize how silly these things looked. I mean look at what they did the innocent Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.
  3. What would be even cooler is if it were actually useful. Based on the Q&A section it's no more then an extremely rare collectors item since it is the only one ever made and no games support it.
  4. Wow that is a lot of reading. Well I was going to help you out here...up until I saw the second edit. Anyway good to see you got it working. My last experiece at actually fixing a corrupted save from an IPS patch was with Fire Red so you actually taught me something about the save state part. I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful and I will be sure to include this info (while crediting you and the poster in dgemu) on my tutorial that I plan on making once I finally get the time to work on it.
  5. You could just turn off the Resident Shield in AVG so it won't scan the computer and just use it to scan files as needed. The only thing you'll see is AVG prompting you that it isn't fully active every time you log in to your computer but I get prompts like that from my wifi controller when I don't have it on anyway.
  6. Sounds like your video card may be giving out on you or there could be an instability in the Windows system itself causing the crash. Although if it has been hot it could also be a problem. The system itself may not seem hot but the ambiant heat around it might be part of the problem.
  7. Just so you know that "white stuff" is actually a special paste that directs heat away from the processor and to the heat sync. If this was the problem then that meant that the reason the computer kept resetting was becasue it was overheating big time. The heat from the processor is suppose to melt it to help bond the heat sync to the processor for better heat flow but I guess adding a bit more would help. [EDIT] Also sorry about the laptop. I wish we could help you more with it.
  8. The hardware can turn it on and off though. It makes me wonder why none of these homebrew apps have implemented that feature yet. There are even some DS games like Super Mario 64 DS that allows you to turn the light on and off from the menu.
  9. You do make a good point RM. My last laptop from Gateway barely lasted me 2 years with parts failing every few months while my grandfather has an old Comaq Presario with Window 98 on it that is still running like new. It's so old that I even had to replace the bios battery in it a while back. If only they built computers like that now-a-days. Noone would be complaining much then.
  10. Yikes! Makes me glad I went with Gateway now.
  11. Are you serious?!? What's the point of it then if you have to patch each and every game you have, even ones that you've already burned? I don't like patching my games. I'd rather keep using something that will run the game as is. I sure hope this isn't the case in the end. I'm already using a Independence Exploit atm so I'm satisfied with that for now (except for the fact that I had to tear apart my network adaptor so my 40GB hard drive would connect to it). I've only had one issue with it not loading the next area on Xenosaga Episode 1 but the only reason I have it on my hard drive is because it loads faster then the actual disc which I do own.
  12. Try Pete's Soft Plugin.
  13. This curtainly sounds like a power supply issue although since a laptop's components are all internal and all connected directly to the motherboard then the only conclusion is that your laptop has now become a brick just like my last laptop did. If you can I would try to see if Compaq might be able to help you with it. They might try to referbish it for you for less then it would cost for a brand new laptop.
  14. I have a lot of knowledge about computers and have been known to solve some computer problems just by talking to someone on the phone. Are you saying that now your laptop won't turn on at all?
  15. The connections on a laptop hard drive are suppose to be designed to only be inserted one way but if you managed to reverse it then that means you also reversed the power connections on the hard drive so the logic curcuit of the hard drive could have been fried by that unless not all the pins connected. A computer will boot up without a hard drive although it will complain about it not finding an OS to boot.
  16. I suppose I should go ahead and welcome everyone I've missed over the years (yeah it's a lot but oh well). Unlike a lot of people here though I've never attacked anyone (all the experience I've gotten if from others attacking me for no good reason other then they can...almost to lvl 2 ). Anyway welcome everyone to 1emulation and I hope you enjoy your stay. I know I have.
  17. Yet another satisfied Pokemon player. Just to let everyone know I am now working on an online step by step tutorial that will be hosted on my website explaining exatly what has to be done to create and manage a vba-over.ini file going over everything that is accumulated in this thread and will include all of the games effected by this problem and not just the Pokemon and Dragon Ball games. [EDIT] Project is being delayed due to my large work schedule this week. I have almost all the screenshots I need, all taken from VBA 1.8.0 beta 3, but I think I need a couple more before I start work on the pages themselves.
  18. If you have an original model PS2 then all it takes is a computer and cheat device that lets you transfer memory card saves from a USB Flash drive and to your PS2's memory card to do an exploit. Of course this might also be what you are really looking for to get the saves from your PS2 memory card. Just get a CodeBreaker or Action Replay Max and you can transfer saves to and from your memory card easily but they will be in a special format that only those devices can understand but there are some PC apps for managing and converting them too. [EDIT] Although as far as getting them onto the PS3...well not sure about that but I'm sure that at least getting them on your computer would be a good start.
  19. Personally I think you should post a link to the offical MAME builds and not that one but we'll see what the mods have to say.
  20. Flip it over?!? If you got that blue screen then that means it was reading the hard drive but somehow the OS got corrupted. You might have to buy what is called an enclosure that allows you to connect your laptop's hard drive to a USB or FireWire port (basically treating it like an external hard drive). That way even if you can't get the OS working again you can at least back-up all your files and then perform a full system recovery (that is if connecting your hard drive backwards hasn't shorted it out).
  21. Oh yeah good point . [EDIT] It figures, they're protected as well. I went to install Prince of Persia and first it made me register with UBI and then told me that I couldn't play it unless I lived in the US. Well here's the thing....I do live in the US. I'm not going to mess with these anymore. I'm getting the PS2 version instead and playing it.
  22. Well then the big question then is will I be allowed to post the links here. Even if I am though it will be about a week before I can get them all and get them up on my site. DSL is slow .
  23. If anyone wants them I'll download them all and host them on my website for anyone that wants them. That is if I'm allowed to that is.
  24. This is awesome. I just wish they would at least release some betas so that we all aren't stuck with the buggy and outdated 1.9.2 (and 1.9.3 for Linux users) and so we can finally test out the new bios that we're dumping (at least I've been able to make a partial dump...everything but the DVD part which locks up during the dump, maybe becasue I'm running it from HDD Loader).
  25. You have to type it like this: /s irc.domain.com By default DSO should try to connnect to port 6667 which is the standard IRC port. If you still can't connect you might want to try checking your router's firewall settings to see if your DS is being blocked for some reason. Also if you this problem continues you could try talking to Dragon_Minded (the author of DSO) about this problem on the IRC through your computer or through another IRC client that will work on the DS. DSOrganize Official IRC: irc://irc.rizon.net/dsorganize
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