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Everything posted by Haldrie

  1. Sounds reliable to me. What is it for?
  2. First Sony makes copy protected audio CDs that contries sue them over because the copy protection made people's computers useless and now they can't get any exclusive support for the PS3. I say 'is anyone else enjoying this' but I can see my question is already being answered. I will admit the PS3 is nice but they don't have any exclusive games for it and there biggest promotion was the blu-ray drive which only the PS3 has (and is the main reason for it's high price tag). Both the 360 and the Wii are still using DVD discs and are still getting more support from game develpoers then the PS3. What Sony needs to do is reconsider it's marketing plan if it plans to get people to even think about buying a PS3 that haven't already purchased one of the other systems already. Blu-ray just isn't enough for true gamers which don't really care about the graphics as long as it's a game they want to play (just look at all the old games being emulated from consoles that have long since died).
  3. It should be as long as you got it from a reliable source and not just some random site on the internet.
  4. @firfly_ys dswifi is a tool for homebrew developers to allow them to enable wifi access in their apps and is not a stand-alone hombrew application.
  5. As far as the IP goes it sounds like your network is behind a NAT network which automatically designates an IP address for each computer with either 192 or 172 as the first numbers (mine all start with 172 but I can set my router to use 192 if I wanted to). In a NAT network everyone on the internet sees the same IP address no matter what computer you use but hackers cannot access your computer directly using this IP address because it is not the actual IP address of your computer. Your IP address can change depending on where you are connecting at and what you are connection with. My laptop gets a different IP address on wifi then it does when I connect it directly to the LAN. The IP address has nothing to do with what type of computer you are using as the router is unable to determine this because every device connected to it communicates in the same way (or at least it should anyway).
  6. The recovery option for Flashme says to boot it from a slot-2 card. What about a slot-1 card? It may be necessary to even have flashme if you have a slot-1 card (except for allowing you to unbrick your DS should that occur) but it is something that would be nice to know.
  7. He says he wants feedback from programmers not casual users. The thing about saving is that you have to save the options so that No$GBA uses them the next time you load it instead of reverting back to the defaults. Set the options the way you want them including the Save Type option and then select Options->Save Options and the next time you go to save and load it should work. The author has said on his main page that he will not reply to emails about how to use the free version. I wanted to add a direct quote but for some reason I can't find it anymore.
  8. If Dark_Alex is involved in anything PSP related you know it's gotta be good.
  9. For Angel of Darkness you don't need to use the mouse, it's just an option, but for Legend and Anniversary a controller is a must. For me when it comes to playing it doesn't matter which version as long as I get to play it. I do like playing on the PC more though because I can make as many saves as I want while I'm limited to a curtain amount on the console versions. I'll admit that the Xbox or a 360 would be the first consoles that don't force you to this limit but I don't either (and Legend and Anniversary are the only ones that have 360 ports) so I won't go there.
  10. If they are claiming to be rom files then you are being dooped and you should get rid of them. Those formats have nothing to do with roms or any game file format in general. [EDIT] Most Microsoft Office formats have the ability to use what is called a Macro which is a set of commands that the program is suppose to do when activated. They of course can also be set to activate upon opening the file and can contain viruses which range from irritating (displaying random messages and such) to completely descructive (erasing your entire hard drive and the bios on your motherboard). Only accept such formats if you trust the sender and always make a habit of scanning them just in case.
  11. I don't think this has to do with pSX as it works fine for me but possibly it might be an issue with your computer. You might also want to double check to make sure your hardware is DirectX 9c compatible and has the latest drivers for it installed.
  12. You do know that it has been a few weeks since this post was made right? Although it's nice that somone finally gives a straight answer and a good warning it might be a little late if he's opened it already. [EDIT] ...and why did you attack me? I didn't do anything. Welcome to the forums by the way.
  13. dswifi is an add-on for hombrew apps. It allows hombrew developoers to get wifi on their programs.
  14. This is the source code used by people who make homebrew. It is not a stand alone DS app.
  15. True but do you think Sony cares about that? After all they invented the ARccOS protection that was found on quite a few of their own DVDs and they thought that would stop people from copying them but even that was cracked.
  16. Ok that is cool.
  17. How old was that post? I'm asking because No$GBA has been updated (twice if I'm not mistaken) since that patch that is menioned was made and might not be needed in the latest version of No$GBA. I know that it runs ok for me with a veried rom but I've only played a little bit. [EDIT] I saw the post before you removed it (and looking back I see why) but I'm still curious.
  18. For one you are on you're way to getting banned by triple posting. The problem is that No$GBA tries to load the save with the currently selected save format and it doesn't save it's settings when you exit so the save type setting is reset everytime causing it to corrupt your save. What you need to do is set the save type to the correct setting and then go to Options->Save Options. This will save the current options and when you load your game next time it should work.
  19. They didn't want people to pirate the UMD Video by using the video out but I guess now they finally gave in.
  20. The newer PSPs are suppose to have video output now so that may be why this is being made although I doubt the companies that abandoned porting their movies to the UMD format will come back because of this but it might be nice for those that are still producing for the PSP (expecially once the new PSP's firmware is cracked). I personally don't own a PSP because the last thing I need is another portable device that does the same thing that my other devices do. I mean how many people really get a PSP for games these days? As far as games go it's the NDS that is kicking the PSP's butt (and don't even get me started on the PS3).
  21. I here you guys talking about modifiying the DS to accept connections with low signal strength but the reason that the DS doesn't even list them is because wifi games can't maintain a connection at such a low signal strength. I've noticed that the further away I get from my wifi router the harder it is for Mario Kart DS to maintain the connection and I start to notice major lag just before I loose the connection entirely. Using a broudband enabled computer as a proxy would be the best solution in this case without butchering the DS.
  22. You don't have to convert the image to CDI format if the image is self-booting (which it should be if it's in Alcohol format). Just burn it at the slowest speed and it should boot on your Dreamcast without any problems.
  23. It looks like a mod has already removed your link. You should have read the rules first before posting that as links to roms or any sites that contain roms are not allowed here. Ok the thing is that the DS does not have enough internal memory for the DS Browser to be able to load web pages on it and that is where the RAM cart comes in giving the DS Browser the memory it needs to load pictures, graphics and other things that the 2MB internal memory on the DS would not be able to store so basically you can't run the DS Browser without the RAM cart. There are hacked version of the European version of the DS Browser that can use any slot-2 (GBA) flash cart as a RAM cart but as mentioned above I cannot give you a link because it is against the rules here to do so. I too only have and R4DS and am planning on actually buying a copy of the DS Browser just because it is the only thing out there that cannot be run on the R4DS alone.
  24. The only way to be able to do this is if you can get you GBA flash card to boot directly into the Pokemon Emerald rom without going into to menu. This should cause Pokemon Diamond to think it is the real cartrige and allow you to do the transfer but I don't know how you would go about doing this. This of course is only my theory as I've yet to see any thing about this being done.
  25. DON'T RUN THAT HARD DRIVE AGAIN! Your drive has failed (although I don't see why unplugging the LAN cable would do that). Those "clicking" noises are your drive's read/write heads trying to read cracked or broken platters on the drive or the read/write heads themselves have been broken and the drive mechanics can't get any response from them so it keeps trying to move them. If you can, get it to a data recovery lab. It will cost a lot since it sounds like they'll have to actually take it into a clean room and open the drive to be able to restore what data they can from the drive but they recommend you DO NOT run the drive until then as the more you run it the worse it gets. Normally I would say the same thing that Gabriel said and just tell you to get a new drive but I'm sure that those wedding photos are important to you so a data recovery lab would be your only option since there is no way to use software to recover that drive in it's current condition.
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