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Everything posted by Haldrie

  1. My laptop has a 17" widescreen display and the video card has the option to maintain aspect ratio which actually does put black bars on the sides of the screen for 4:3 resolutions but it really doesn't bother me any to see them as I don't really like to see a streched image. Of course as mostly everyone has been saying here, widescreen is the way to go for both movies and games and it also gives you a lot more desktop space to work with when you use the max desktop resolution. My max resolution is 1920x1200 so I can do a lot of things at once without running out of room on the screen.
  2. Wow, CPS3 emulation is making faster progress then PlayStation .
  3. Wow...it's a good thing I still have a DS with version 1 firmware. Lucky me
  4. I have one thing to say about this...it's about time (and I think I speak for everyone when I say that).
  5. I've already answered this question here: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...st&p=225884
  6. @Pipukas You are suppose to set it to Automatic/64K and let the vba-over.ini file handle the 128K games as setting it to 128K will corrupt games that use 64K Flash. Also you have to delete your existing save file in order for the new changes to take effect. Yes this means you will loose the progress you've made so far but until someone makes a program to fix these saves there isn't much you can do. @pokefreak You have to delete (or backup) your current save file. This is the .sav file that VBA created when you started the game and is found in the same folder as the rom by default. I modified my VBA's settings so that all of my saves are put in a single folder in the same directory as VBA titles 'saves' so that I can manage them easier. As long as the rom and save are named the same they will load together. [EDIT] Also my vba-over.ini file is in a zip file so you have to extract it and put it in the same folder as the VBA executable.
  7. Well I've never tried that but the chances of it working are slim due to the way save states work. I suppose you could backup your save state and try it but I won't make any promises. Oh and I can now say that that method I described does work as I had to do it for a friend although I didn't have to perform the last step.
  8. @T r i t a g o n i s t: The vba-over.ini file will only work for GameBoy Advance games in VBA. Pokemon Silver is a GameBoy Color game so the saves are a bit different. You only need to do the in-game save for any game in any emulator. All other save types are just an extra feature of the emulator that can also be a bit buggy. By default the battery saves should be saved in the same folder as the rom you loaded. Did the file disappear or does it just not show your save when you load the rom? @Poké Master: It sounds to me like you are talking about Red Rescue Team but I'm not entirely sure what it is you're asking.
  9. The thing is that you will also not be able to play after the game resets since it will ask you to load our save file which you won't have since the game won't be able to save before it resets. This is why it's just best to face the cold, hard truth and start over.
  10. Blue Rescue Team will work without a patch but I've yet to try Diamond or Pearl. All you have to do is cycle through the different save types until you find one that works. You will have to reset the game each time you change the save type for it to take effect though.
  11. Vista is...sort of worth it but it's nothing more then a fancy upgrade for gamers. Basic users are really going to hate it (oh wait that do hate it). Not to mention I'm going to have to learn how to do everything all over again like when I upgraded to XP from 98. 5 years isn't enough time to get me to upgrade. Try about 500 years unless I get a chance to sit down with it and find something that I can actually use that isn't already in XP and even then it'll be ify.
  12. As far as I know there is no way to get a working save from a save state if the save state was made without being able to properly save in the first place. Until someone make a program to fix them there is nothing I can do.
  13. I have seen posts on various forums about people loosing their saves after they beat the Elite Four. The game will save, reset and when they go to start it again their save is gone as if they never played in the first place. If you want to be safe you should create a vba-over.ini file to change the save setting to the correct setting. The save is suppose to be 128K flash but by default VBA is set to 64K flash and can't detect the correct setting for the Pokemon games. As I stated before these IPS patches are a poor hack to try and "fix" the save problem when it should have never been created in the first place becasue the problem was with the emulators' settings and not the games. I too used these save patches for some time before I descovered how to set the emulator to allow the game to save properly. If you are using the IPS patch then I may have some good news for you. There is a way to fix the saves to the correct size and allow the game to save properly. If you send me your save file I can fix it for you if you like. You will have to get a non-patched copy of the Pokemon games to use it afterwards though. Once it is fixed all those annoying error messages will disappear and you will be able to transter the save to a real game cartiage or even a flash card that supports 128K flash (some don't unfortunately). You can also feel safe that you won't have any problems saving your game again.
  14. I have mentioned this in my other topics in this section. The only saves that could be fixed are ones made with the IPS patch. There is a way to fix your problem but the downside is that you will have to start the game over again by deleting the .sav file created by VBA. Check the links in my sig for more information.
  15. @kitsunebi: The vba-over.ini file will only work if you start the game over from the begining by deleting the .sav file (or .sa# for vba link). I know this is unfortunate but so far I have found no other way to fix this. @Jeffroe888: It would seem that the feature to change the save type was removed in the mac version. I don't think there is any way to fix this from what I've seeing from the screenshots and the readme file.
  16. I don't see any option that might work here. I don't even see a save type option or any ini or other setting files in the directory where you have VBA. This may take some looking into. [EDIT] Post a copy of the readme file so I can look at it.
  17. Just to let everyone know this thread is not dead and as long as I'm here it will never die. If you need help you can feel free to post your question(s) here or contact me directly.
  18. That looks like a widescreen TV to me.
  19. Sonic Adventure works but the menus won't display at all. I had to guess at what I was selecting. Good thing there is that voice telling me what I'm selecting.
  20. I don't think the question is home many bookmarks he has, it's how many of them link to commercial roms.
  21. Ok that is just too crazy to be true.
  22. Robert, check out the first screenshot. This is a PD rom, a Hexen port.
  23. Did it come with the microSD card or did you get that seperately?
  24. What are your PC's specs? You need a really good computer to run PCSX2 but you have to understand that you still may not be able to run what few games do run at decent speeds. Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X are the only games that I've seen that will run somewhat decently.
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