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Everything posted by N3oGhost

  1. Yeah guys that was just my personal xbe that i have on my xbox. I havent really had time to drop the GOGO sound fix and other little tweaks he did. Best thing to do is compile his with the added drivers. I havent tried it out but it seems to be cool.
  2. Looks like an X-Arcade clone, just cheaper.
  3. http://www.atomis-wave.com/ghostlop.zip Credit goes to "TONK" for the file. Admin on the forum this link orginated says it runs on NeoRage XP. Buddy says it runs on FBA PC and i know it works on FBAX (XBOX) so grab it and help out with some mirrors before its killed.
  4. Yeah its been released.
  5. Just wondering if im behind on this but is there an actual playable rom out to the public that is playable? If there is just let me know that so i can continue forward.
  6. The original release was like 14mbs or somethin rediculous like that. Theres another one around with Border Down and Ikaruga combined. That one is pretty cool just cuz your not fillin your cd with a lot of empty space..... but the 14mb version is the original and easiest to download.
  7. Holy crap man that sounds so damn NAZI........i cant believe what I am reading! I wish i had never seen this. That really sucks balls.
  8. lol you stupid flocks. This isnt a Random girl out of nowhere askin to get laid. This is a chick he knows and knows has kids and a dude. Get your crap straight. The ass is worn out to begin with and its had that dudes love muscle in there who knows how many times..........if you want to dive in...........lmao go right ahead.....
  9. Downloading hurt record sales as far as Im concerned. Cuz i havent purchased a cd since 1994. LMAO dont get me started on games either......... theres definately a pinch in their pockets....but who knows. maybe its just me. *edit My internet speed has been getting faster and cheaper every year. They just upgraded my speed to like 800kbs down and 60kbs up....so 6gig isnt that big a deal anymore as long as the host is quick.
  10. Just look at her kids everytime you look at her ass. If she still looks pretty. Then pump her real nice. oh and think about her kids while your doin it.......im sure that will be real satisfying. Have Fun!
  11. basically Mr. X said dont do it.......the rest doesnt matter. im with him, do not do it. Simple fact, she has a family with that guy. If shes going to ruin that then let her but do not be the one that she ruins it with. Not a very hard decision. In fact, if you think about the time you went through to write this topic and create the poll, it pretty much says you dont think you should either........otherwise there would be nothing to say.
  12. Any movie about dancing scares the sh17 out of me. **EDIT** Except "Breaking" not Electric Boogaloo, Breaking that was kickass!
  13. I never asked why a lot of people didnt have an AES. The point is they created a console that provided the real arcade games not conversions, they addressed the needs of many its just that a lot of people couldnt afford it. Now technology is better and cheaper and more readily available. Pong although it was a single game it provided people the ability to play a video game on a TELEVISION........thats important to note. I guess im more swaying towards the hardware end of things with this topic and a lot of people are thinkin more about the software.
  14. Its really tough to say and theres no way it is an easy and obvious choice. Nintendo comes to many minds simply because they were successfull in feeding the masses with Marketing skills. I mean hell, there were movies, tv shows, music, etc. all with Nintendo themes. So we all know who Nintendo is but that doesnt make them the most influential, simply the most recognized. Who made pong? Cause that company could be considered to be the most influential by giving home users the ability to enjoy arcade-style entertainment at home for the first time. The popularity of it spawned a lot of other home arcade systems......... Once we all had home systems (us older players) one thing that didnt feel right were those damn "conversions" from arcade to home. For the most part Nintendo had the best conversions on a 16bit system. Although there were a few Genesis titles that were superior. The funny thing about all that though was the fact that there was already a system that provided home users the actual arcade game, not a conversion. The company that did this was SNK. Does that count for anything? It seems as we moved forward with home-consoles, the goal was to match or exceed that which we were playing in arcades. SNK provided gamers the real arcade games home over 12 years ago. It also provided home users and arcade players the ability to "save" their games. How much of an impact is game management today in our consoles? -- every system has a memory management system of some sort. The Neo-Geo had it first. How about system-link capabalities? Neogeo had one of the first multi-link games for home users (Riding Hero) that let people link their systems. A lot of people will bring up the fact that although these features were introduced back then that it wasnt that big a deal since most people did not know or have a neo-geo. The point is that the technology was introduced, the features were out there for other developers to think about it. The greatest things we have today are simply enhancements of old technology. Weve started out with home consoles/ companies that developed or created them but weve also mentioned PC games/companies. I'll ask the question: What criteria makes for the "most influential company"? Once we have that, we can make the real decision. I thank Atari for my first Home Console I thank Nintendo for showing me a real difference in video games at home. I thank Sega for the first 16bit system and Stereo sound in my headphones! (didnt have stereo tv back then thank god for the headphone jack on the genesis!) I thank Atari for introducing the first handheld with a backlit screen and features that I have yet to see in any handheld today (flip/rotate screen anyone?)-I never bought a freakin Gameboy till the Advance came out. I thank SNK for the NEOGEO and bringing the real arcade games home and a Memory card to save my progress in Magician Lord and bacically pumpin out hot sh!t throughout the years! I thank Sega for playing around with the idea that a game DISC might work with Sega CD (Saturn, Turbo Duo, PSX, Dreamcast, Ps2, Xbox, and beyond.....) Im sure ive missed some things, but these were important to me.
  15. why hasnt this topic been moved? No i didnt read any of it but the title alone warrants the move.............
  16. FBAX and Kawa-X
  17. ESA: Ecological Society of America!!! Apparently Dreamcast games are bad for the environment.
  18. last time i checked, KAWA X doesnt care about your CRC value.........its size that matters.
  19. Universities eat this stuff up so why arent they playing along, donating their on-campus computers for this cause and at the same time creating inter-collegate competition and homework for their students? Even high-schools and elementary schools........seems to me that the average joe would be the last pool of resources to dip your feet into.
  20. Seriously though, one of the coolest things i got for free was a Metal Slug 5 poster from snk-neogeo-usa a few months ago, I proudly hang it in my room today.
  21. Yea, its a vert. shooter and its already out in NGs. At least its being uploaded. Shikigami 2 - Check it out!
  22. During Chinese New Year, i get $1 off my meals cuz of the lucky dollar in the envelope they give me! HOORAY!
  23. Check your PM.
  24. could be your M rom
  25. ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ±±²²²²²±±±±±±°±°°ÛÛÛÛ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ±²²²²ÛÛÛÛßßßßßßÛÛÛ²±±°ÛÛÛ ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ±²°²ÛÛÛß° ° ° ° ßÛ²²±±°ÛÛ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ²° Ûßß° ° ° ° ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ [ U S A ! ] °Ü ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ²° ÛÛ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ° ° ° ° ° ° Û²²° ÛÛ° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ° ° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ßÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜ °Û²Û ° ° ° ÛÛ²° Û° ÜÛ²²±°°°°ÛÜ° Û²²±°°°°Û Û²²±±±±±±±±±±°° °²Û Û²²ÛÜÜ ° ° ÛÛ°°°Û° ÜÛ²±±°° °ÛÜ Û²±±°° °Û Û²²±±±°±°°±±±°°±±±±°²Ü Û²±²²²ÛÛÜ° ° Û²° ÛÛ °Û²±°°° °Û Û²±°°° °Û ÛÛ²²²±°²²²²±±²²²²²²²°Û Û²±±±²²²Û ° ° Û²° ÛÛ ° Û²±° °Û Û²±° °² ÛÛ²²²°²²²²ÛÛ²²Û²ÛÛÛÛÛÛ Û²±±±±±±ß ° ° Û²° Û ° °Û²±° °°°² Û²±° °°°² ° Û²±±°² Û²±±° ±±² ° ° ÛÛ²°°ß° ° Û²±°° °° °°² Û²±°° °° °°² ° °Û²±±°² Û²±±°° ²° ° ° Û²±°°Û ° °Û²±°°°°° °Û Û²±°°°°° °Û ° Û²±°°ß Û²±±° Û ° ° °Û²±° Û° ° Û²±° ÜÛÜ °²°Û²±° ÜÛÜ °² ° °Û²±° ² Û²±±° ²° ° ° Û²±±°Û ° °Û²±°°ÛÛÛ °°² Û²±°°ÛÛÛ °°²° ° Û²±° ² Û²±±°°° Û° ° °Û²±±°ß° ° Û²±±°ßÛß °°±Û°Û²±±°ßÛß °°±Û °Û²±° Û Û²²±±° ²Û° ° Û²±±°Û ° °Û²²±±°°°°±±²Û Û²²±±°°°°±±²Û Û²±° ² ÛÛ²±±°° ²²° °Û²²±±ÛÛ ° ßÛ²²±±±±±±²Ûß° Û²²±±±±±±²Û Û²²±° Û ÛÛ Û²±±°° Û²²²Û²²²°°ÛÛ ° ßÛ²²²²²²²Ûß° Û²²²²²²²Û° ÛÛ²±±°±² °ÛÛÛÛ Û²²±±° °° °°°±±±°°°Û° ° ßßßßßßß °²°² ßßßßßßß° ° Û²²±°°²Û °°° ÛÛÛ Û²±±°°° °°°°²²²±±°° Û° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Û²²±° ±Û ÜÛÛ²°° ÛÛ Û²²±±±°°°°°²²ÛÛÛ²±±° ÛÛ ° ° ° ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ° ° ° ÛÛ²²±° ²Û ° ÛÛÛ²° ÛÛ Ü Û²²²±±±±²²²ÛÛ Û²²±°° ÛÛ ° ° ° Û²²²²²Û ° ° ° ÛÛ²²±° ±Û ° ° ÛÛ²° ÛÛ ÛÜ ÛÛ²²²²²²ÛÛÛ ° Û²±±°° ÛÛ° ßÛÛÛÛÛß ° ÛÛ²²±±° ±² ° ° ° °ÛÛ²° Û ÛÛ²Ü ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ° °Û²²±±°°° ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ²²±±°° ±²Û ° ° ° °ÛÛ²°ÛÛ Ü²°°Û ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ²±±±°°°°°°ÛÛÛÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²²±²±±°° ±ÛÛ ° ° ° ° °Û²° Û Û²°ÛÛ ° ° ° ° ° ° ÛÛ²²²±±±°°°°°²²²²²²²²²°°°²±±±±±°°°±ÛÛ ° ° ° ÛÛ²°Û Û² Û° ° ° ° ßÛÛ²²±±±±°°°° ° ±°°°°°±ÛÛß ° ° ° Û²°Û Û² Û ° ° ° ° ÛÛ²²²²±±±±°°°°°°°°°°°°°±±±±±ÛÛÛ ° °Ü²°Û Û²°Û ° ßÛÛÛ²²²²±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±ÛÛÛß ° Û² Û Û²°Û ßÛÛÛÛ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²ÛÛÛÛß ° Û² Û Û² Û ßßÛÛÛÛ²Û²²ÛÛßÛÛÛÛßß ° Û²°ß Û²°Û Û²°Û Û²°ÛÜ ÜÛ²°Û Û²²²±±±±±±± °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±°±±±±±±²²²²°Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Shikigami_No_Shiro_2_JPN_DC-USA CRACKER...: TEAM USA RLS DATE......: 03-29-04 SUPPLiER..: TEAM USA GAME GENRE....: SHOOTING PACKAGER..: TEAM USA iMAGE FORMAT..: CDI SOURCE....: GDROM ORiGiN........: JAP-NTSC FiLENAME..: u-sns2.rar CD FiLES......: 13x20mb Û²²²±±±±±±± °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°±°±±±±±±²²²²°Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß GAME iNFORMATiON: http://www.alfasystem.net/game/shiki2/DCContent.htm Û²²²±±±±±±±° °°°°° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°°° °°°°°°°±°±±±±±±²²²²°Û ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß GROUP iNFORMATiON: Welcome to the USA dome, we are in need of: -Looking for PS2/XBOX Silver and HK Suppliers -People who can supply PRE-store unrlsed PS2/XBOX games (JAP/USA/PAL) -Anyone who works at a game mag and can supply Games BEFORE rls date -PS2 / XBOX rippers with fast upload Contact us at: usa_games@blazemail.com Û±±±±±±±±±±±°±°°±°±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±°±±°°°°°°°°±±±±°°°Û ÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛ ASCii PROUDLY DONE BY: fumita
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