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Everything posted by N3oGhost

  1. Alright now that all this Spampril Fools crap is over, delete the thread, remove everyones spam points and lets get back on track. oh yeah, +1
  2. Well, I sort of dropped out of the scene when I got my NeoCandy Arcade cabinet and started collecting MVS carts. There really isnt anything like playing the real-deal, honestly. I do have my eye on the PSP and what people might do with it. Although I'm not as active as I once was, I still have my eye on the scene.
  3. Thanks guys, I didn't even know GC had posted this on the main page, heh.
  4. whatever you can do would be great. Nobody has offered to help.
  5. I was wondering if one of you MUGEN pros may be able to help me out. Im in need of BIG BEAR's Background from Fatal Fury Special. I need it in a viewable format and as high-res/ large as possible. I came across a few mugen sites but I have no clue how to convert a.pff file into JPEG/BMP or whatever that I can work with. I did try to download a few conversion programs but neither did the job. So if anyone can do this for me, i would really appreciate it.
  6. Just got it translated and it all makes sense now. Last option says "Play All"
  7. lol, thanks for the tip. Actually, ive been through the entire dvd but that last menu option simply takes me to the same stuff as the Top menu option. So im curious if its some error im getting or perhaps thats just what its supposed to do. just seems strange for it to have its own menu button.
  8. Just wondering if anyone has the skill to translate some Japanese text? This is the menu screen of the kof2k3 mook dvd that I have and I'd really like to know what the last menu option is (below "bonus") If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.
  9. Not really sure at this point but I would say YES to a certain degree. Since the games are prototypes, it is fair to say they are not 100% complete. Then again perhaps they were just not worthy candidates for Arcade distribution/ home cart production....... which means they could be 100% complete just never released for business reasons, etc.
  10. Thanks to Razoola for the news: Bang Bang Busters Pinball Fantasia Last Odyssey Tenrin No Syo Chicago Super Volley '94 Mahou Juku Shinryu Senki Looks like emulation had some play in those screenshots..
  11. Happy New Year to all!
  12. Just wondering if anyone has heard much about this new shooter thats out in Japan - Chaos Field. Its from the old raizing shooting team who founded a new team called mile-stone and published by their old partner ABLE. Its done like psyvariar 2,or Ikaruga. Official Site which lists release dates (this one is coming to the GC in FEB). Chaos Field English Site
  13. WTF does SVC crap have to do with SSVSpecial? lmao
  14. Christmas was kickass here! Not so much due to materialistic things but more the weather! We had 4 inches of snow here and that hadnt happened since 1897. Palm trees covered in snow.........what could be better? Good times
  15. Shweeeeeet
  16. Ahh crap!
  17. The bios is something that is in the hardware (Neo-Geo AES unit) and for the most part, does not change unless a user modifies their system. Same goes for actual MVS arcade unit - the bios is a physical chip on the motherboard which needs to be replaced. In order for SNKP to tinker with the game so that the AES version is censored, they had to have messed with the program code. (which they did). The MVS version (the original and untouched version) has all the original code where the violence level is not tampered with, etc as well with a slight difference in the introduction sequence (from what I understand). People with AES systems and HOme carts of this game are blessed to have someone like RAZ on their side since he was able to circumvent SNKP's censorship with his unibios2.0(which for Home system owners, is the equavalent of a MODCHIP). As some have mentioned; however, there are few little annoyances with using the codes. For those interested in a perfect rom image that would not need a special bios to run flawless, the MVS dump would be it. Thats all im saying. Im quite happy with the rom As-Is. Only thing is that FBAXXX isnt the best in emulating a rom's sound (has nothing to do with the rom though).
  18. Dont forget that this dump is the AES dump. There is still the MVS dump to hope for as it would be the ideal dump of this title (no need for fatality fixes, etc).
  19. That Bug is an actual AES flaw. If you run the Unibios2.0 and open up the cheat menu, you will find one of the cheats to be "Fix AES Win Sounds". From the Raz regarding changes in Unibios2.0 neocvera
  20. Today i was flashin another travel pack for my Fiance with like 3 games and they all worked fine and all. The question is this: Ive noticed with some games, In the GBA Loader screen, they show up like 4 times or more. This time it was the Classic Nes: Mario Bros. rom I flashed it as the 3rd game and in the loader it shows up as game 3,4,5 and 6. why does it do this? Again the games run fine and all its just an odd little thing that bugs me. Is there a way to work around this? Thanks
  21. There's nothing that tells me this Final is even Atomiswave. The sceens clearly show the LEVEL # in the bottom center of screen which tells me its MVS. ALthough they said they would no longer support AES (home console) there was never any official word about ditching the MVS completely. This Final version may be the FINAL release for MVS hardware. Who knows, I just hope it is more readily available than SSVS.
  22. Who the hell is she!? LMAO - thats gotta sting.
  23. SNKP plans on releasing Garou: MOTW and depending on its success, perhaps will consider......part deux.
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