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Everything posted by N3oGhost

  1. Yep this new method works flawless and ive figured it out how it works so that i can use a different rom set for SVC. That method with the XBE hex editing was originally posted to run ROTD and i have to say it works great!! FINALLY we can play ROTD on our xbox kawa-x and TV!!!! (it does freeze up in CONSOLE MODE but ARCADE MODE runs great!) I looked into how it was all done and what all was going on so that i could have SVC, MELEE, ROTD, KOF2k2 and Mslug4 all running together on the same emu. and I DID IT!!!! SVC was mapped to GAROUP (prototype) they all run awesome! even updated with the latest p roms (no plus and all characters, etc) works like a charm! No more Text Freezes SVC runs in Arcade and Console mode. More details to come........got all this stuff workin late tonight (had to work so i was thinkin about it all damn day. Super thanks to the person that came up with that method to run ROTD without that i wouldnt have gotten SVC running!!!
  2. I think your gonna have to look at Mame for that one. Since SF1 isnt a cps1 rom
  3. Nothing is really hacked, its all just renamed. But some people use a "hacked" version so that you dont have to rename your romname to the one your cloning........so its possible to run kof2k2.zip and it will be displayed as King of Fighters 2002 (pre decrypted) or something like that. As far as ROTD, it has not been emulated with kawa-x.
  4. Read your PMs
  5. Gamecop brought it to my attention that this thread had received some replys. Apparently a lot of you are interested to get this game running even if its not perfect. I used an application called "X-CUT" I fired it up and set it to 1mb split. It created 7 files from the svc.p1.rom svc.p1.rom.0,svc.p1.rom.1,svc.p1.rom.2,etc,etc,etc all of these new roms were each 1mb........the 7th file was 0kb(i dont know why but it did this) I then went into the command prompt (start/run/cmd or you can do it other ways) Now its time to MERGE some of these roms to create the 5mb p2 rom. navigate to where you have these roms and type the following command to COPY roms aka merge. copy /b svc.p1.rom.1+svc.p1.rom.2+svc.p1.rom.3+etc+etc+etc (even include the 0kb rom then ENTER it will create a new svc.p1.rom.1 that is 5mb this is your p2 rom. notice that i started with svc.p1.rom.1..........even though there is a svc.p1.rom.0 the svc.p1.rom.0 is your 1mb p1 rom you can re-name it to svc.p1.rom if you like now that you have the 1mb and 5mb roms you are nearly ready but you still need to double the size of your m1 rom since the m1 for kof98 or Strikers is twice the size of this svc m1 rom. go back into command prompt and do the following copy /b svc_m1.rom+svc_m1.rom svc.m11.rom notice the last part is named something different.......you can choose what you want it to be called, the important thing to note is that it MUST be different than the file you are copying/doubling........so it creates a new file, otherwise it will simply copy it without doing anything else. hit enter and you will have svc.m11.rom that is 2 times bigger (((NOTE------in these examples my rom file names may not be exactly like the original svc rom names.....disregard my filenames and do it like the actual roms are named.....im going by memory and this serves as an example not a complete tutorial.))) now you have your 1mb p1.rom, 5mb p2.rom and your doubled m1.rom now just rename all the roms to match kof98 file names, zip it all up as kof98.zip and run it!! i hope this helps some of you. I will be happy to submit the p1,p2 and m1 rom i created if i were assured it would reach everyone. GameCOP, contact me ASAP for this please. NeoCverA
  6. I was asked to join this forum and post some of the info i posted in another forum about how i managed to get Snk Vs. Capcom Plus rom running on Kawa-X NOTE** its not running 100% as of yet and by 100% i mean 100% the way it runs on pc emus. The game locks up when the dialogue text boxes appear before a match. Training mode works in Console mode. How did i do it? 1. Split the p1 rom into a 1mb and 5mb file thus creating a p1 and p2 rom. 2. Double the size of the m1 rom 3. re-naming the rom files to match kof98.zip rom files and renaming the whole thing to kof98.zip upload and run If anyone can help out in getting the game to get past the dialogue, it would be appreaciated, im still trying different romsets, etc. as i type this. once its working i can easily make kawa-x display Snk Vs. Capcom Plus on the menu and you wont have to re-name the rom to kof98.zip or whatever rom runs it, etc....but thats just the bells and whistles the goal now is to get past the text boxes.
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