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About Human-Bahmaut

  • Birthday 03/04/1991

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    Uh... Emulation? Computers, OH! X2: The Threat! Yeah, thats a good game. The Tales series: Tales of Phantasia, Destiny, Symphonia, Legendia... And Final Fantasy! *nod* I'm in a programming class in school, programming graphics, we work with flash.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I won't let this thread die! >.<
  2. Lucius manages to sneak onto Alos's back and hitch a ride. Being Alos is a robot, he can't feel anything... right...? Ryla looks at him and shakes her head, stiffling a giggle or two. Alos looks at her. "What? Is there something on me?" He reaches back and takes a few swipes, while Lucius manages to nimbly evade his arms.
  3. Hahaha! You said it, Mooney!
  4. Oooooooo~, Jessical Alba...
  5. Thread CPR! Breathe! Breathe! *CPRs one of the pics in the thread* *beep* I've got a pulse! Yes, after a long time in FFXI, I have returned. and BACK I GO!
  6. (Hmmm...) Eyeing Shukimoto carefully, Lucius thinks. He goes over to Ryla for consult. "I think this Shikomuto or whatever might just trying to distract Racid... Knowing him, it's working. You've gotta be careful with ninjas..." "Maybe... Maybe not... No way to tell." "And that's what bothers me. Watch him carefully... meanwhile..." The next thing anyone knew, Lucius had jumped on the robot's back. "Wheee!" -------- The robot WAS still with them, right...? If not... then... I dunno, he goes and climbs a tree or something.
  7. I think Sonic might be a cool addition. Besides, didn't Sega and Nintendo merge or somethin'?
  8. Lucius leans over the ninja, with a sigh. "Did you have to knock him out...?" "Ye-" "No." Lucius just cuts Racid off and pokes the ninja with his foot. "Usually, you'd use a cloth glove?" "Lucius, don't be so hard on him." Ryla could sence tension. "Yeah, I know, he doesn't think alot." "N-no, that's not... well... acually..."
  9. But you're already dead...
  10. The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage - Panic! at the Disco
  11. I'm 1/4 mexican. And what happened that I know happened? That is the "you-know-what-happened"?
  12. Oh thank god, it lives without me! Oooooh, nice picture of the boxing asian.
  13. A move like that wouldn't work. You could easilly pass it as selling the rights you bought to play the game off, forfeighting the game as it is of no longer of use to you anymore. You would also need to sign a contract for each game you bought, saying that you bought the rights to play it.
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