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I have requested it before, but since you ask: in-game moves lists via MAME's command.dat would be awesome.
Er… sorry, I do not understand: whose votes? Do you mean from yourself, or the team of people assisting you, or users? I was not the only one suggesting the feature, and I never saw it being asked to be voted on (if you meant by users). Actually, I would bet that not many more people are asking for it because most do not know what command.dat provides to MAME (hint: ingame moves lists for many games), but of course that is just a guess. If there is any way that I can help without having to do with programming, I would be delighted to help you bringing that feature in.
Did command.dat support ever got to be implemented? Back in Mamedox Platinum's days BP seemed to thought it a feature worthy of having a look into, but last time I checked CoinOps, in Reignite X, the feature was still missing. If command.dat has not made it into CoinOps yet, it is a real pity IMHO. While I loved the concept of revisiting some of the best arcades, I later found it was not that cool if I do not know how to efficiently play them. Still, an explicit stance from BP on what about it would be nice.
No, CrashTest is not improving on his old releases. I was just refering to his old work, which he stopped doing I think around Mame v0.101. But it is still a lot and it is there free to download and use. You could not download his packs from http://www.mamechannel.it/pages/crashtest.php ? You have links to his packs in the tables Snapshots, Title_Video and In_Game_Video. It asks for username/password but just to prevent bots. Those details are revealed where it says "DOWNLOAD LOGIN : Clicca qui | Click Here" (as of today it is username: mamechannel, password: arts). Has anyone released Showcase X with all your selected ROMS?
I have not tried CoinOps reignite yet, as I am waiting for X Showcase, but regarding video previews, you are all aware about CrashTest MAME video & screenshot packs right? If not, you might consider using them for CoinOps. The guy used to release lossless pixel perfect (i.e. no resampling nor aspect-ration correction) video capture packs of quite some MAME games in MNG+MP3 format and screenshot packs in PNG format for pretty much all MAME games around v0.9x times. They are hard to find, but they seem to still have them at MameChannel.it. There might be other places too.
Regarding lack of support… Well, for me MAMEdOX Platinum was perfect already. Sure I could have one or two games added, but I do not have the urge of a collectionist (and that's precisely why Platinum drew me from BAED), so that's why it did not make sense for me to go through all MAME supported arcades and make a checklist. Right out of my mind I could just come up with one so I mentioned it. My main only wish for it was the possibility to access move lists in a trigger-like function (press button: pause & see list; release button: resume) and without having to browse for the specific character and scrolling up or down every time the thing was triggered (i.e. triggering the function again should lead you in the character and level of scrolling down you left last time). That is really the only thing I'd really really really like to see added. If there are more things, that's great although I wouldn't care that much. Even if that version never comes out, I really appreciate what BritneysPAIRS did, so thank so so much.
Wondered why the file named README is named that way? Read it. It tells you how, before being able to boot it, you must manually copy some files from the DVD into your saves folders at E drive.
Well, obviously you do know better than I. When I asked for the feature, I really meant the functionality. Wether or not it's accomplished with direct support to command.dat (which is not being updated anyway) or through other means, I am of course totally fine with. Still, I just wanted to point out that while BAED#3B (which uses FBA, so I guess those are "FBA commands" you refered to), uses plain text files, command.dat is actually a plain text file too. The only difference I see is that BAED#3B has one single text file per game and command.dat is one huge 1,4 MB plain text file. Please, HK$, do not understand this as a whining to your post. You have all my respects. I just wanted to point out to others what the difference between FBA and command.dat seem to be (from my lame and non-programmer's POV).
Hey, Britneyspairs. Take the lack of feedback as what it implies. There's little to add to such an impressive package! I'd like to insist in how the addition of a command.dat or equivalent would rock. But it should be accessible with 1 single step, and stick to the previous selected character (i.e., if I'm with Street Fighter II playing with Ryu, and last time I checked the moves list I asked for Ryu's, next time I check the list, Ryu's moves is the first thing that should appear, so that I do not have to dig through menus if I check them several times during the same match). I do not know if this is possible at all, but you were asking for wish lists! ^_- As for additional roms, Windjammers, of course! Wether you add it or not, *I* do not have the least desire of getting to administer ROMs. Which is not to say that having the feature there if someone really wants it would hurt me in any way. I've been looking for the name of a horizontal pool game I used to play like 15 years ago, featuring some manga-like chicks, but either it remains unemulated, or I cannot come up with how it looked like exactly. As for other features I do not really need and probably no one cares about? Er… um… don't know. History.dat? It's nice to have that trivia, while admittedly totally unnecessary.
pedrito started following MAMEdOX Platium THREAD
BAED #3 disks were gorgeous as a start, but their stuffed UI are really for collectors rather than gamers IMHO. Thanks BritneysPAIRS for such a gorgeous job MAMEdOX Platium. A straight plain but beautiful UI without 500 options, ready to play right away. My most welcome feature is the 1 screenshot per game. I ended up playing just the few bunch I knew with BAED 3. But I am now discovering and playing lots of games I wish I had discovered by their time, which I would not be playing if it wasn't because of their "looks" when hovering over their names The underlaying custom controls for so many games passed unnoticed until long after the first play precisely because how natural your non-default custom configs feels. Thanks a zillion for that too. BAED #3B, though, did have one very cool feature really aimed towards gamers that MAMEdOX Platium sadly lacks: moves lists for lots of games. Taking into account how MAME is about discovering great games that should have not passed unnoticed (but did), moves lists are a must for pretty much any fighting game and many others. While the idea was great, though, it was rather annoying that the chosen moves list did not stick when getting out of the emulator menu and getting back to it, so you had to scroll to the "Moves" option again, select it, choose character, etc all over again each time you wanted to relearn the move you just looked at 1 min. before. So, the only feature I can think of adding to MAMEdOX Platium, but one that I would LOVE so much being there, is per-game move list, that after selected, would stick and hence be accessible and dismissible by the click of a button without having to dig through menus again and again. I do not know what database BAED #3B used. You might want to check the "Command.dat" project (not supported by the official MAME, but supported by several unofficial builds). Seems not to be the ultimate guide, since I am not certain it covers combos too, but is still great as a start. Here are some screenshots: Which is just what I am talking about and would fit MAMEdOX Platium's main intent (IMHO) perfectly. Anyhow, thanks for such a piece of cool work!