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  1. O; the only thing I'm am confused with is the "items for homebrew". I looked into this "WiFiMe" program. Im guessing that a PassMe device is used. Can WiFiMe subsitute for a PassMe device? Any experiences with WiFi Me?
  2. What are the items for homebrew? "Some form of an AP", an application(like pointyremote)?
  3. Well then how would I go about setting up the WiFi Lib Test? Do I need any special equipement to run the Wifi Lib Test? Sorry if this is annoying to anyone.
  4. Hi, I need some help on getting this program to work. First I would like to know what i need to make it work. I have: a)Nintendo DS b)WiFi enabled game c)A wireless router. Im really confused about the readme, "configure your ap as u did on wifi ds test, when you are connected, press the udp test button". Could someone explain how to setup the whole thing step-by-step? Thank you for any help you can give me.
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