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Everything posted by James

  1. I only see the ad at the top and bottom of each page, Thats all I will allow on any site.
  2. Yes the monitor is included The only problem is the cab came from Japan which uses 110v power supply, Thats not a big deal since I already have a 240 here that should work.
  3. I already have an older upright LAI cab (Big black and red cab) which only has a 25" screen. This one has a 29" screen and I like the idea that I can sit and play it. Yes I have Mame and can play on a PC, But I find it better on a true arcade machine. This cab will never be converted to a Mame cab. Its worth alot more money as a true arcade machine.
  4. The only thing missing is the PCB, I do not need that since I already have some PCB's here This cab is small compareed to my other one here. I am not wanting to convert it to mame they are worth alot more intact.
  5. I am thinking of buying this Arcade Cabinet. Will cost me around $500, What do you guys think?
  6. Perhaps your PC is gettibg old. http://www.aarongiles.com/ I have always compiled my own builds, Almost since 1998
  7. With GUI? Yes and command line
  8. And I will make my own as always
  9. And its a U release which mean its not offical release. Thats why I have "Intermediate update" in the subject line after all thats what this release is.
  10. You need to slow it down GC, Or you will end up with friction burns
  11. Alot used to biatch about XP when it first came out. Now there doing it with Vista. And it will happen when the next OS released. I used XP from release day and found nothing wrong with it. I am now useing Vista and so far it works fine. Being a power user is about knowing how to run your OS smoothly. If your worried about the so called bloatware then I suggest you go back to useing an old PC with windows 3.11.
  12. Just because you have bad experience with it doesn't mean it is not good! Just remember: 1. both partners must wash themselves clean. VERY IMPORTANT. Unseemly smell will turn you off. 2. Practice made perfect! This sentence is oh so true. Not always the case, It can be very clean and still have a smell, If you do not like the smell then it can be off putting. Anyway I have no problem with sex before marriage.
  13. Why?, If its onboard then without a doubt its crap and even its not its still crap. ATI or Nvidia are much better GFX cards. When it come to neogeo mame is the best, FBA is good with neogeo as well
  14. Mame has crc checks to make sure it uses the correct roms, The rom may work fine, But it does not mean it is correct for that emulator. I suggest you go fine the correct roms for that emulator. kof2k3nd is not even a proper dump, It has been hacked and protection removed. This is one of the reasons why there are differmt types of crc values. Again the bosses hack is just that, It only a hack (not offical) . If its not not showing the bosses then it means you do not have the correct rom set.
  15. Many years ago I was charged with steal by find, I only just found a car key and a plastic card of some sort (Not a credit card) 5 to 10 mins before the police stopped me. They asked me why I never handed them in and I said because what you have done to me already. In court the police officer (Who I never spoke to when I was arrested) said I was in a car park looking at cars. The fact was I was walking into hurstville library at the time not where they said i was. Meanwhile there trying make me out to be a car thief, They never bothered to find the owner of the key and the card. So the case was dismissed on the grounds there was no owner to the property. To this day I am still very angry about it.
  16. I 100% agree with you, There are some really stupid laws in the US.
  17. I thought the PlayStation 2 Portable was pretty good
  18. Nice review Even I have no need for one, since I do not have a DS.
  19. I am sure it was nothing like that.
  20. Well its great to be back, Glad to see not too much was lost
  21. Yeah I got that, But now its bitching about cc1 cannot be found, I know where it is but I am not sure how to make it know where it is.
  22. Looks like it might be worth a look
  23. I am stuck for now until I can get mame to compile on vista
  24. http://www.mamedev.org/
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