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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. the second link is the better it has the lastest fixes which is working i just checked is slow to download thats all so by all means use the older link your p1 rom should look like this ssv_p1.rom after its extracted
  2. i had no problem with the file and works fine in neorageX either the link was down or the file you got was not complete
  3. do not take this the wrong way. I think this thread should only be for the news of the rom. not all these post that mean nothing . if i get news of the rom i know i wont post it here in this thread cause the way it is going it will be too long...
  4. did you read my post affter fox_x looks like you did not i will say this one last time this fixes the bank erorr also is the lastest fix http://www2.netexplora.com/mauroz/emulacio...%2015f3334f.rar
  5. mame cheats ; [ Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits-Zero ] :samsho5:0:10836B:60:000:Infinite Time :samsho5:0:108444:7D:000:Infinite Energy PL1 :samsho5:0:1085F8:78:000:Infinite Charge PL1 :samsho5:0:10844E:40:000:Infinite Power PL1 :samsho5:0:108554:82:000:Longer Charge Gauge PL1 :samsho5:62000000:0:0:00:Character Select PL1 :samsho5:10000:108322:00:FFFFFFFF:Haohmaru :samsho5:10000:108322:01:FFFFFFFF:Nakoruru :samsho5:10000:108322:02:FFFFFFFF:Rimururu :samsho5:10000:108322:03:FFFFFFFF:Hanzo :samsho5:10000:108322:04:FFFFFFFF:Galford :samsho5:10000:108322:05:FFFFFFFF:Senryu Kyoshiro :samsho5:10000:108322:06:FFFFFFFF:Ukyo :samsho5:10000:108322:07:FFFFFFFF:Genjuro :samsho5:10000:108322:08:FFFFFFFF:Basara :samsho5:10000:108322:09:FFFFFFFF:Shizumaru :samsho5:10000:108322:0A:FFFFFFFF:Gaira :samsho5:10000:108322:0B:FFFFFFFF:Yumeji * :samsho5:10000:108322:0C:FFFFFFFF:Jubei :samsho5:10000:108322:0D:FFFFFFFF:Sankuro * :samsho5:10000:108322:0E:FFFFFFFF:Charlotte :samsho5:10000:108322:0F:FFFFFFFF:Tam Tam :samsho5:10000:108322:10:FFFFFFFF:Kazuki :samsho5:10000:108322:11:FFFFFFFF:Sogetsu :samsho5:10000:108322:12:FFFFFFFF:Rasetsumaru :samsho5:10000:108322:13:FFFFFFFF:Rera :samsho5:10000:108322:14:FFFFFFFF:Enja :samsho5:10000:108322:15:FFFFFFFF:Suija :samsho5:10000:108322:16:FFFFFFFF:Yocrapora :samsho5:10000:108322:17:FFFFFFFF:Yunfei :samsho5:10000:108322:18:FFFFFFFF:Mina :samsho5:10000:108322:19:FFFFFFFF:Kusare-Gedou :samsho5:10000:108322:1A:FFFFFFFF:Gaoh Kyougoku * :samsho5:10000:108322:1B:FFFFFFFF:Poppy ** :samsho5:0:108654:7D:000:Infinite Energy PL2 :samsho5:0:108808:78:000:Infinite Charge PL2 :samsho5:0:10865E:40:000:Infinite Power PL2 :samsho5:0:108764:82:000:Longer Charge Gauge PL2 :samsho5:62000000:0:0:00:Character Select PL2 :samsho5:10000:108323:00:FFFFFFFF:Haohmaru :samsho5:10000:108323:01:FFFFFFFF:Nakoruru :samsho5:10000:108323:02:FFFFFFFF:Rimururu :samsho5:10000:108323:03:FFFFFFFF:Hanzo :samsho5:10000:108323:04:FFFFFFFF:Galford :samsho5:10000:108323:05:FFFFFFFF:Senryu Kyoshiro :samsho5:10000:108323:06:FFFFFFFF:Ukyo :samsho5:10000:108323:07:FFFFFFFF:Genjuro :samsho5:10000:108323:08:FFFFFFFF:Basara :samsho5:10000:108323:09:FFFFFFFF:Shizumaru :samsho5:10000:108323:0A:FFFFFFFF:Gaira :samsho5:10000:108323:0B:FFFFFFFF:Yumeji * :samsho5:10000:108323:0C:FFFFFFFF:Jubei :samsho5:10000:108323:0D:FFFFFFFF:Sankuro * :samsho5:10000:108323:0E:FFFFFFFF:Charlotte :samsho5:10000:108323:0F:FFFFFFFF:Tam Tam :samsho5:10000:108323:10:FFFFFFFF:Kazuki :samsho5:10000:108323:11:FFFFFFFF:Sogetsu :samsho5:10000:108323:12:FFFFFFFF:Rasetsumaru :samsho5:10000:108323:13:FFFFFFFF:Rera :samsho5:10000:108323:14:FFFFFFFF:Enja :samsho5:10000:108323:15:FFFFFFFF:Suija :samsho5:10000:108323:16:FFFFFFFF:Yocrapora :samsho5:10000:108323:17:FFFFFFFF:Yunfei :samsho5:10000:108323:18:FFFFFFFF:Mina :samsho5:10000:108323:19:FFFFFFFF:Kusare-Gedou :samsho5:10000:108323:1A:FFFFFFFF:Gaoh Kyougoku * :samsho5:10000:108323:1B:FFFFFFFF:Poppy **
  6. some cheats very easy to find this one is for Kawaks Nebula [0] Name=Language 0=Off,0,0 1=English,10fd92,00 2=Spanish,10fd92,01 3=Portuguese,10fd92,02 4=Japanese,10fd92,03 [1] Name=Region 0=Off,0,0 1=Japan,10fd82,00 2=USA,10fd82,01 3=Europe,10fd82,02 [2] Name=Violence 0=Normal,0,0 1=Level 1,10E010,00 2=Level 2,10E010,01 3=Level 3,10E010,02 [3] Name=P1 Lifebar 0=Off,0,0 1=Full,108444,7D 2=Empty,108444,00 [4] Name=P1 Green Bar 0=Off,0,0 1=Full,1085F9,78 [5] Name=P1 Red Bar 0=Off,0,0 1=Full,10844F,40 [6] Name=P1 Long Green Bar 0=Off,0,0 1=On,108555,82 [7] Name=P1 Pallete 0=Off,0,0 1=Color 1,10832b,00 2=Color 2,10832b,01 3=Color 3,10832b,02 4=Color 4,10832b,03 [8] Name=P2 Lifebar 0=Off,0,0 1=Full,108654,7D 2=Empty,108654,00 [9] Name=P2 Green Bar 0=Off,0,0 1=Full,108809,78 [10] Name=P2 Red Bar 0=Off,0,0 1=Full,10865F,40 [11] Name=P2 Long Green Bar 0=Off,0,0 1=On,108765,82 [12] Name=P2 Pallete 0=Off,0,0 1=Color 1,10832a,00 2=Color 2,10832a,01 3=Color 3,10832a,02 4=Color 4,10832a,03 [13] Name=Infinite Select Time 0=Off,0,0 1=On,1003c7,30 [14] Name=Infinite Battle Time 0=Off,0,0 1=On,10836b,59 2=Time Over,10863b,00 [15] Name=Stage Select 0=Off,0,0 1=Stage 1,10836d,00 2=Stage 2,10836d,01 3=Stage 3,10836d,02 4=Stage 4,10836d,03 5=Stage 5,10836d,04 6=Stage 6,10836d,05 7=Stage 7,10836d,06 8=Stage 8,10836d,07 9=Stage 9,10836d,08 10=Stage 10,10836d,09 [16] Name=P1 Character 0=Off,0,0 1=Haohmaru,108323,00 2=Nakoruru,108323,01 3=Rimururu,108323,02 4=Hanzo,108323,03 5=Galford,108323,04 6=Senryu Kyoshiro,108323,05 7=Ukyo,108323,06 8=Genjuro,108323,07 9=Basara,108323,08 10=Shizumaru,108323,09 11=Gaira,108323,0A 12=*Yumeji,108323,0B 13=Jubei,108323,0C 14=*Sankuro,108323,0D 15=Charlotte,108323,0E 16=Tam Tam,108323,0F 17=Kazuki,108323,10 18=Sogetsu,108323,11 19=Rasetsumaru,108323,12 20=Rera,108323,13 21=Enja,108323,14 22=Suija,108323,15 23=Yocrapora,108323,16 24=Yunfei,108323,17 25=Mina,108323,18 26=Kusare-Gedou,108323,19 27=*Gaoh Kyougoku,108323,1A 28=Poppy,108323,1B [17] Name=P2 Character 0=Off,0,0 1=Haohmaru,108322,00 2=Nakoruru,108322,01 3=Rimururu,108322,02 4=Hanzo,108322,03 5=Galford,108322,04 6=Senryu Kyoshiro,108322,05 7=Ukyo,108322,06 8=Genjuro,108322,07 9=Basara,108322,08 10=Shizumaru,108322,09 11=Gaira,108322,0A 12=*Yumeji,108322,0B 13=Jubei,108322,0C 14=*Sankuro,108322,0D 15=Charlotte,108322,0E 16=Tam Tam,108322,0F 17=Kazuki,108322,10 18=Sogetsu,108322,11 19=Rasetsumaru,108322,12 20=Rera,108322,13 21=Enja,108322,14 22=Suija,108322,15 23=Yocrapora,108322,16 24=Yunfei,108322,17 25=Mina,108322,18 26=Kusare-Gedou,108322,19 27=*Gaoh Kyougoku,108322,1A 28=Poppy,108322,1B
  7. http://haze.mame.net/ 0.78u1 ------ General Source Changes ---------------------- Fixed OKI Sound (and a few other things) in the following [Quench] Diverboy (diverboy.c) Bakuretsu Breaker (kaneko16.c) Aquarium (aquarium.c) Funny Bubble (funybubl.c) Full Sound and Music in Asura Blade [R.Belmont] Discrete Sound in Video Pinball [Derrick Renaud] DAC Sound in TrucoTron [Tomasz Slanina] Fixed Graphics and Added Suond to Cross Pang [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Added additional unused PROMs to the following [stefan Jokisch] rallyx (rallyx.c) acedrvrw (namcos22.c) millpac (centiped.c) sci (taito_z.c) Various Updates to the Moon Patrol driver [stefan Jokisch] - added the new PROM dump for the Williams set - changed the size of the PROM dump for the IREM set - renamed ROMs - converted the driver to the tilemap system - simplified background drawing by creating a 256x64 gfx layout - minor fixes to the video section based on schems Mobile Suit Gundam EX Revue Fixes [Tomasz Slanina] - hooked up EEPROM (68301 parallel port) and added EEPROM initialisation - added missing language selection dipswitch Improvements to ST-V Emulation [Mariusz Wojcieszek] - Changes to sprites color calculation. I fixed it using in color bank modes by using color offset register from VDP2. Now shienryu kludge is no longer needed and also sprite colors in Winter Heat and Virtua Fighter Kids are correct. - Changes for Princess Clara Daisakusen (prikura) so that game is playable now (as far I tested it). - Prikura tried to render distorted sprites with xsize = 0 or ysize = 0 and this caused crash. As these values are prohibited according to manual, I ignore distorted sprites with xsize = 0 or ysize = 0. - I found that missing MINIT for slave to run the sprites is done by using address 0x01406f40 instead of 0x01000000. I'm not sure if my change is a hack or real hardware behaves in that way, but in my opinion it is possible that whole range of addresses (0x01000000 - 0x017fffff) is used for MINIT. I added MINIT only for one address used by prikura. - Bad sprite colors were fixed in point 1. - Small change for vdp2: commented out a call to usrintf_showmessage(). Data East MLC Improvements [bryan McPhail] Many aspects of the Video Rendering have been improved, Avengers in Galactic storm is playable with some characters now, however there seems to be a CPU core bug affecting various aspects of the game, most notably the flipping of Captain America. Help tracking down and fixing this wwould be welcome. Several Non-Working sets were also added Update to allow drivers to dynamically change the refresh rate during execution [Aaron Giles] Namco 8080 Cleanup [Nicola Salmoria] - merged geebee.c and warpwarp.c since they are variations of the same hardware design. drivers/geebee.c, machine/geebee.c and vidhrdw/geebee.c are no longer needed. - renamed Navalone -> Navarone. I guess that's the correct name, as in "the guns of Navarone". - renamed kaitein -> kaitei and kaitei -> kaiteik; made the Namco set the main one. I don't recall if this was already discussed, but I believe kaiteik is a prototype developed by a third party and sold to Namco, where it was completely rewritten. - fixed inputs and dip switches in all games. - fixed "ball" size in sos and kaitein - the harpoon in kaitein no longer looks like a rock. - removed a hack in Warp Warp that didn't draw the ball in the bottom left corner. The flyer confirms that the ball is supposed to be there. Misc Fixes [Nathan Woods] src/chd.c: - Adds workaround for deficiency in Metrowerks compiler src/x86drc.c: src/x86drc.h: - Adds a few more instruction declarations - Adds a call to retrieve CPU feature flags from CPUID src/windows/ticker.c: - Compiler specific assembler code for feature reading replaced by call added above Removed final traces of TESTDRIVER code [Paul Priest] BIOS Roms no longer need to be added to info.c [Paul Priest] Final Lap 2 now loads the right object roms [brian Troha] Now using correct Black Dragon (bootleg) Roms [stefan Jokisch] Samples in space Firebird [Chris Hardy] Removed a few IPF_CHEAT in toaplan drivers so mame doesn't hide the dipswitches [Mamesick] Fixed Difficulty Dipswitch in ladyfrog [Nicola Salmoria] New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Clara Daisakusen [Mariusz Wojcieszek] src/drivers/stv.c Wild Pilot [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] src/drivers/cischeat.c various graphical problems, service buttons = start buttons Target Balls [Luca Elia] src/drivers/paradise.c International Cup '94 / Hat Trick Hero '94 [David Haywood] also changed the parent / clone relationships a bit on the football games src/drivers/taito_f3.c New Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: -------------------------------------------------------------- A Few PGM Clones Additional Run & Gun sets [brian Troha] Q*Bert (Us Set 2) [smitdogg] Games / Sets Removed -------------------- New Rally-X (vertical hack) [removed by Stefan Jokisch] graphic hack (rotated tiles + display) not worth supporting New Non-Working games / clones supported ---------------------------------------- Stadium Hero 96 [bryan McPhail] Skull Fang [bryan McPhail] src/drivers/deco_mlc.c Encrypted (Deco 156)
  8. By doing EXACTLY what deltaquad has said, I learned how to edit the DAT file in kawaks and have been able to enjoy a TON of Neo Geo roms I previously could not in MAME or NeoRage. I'd rather figure out the problems on my own instead of begging for small "patches" that do not exist. Why bother registering on the board if you can't even read far enough back to fix your problems? Granted, I am the last person to be smart enough for this stuff but, my god, I see nothing but crying and whining. I want to conversate, damnit, not dredge through 80 pages of, "Gimme this, gimme that!" like the SVC thread. State your problem, read the advice closely. Chances are better than good that it will solve your woes. i play all the new games in my mame compile
  9. thye should be bin format for mame
  10. send me a PM please
  11. ok send me a PM i will send you a link that way
  12. sad yes i knew you were doing all that work before that was even released. anyway there is little ways that can proove if it is your work . well in mame you can that . i am sure you know what i mean
  13. this p rom should fix the bank error http://www2.netexplora.com/mauroz/emulacio...%2015f3334f.rar please note the download is slow but it does work
  14. it was there before ...it looks like it has been removed and i think that is wise as many will copy the driver and make compiles and then saying they have added the games when someone else did it in the first place .
  15. fan of mlsug or kawaks if its mslug then it works in mame if runs too slow then get a faster pc
  16. um who said they were going to do that ? and thanks sypderX for your support. half these games that i readd and add i do not play all that much. so i uploaded it to the net... to share my compile. with the mame license its strange as the source is open if this was a major issue they would close the source .
  17. I don't think I'm alone James ! I know that some people on emuforos do it too, but in france no many people do it... I add the same games as you, and try my build just a few to see the beautiful skin ! And the difference is that you make your build on Mame32 and me on Mame 32 Plus ! But it's cool not being alone to do it ! On my website, on the same page with Jmame32+, there's a pack made by a friend withn icons and others for all unlocked games as SVC etc...Don't hesitate For the ones who want the full pack for icons screenshots etc, it's on emule ! does your compile make use of the uni-bios 1.2 ? anyway it is good you can do it
  18. needs a dat file also needs a loader tyy here http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...Kawaks_Hack.zip
  19. you are offtopic please post to the samsho5 thread
  20. if it goes back to the desktop when doing the inport then it wont show at the bottom of the list. and when it keeps going back to desktop duing inport then it is a known fact there is a bad rom in the roms folder
  21. try here http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...php/fix_svc.php
  22. you have a bad rom set in your roms folder
  23. Never mind on my question I got mslug5 to work and eun on MAME Thanks which mame ? press F2 for the dipswitches for the game
  24. i call it mame32 78.1b so it does not get mixed up with the offical versions of mame
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