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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. torrent link
  2. it works tho i never used the mslug5 driver so what is the diffence betwwen the mslug5nd and mslug5 driver can you show me ?
  3. no mine never needed that
  4. what do you mean by that ?
  5. i have it working in mame32 78.1b my compile so far it is working ok
  6. no sorry i already had this rom set for day nows
  7. http://censorlau.sites.uol.com.br/mslug5nd.zip
  8. rom links http://allgames.gamesh.com/emu/emu_roms/neogeo/ms5.rar http://emu.joyie.com/emu_roms/neogeo/ms5.rar
  9. i am looking for the mame driver they wrote so i then can add it too mame32 78 with all the other neogeo games i have the main part of the driver correct but i have got the DRIVER_INIT wrong i just need the correct info and then i should be right with my compile
  10. these are the right crc you are looking for
  11. yeah ok no problem it was right info anyway
  12. dos is ok but why did they do a dos cmd only if i had the driver i would add it to mame32 78 so does anyone know where the driver might be so i can maybe add it to mame32 78 ?
  13. at least you can wait til it is comfirmed this is where problems start
  14. no not really i should know
  15. mame does not use a DAT
  16. i think you will be better off useing nebula as you seem not to know what to do Nebula?It Sucks.Nebula IS Not Far Worse Than Krawks.In My Opion,FBA And NeoRageX IS Da Best.=) FBA is crap Neorage is crap neorage is nothing but a hacked emulator. and was only meant for the older pc . now i ask you. have you tried to play svc or samsho5 in nebula? what do you have against FBA? i seriously cant see anything wrong with it. it is faster and multitasks better than Kawaks and seems to have better Rasters support than Nebula. and doesnt even need a loader or dat if you can compile on your own (and recompiling only takes like 30 seconds at most on fairly fast PCs -minutes on slow PCs but not that much). video and sound may be a different thing and entitles to your taste and such. or do you simply think it sucks because it is a low-enders choice? i use mame i find it to be the best and yeah it you have an old pc then FBA is good for that but thats it.. nothing more...
  17. i hope this helps
  18. i doubt it is the p rom more like an issue with the c roms
  19. are your v1 roms named like this svc_v1.rom svc_v2.rom svc_v3.rom svc_v4.rom when the svc was released it had problems so it was never a good set .a site named neogeo tools had all the fixes but that site is gone it seems
  20. check your v and m roms as mine sounds ok
  21. i think you will be better off useing nebula as you seem not to know what to do Nebula?It Sucks.Nebula IS Not Far Worse Than Krawks.In My Opion,FBA And NeoRageX IS Da Best.=) FBA is crap Neorage is crap neorage is nothing but a hacked emulator. and was only meant for the older pc . now i ask you. have you tried to play svc or samsho5 in nebula ?
  22. i play ssv on nebuala kawaks mame and neorage this is simple rename all you roms too ssv_??.rom then rezip the rom.and then try running it
  23. good to see
  24. here are some links to my mame32 78.1b http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gamenexusgroup3/files/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Mame32Latest...tVersion/files/ yahoo ID needed
  25. no doubt the older mame32 you have is my compile. yes mine does but not how you want it and theres no way i will compile a version that uses the same roms as neorageX older version was mame32 77.1b current mame32 78.1b new it runs kof2001 cthd2003 kof2002 sengoku3 mslug4 (mame )........ matri svc svcplus samsho5 also works in neorageX and on my version of mame
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