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Everything posted by James

  1. yes there is please i have to re upload the emu
  2. (while in window mode) while the game is running goto game TAB then neogeo settings the settings are there.... there is no need to set it to console if it is still in spanish then while in game press the test menu key (this has options for the game etc... but this will depend on what key this has been set to. mine has been set to F2 if you are not sure what your player keys are go to the game TAB then redefine keys player 1 that should show you . Jim
  3. i think you will be better off useing nebula as you seem not to know what to do
  4. done that a blank black screen pops up but nothing else
  5. what 30 mb nah thats too small James, A fully decrpyted Neo Geo rom is usually only 30 or 40 MB in size. You are thinking of encrypted rom sizes, which are usually 70 or 80 MB. i know this. but thanks for your input i say this because this rom is 29 mb and samsho5 and svc are 40 mb . and when unzipped it is 80 mb so to me some of them files are fake and some are real but who knows anyway as said before once this rom released properly everyone will know it all this messing around with this messed up roms is a waste of time . there is a user at Arcade@home who says his has good graphics but messed up sounds all is needed is to proove this .
  6. done that a blank black screen pops up but nothing else
  7. what 30 mb nah thats too small
  8. you need to create a folder called roms then put the rom in it which should be in the neorageX dir if it still shuts down then the rom is the problem get the newer neoragex like i said before and try again .
  9. No, it's not a fake. Also, there is this link, but it seems down : www.mame.cl/mslug5nd.zip the link above is missing the s1 rom it is fake or the dump is no good but i doubt that even the rom size is wrong You needn't S1 rom for text with Mame. It's the same thing with Mslug4d & Rotdd. i have mslug4.zip 61mb and rotd.zip 73 mb mame rom sets you are right with that but the rom size is wrong way too small to be mame rom i have allready done and it failed messed up graphics and sound when this rom is released properly it will have a s1 rom just like svc and samsho5 has theres no way that this rom is correct so if you write a driver and have it working then please come back and tell us all thank you
  10. i know but ive had enuff of this
  11. sorry there is no story mode in the english version
  12. did you extract the files to a folder them zip them up ? download from somewhere else not only that did you read my post i said use this emulator http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...es/neoragex.zip it is the same emulator that you trying to unzip it has no password the emu however need a key to be used which is this Name= HappyASR Key = A220-CC87-5884-0F96 please read and check my link thank you
  13. No, it's not a fake. Also, there is this link, but it seems down : www.mame.cl/mslug5nd.zip the link above is missing the s1 rom it is fake or the dump is no good but i doubt that even the rom size is wrong
  14. samsho5+nebula.by.svc.dump.team that i downloaded never had a password
  15. Name= HappyASR Key = A220-CC87-5884-0F96
  16. the p1 rom with the crc 8a86c728 works fine in neorageX this emu works fine http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...es/neoragex.zip also neoragex vh01.rar does not have a virus
  17. you may have missing files anyway what version of mame are you running
  18. svcplus crc 2a2516de released 11-23-03 3.18 pm
  19. the problems are the c and v roms i doubt there is any other problem to me this is a fake
  20. C roms are decrypted. P1 rom seems to be encrypted. V roms are encrypted : to decrypt them, cut V1 rom of 8 Mb in 2 parts to make decrypted V1 & V2 roms & cut V2 rom of 8 Mb in 2 parts to make decrypted V3 & V4 roms. spliting the roms does not decrypt them
  21. no they do not work
  22. I don't understand what you say about "real". Because you can find : SVC Plus (svcplus.zip) : dump of a bootleg PCB version ; it's hacked for "Plus" text & enabled hidden chara at select screen ; SVC Bootleg (svcbl.zip) : comes from the dump of SVC Plus ; hex edited to remove "Plus" text & enabled hidden chara at select screen. It's a version like the original SVC, but with the latest P1 rom Rockman Zero special move reset of the game bug stays when "Blood" is enabled. and what is the crc of this p1 rom that is for the svcbl For SVC Bootleg, use P1 rom (CRC : 9CFE4EDD) & S1 rom (CRC : 3334AC31). this is my p1 crc 0e2b56e0 which is in my svc rom the one you have is an older fix Also, about P1 you use : Released: 2003.11.15 P1 (CRC : E2B56E0) Author: Wesker from FGCH P1 (CRC : E2B56E0) was released before P1 (CRC : 9CFE4EDD). they were the same day so you are wrong yours P1 (CRC : 9CFE4EDD) Released: 2003.11.15 10.16.pm bugs in this p1 rom mine P1 (CRC : 0E2B56E0) Released: 2003.11.15 12.56 pm no bugs in this p1
  23. ok i have the mslug5p1.rar but it seems to missing mslug5p2.rar does someone have that file ?
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