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Everything posted by James

  1. the loader needs the ini file also the nebula must not be running when you use the loader this is what sould be in the ini file ;check=0x10000 [1] version=2.23 check=67aaa8fc delay=1000 maxdelay=2000 paddr=430000 oldop=890060d3 newop=9090909090 oplen=5 [2] version=2.23b check=939EAF46 delay=2000 maxdelay=6000 paddr=4CD629 oldop=F9812C74 newop=E91D000000 oplen=5 [3] version=2.23c check=F8BD8DF0 delay=2000 maxdelay=6000 paddr=4EEFD9 oldop=6302f981 newop=E923000000 oplen=5 [4] version=2.23d check=BD962b75 delay=2000 maxdelay=6000 paddr=4cfbea oldop=023d4b74 newop=E93c000000 oplen=5
  2. I don't understand what you say about "real". Because you can find : SVC Plus (svcplus.zip) : dump of a bootleg PCB version ; it's hacked for "Plus" text & enabled hidden chara at select screen ; SVC Bootleg (svcbl.zip) : comes from the dump of SVC Plus ; hex edited to remove "Plus" text & enabled hidden chara at select screen. It's a version like the original SVC, but with the latest P1 rom Rockman Zero special move reset of the game bug stays when "Blood" is enabled. and what is the crc of this p1 rom that is for the svcbl For SVC Bootleg, use P1 rom (CRC : 9CFE4EDD) & S1 rom (CRC : 3334AC31). this is my p1 crc 0e2b56e0 which is in my svc rom the one you have is an older fix
  3. new link to my mame32 78 compile MAME32 0.78.1b
  4. I don't understand what you say about "real". Because you can find : SVC Plus (svcplus.zip) : dump of a bootleg PCB version ; it's hacked for "Plus" text & enabled hidden chara at select screen ; SVC Bootleg (svcbl.zip) : comes from the dump of SVC Plus ; hex edited to remove "Plus" text & enabled hidden chara at select screen. It's a version like the original SVC, but with the latest P1 rom Rockman Zero special move reset of the game bug stays when "Blood" is enabled. and what is the crc of this p1 rom that is for the svcbl
  5. you should be able to find them in the mame 73 source ... but not svc or pim they were written by me
  6. since neogeo toolz has gone i have no idea try searching filemirrors
  7. ok that version plays both svc and svcplus on the left where it says allgames click that then scroll down to where it says snk vs capcam and try to load it a box will open showing it loading the rom if any problems this where it will show what i need you tell me what errors or what rom files it says it needs and we can see what happens from there...
  8. Hi everyone! I've downloaded the rom from the above and true enough it was locked... i can hear the audio but not the video, there was text on the top of the screen saying this game was locked... This is running on Nebula btw... I'm a noob at this so if anyone knows how to unlock it pls do help... or maybe suggest an easier way of getting to play this amazing game... Genjuro rocks! Cheers! to run this you need Nebula 2.23d and use the laoder or use Nebula 2.23c which need no loader but the dat is needed also runs on kawaks 146p that uses a loader
  9. sorry i could tell you till i was blue in the face you still would not understand .
  10. crap FBA getting it to run in Nebula is easy .there are too many emulators and FBA is one i will not support . if you like it then fine. just do not expect others to like it as well. try compileing it mame works great
  11. What should they look like for MAME? same as the nebula kawaks rom set it uses the same roms MAME32 0.78.1b ystem: NEO RomName: samsho5 Game: Samurai Shodown 5 [Program] 270-p1.bin,0,800000,611A6687,0 [Text] 270-s1.bin,0,20000,33227D62,0 [Z80] 270-m1.bin,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [samples] 270-v1.bin,0,400000,6849136C,0 270-v2.bin,400000,400000,222E1774,0 270-v3.bin,800000,400000,CD9E7ADC,0 270-v4.bin,C00000,400000,8B305CAC,0 [Graphics] 270-c1.bin,0,800000,4E7BDEA1,0 270-c2.bin,1,800000,7B444985,0 270-c3.bin,1000000,800000,8C709A9B,0 270-c4.bin,1000001,800000,CFD53F5C,0 270-c5.bin,2000000,800000,C026D318,0 270-c6.bin,2000001,800000,B3D9D204,0 270-c7.bin,3000000,800000,FE03A025,0 270-c8.bin,3000001,800000,89DB2D34,0 [system] CartridgeID: 270 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  12. yes but does it play all the others like svc and svcplus and pim,chhd2003, kof2001, kof2002, mslug4, rotd etc
  13. try here http://captaincps.paginafacil.com/epicente...sho5/ssv_c1.rar
  14. try here MAME32 0.78.1b but keep trying as it has limited bandwith
  15. if you were doing it right it would be working by all means wait for for the ps2 version . Hey, this is the first arcade game that I've even tried to play on an emulator. Its quite different than SNES 9X, VBA, Gens, ect. But even with all these added steps, I've still done everything according to this, and other sites that I've seen. I even have ALL Versions of the known SVC playable EMUs. But I guess I just want to play more for the "its not out yet" factor, so I'm not going to push it. but what i am saying if you have done it right it would work i have svc working on Nebula, Kawaks NeorageX and mame32 78 so i have idea what your problems is maybe if you told me which emu you are trying to run svc on i might be able to help you you best bet to get this to work would be mame .
  16. ok here is a link to my mame32 78 compile that plays samsho5..... plus svc and svcplus also all the removed neogeo roms
  17. Have Fun Running KEY: ------------ HappyASR A220-CC87-5884-0F96 EGCG D3BF-A6CC-3107-6A93 FGCH 1A96-17B5-2068-1BD6 Emu-Zone 6FB3-2BC0-A3B4-B5A5 ChinaEmu 196A-9B0A-9622-C6B2 EOC D363-BF4A-9631-08C6 EmuCN 8C07-C514-4181-3A4E EmuBar 864C-D13A-B150-35FD PPX A9EB-A730-DCF0-C2AD
  18. i have compiled mame32 78 which supports all removed neogeo plus svc and samsho5 but have no where to upload it ...... and here is the driver for samsho5 which no one gave me the drivers, which maybe where his source came from, which was posted at arcade@home --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Driver.c : --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRIVER( samsho5 ) /* 0270 © 2003 SNK */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neogeo.c: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROM_START( samsho5 ) /* Original Version */ ROM_REGION( 0x800000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "270-p1.bin ", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(611A6687) SHA1(55ff9122d64efd276e22a66fa443e0bebd079928) ) NEO_SFIX_128K( "270-s1.bin ", CRC(33227D62) SHA1(5f4b7ab642175657af212304783a1df98415ed44) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_128K( "270-m1.bin ", CRC(18114FB1) SHA1(016dc2f328340f3637a9bff373a20973df29f6b8) ) ROM_REGION( 0X1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) /* decrypted */ ROM_LOAD( "270-v1.bin ", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(6849136C) SHA1(5f8e7cc33b8d994165dd577a0d7e0eb2df16f07e) ) ROM_LOAD( "270-v2.bin ", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(222E1774) SHA1(3c1b2f37d4f2fa2cd7d6a6f04b3aedf6b2f4b089) ) ROM_LOAD( "270-v3.bin ", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(CD9E7ADC) SHA1(941ae992c004594885f635fdea3ac1c51bb5d469) ) ROM_LOAD( "270-v4.bin ", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(8B305CAC) SHA1(938e2600c0c2b3d4a0a362ef6e91850c32217f18) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c1.bin ", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(4E7BDEA1) SHA1(2376386e0e82820c0853cf39e27167f8c181980c) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c2.bin ", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(7B444985) SHA1(1f2941f6a1bee6391002b88277edcfa7554f10f3) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c3.bin ", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(8C709A9B) SHA1(92a03ccf08d301955b06f3323417b4f20d773428) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c4.bin ", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(CFD53F5C) SHA1(773b03fb6faa958eddee6b001ebb619f8a8d5b30) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c5.bin ", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(C026D318) SHA1(fec9a9309afe94f21e0f35ec992a39ce51deefc2) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c6.bin ", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(B3D9D204) SHA1(9dbcf6c179ea3a04c8ed26416e4e91324fd1cf11) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c7.bin ", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(FE03A025) SHA1(3a052869f6b46cffc5d1ea497b0d5f1f4d1874c2) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "270-c8.bin ", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(89DB2D34) SHA1(cd3f1e4ef631704c1078c915135a4510891bd429) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END GAMEB( 2003, samsho5, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, ROT0, "SNK", "Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits - Zero" )
  19. get it here http://www.classicgaming.com/mame32qa/down.htm
  20. Well it brought some sound to Zero Thanks (I forgot about that site). normally neogeo toolz has the fixes if you want the latest fixes please contact on AIM screen name jlaingt14
  21. try here http://svcmame.cjb.net/ and click on the fourth link that should fix the sounds the m1 from there is named like this 269-m1.bin if your is like this svc_m1.rom then rename the 269-m1.bin to svc_m1.rom
  22. the P1 rom can cause that problem too
  23. i am looking for this rom so i compile mame332 78
  24. when you updated the roms you also have to edit the dat as well . because the crc for the replced roms would of been changed
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