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Everything posted by James

  1. Hey GC,When U D/L The Zip(The ON eI m Downloading)Is It A BIO?If It Is,Do I Need To Drag The BIO Into The NRX File? Thx there is no need to download this as the new neorage allready runs svc without the new p1 rom http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...es/neoragex.zip and use the p1 roms from here http://svcmame.cjb.net/ all is needed to be done is make sure all your roms are named like this svc_??.rom
  2. In the my computer window.. 1) Click Tools 2) Select Folder Options 3) Click on the VIEW tab 4) Uncheck Hide Extensions for known file types There.. now try renaming the files. hey Gamecop when do you think you will be online as i would like to upload the mame32 78 emu ???
  3. i got my samsho5 rom from neogeo toolz works great but all the leechers have killed the site . no more neogeo toolz sad this is . and it is a shame many here have no idea how to run these games . even when they told how.they still complain.
  4. it does not run on the old version
  5. if you were doing it right it would be working by all means wait for for the ps2 version .
  6. check your rom names within the zip do they all look something like this svc_??.rom
  7. i have samsho5 working in Mame32 78 Kawaks 1.46p Nebula 2.23c and 2.23d with the loader and also running in NeorageX you must make sure your p1 rom has this CRC 8a86c728 and the roms should look like this ssv_??.rom
  8. samsho5 works in neorageX as long as you have this p1 rom with CRC 8A86C728
  9. SVC chaos 100% working in NRX!!!! no need to update the p1 rom if you have used my fixes http://www.neogamez.net/downloads/emulador...es/neoragex.zip if you have not used my fixes then go there now http://svcmame.cjb.net/ all you need to do use the p1 rom and rename the rom to svc_p1.rom and make sure all roms look like this svc_??.rom
  10. i have it working in mame .. rom known as samsho5.zip
  11. you need to use the loader not the nebula exe
  12. will be writting a driver for mame now works great in Nebaula tho
  13. thanks for your reply gandalfrockman lets close this topic now as it is pretty clear . no one cares about spyware or ad-aware on there pc's all they care about are roms. to all : all i can say to that do not come bicthing and asking why your pc is running slow
  14. the p1 rom would fix the colours all other fixes are here http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...php/fix_svc.php but will not work with your current version of mame
  15. ok np but i will say this ad-aware will not find it pest control does and if your version does not find it then it is outdated or you have not updated the dat for the program i know it is shareaza as this is the only time this spyware shows up when shareaza is installed and ran and the installer came from the shareaza homepage. but anyway if you say if does not have spyware you keep useing it . there are far better p2p programs anyway
  16. in my compile of mame pim can be used in mame and neorageX
  17. this will fix that problem http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...ixes/pim_p1.zip
  18. this version does not play online i have tried to compile a version that can be played online . but it has failed . if you really want to play online i suggest you use Nebula or kawaks if i get mame 77 or later to run online i will let this forum know .
  19. i use mame and mostly play svc and so far there is no bugs in the game and thats with the blood enabled. svcbl: no hidden bosses svcplus: hack hidden bosses can be selected Hey James Its me again..... How can I get the SVCPLS to display the hidden bosses also I need to fix SVC so the KO and flame colors can be corrected, and Iori's DM to cause damage..........Please help!!! looks like you put the p1 rom in the wrong rom set the new p1 rom is for the svc rom set not the svcplus where it says Download sVcPlus (M1,S1,P1 Rom Fixes Pack) For MAME click that link and only use the p1 rom from the fixes and paste into the svcplus.zip all fixes can be found here http://svcmame.cjb.net/ also where it says Download 269-m1 11-15-03.zip (FOR sVcPLUS).zip this m1 is also for the svc
  20. i use mame and mostly play svc and so far there is no bugs in the game and thats with the blood enabled. svcbl: no hidden bosses svcplus: hack hidden bosses can be selected
  21. svcplus is a hack svcbl is more like the original
  22. this is a memory issue and i doubt patching the rom will fix it ..from what i have seen the emu needs looking at.. if you have another pc like a P4 then try this emu http://svcmame.cjb.net/
  23. if you read the newz on that site you would know it is not there yet NEWS: 05/12/2003 15:54: Samurai showndown 5 and metal slug 5 are coming soon! Important to use SVC launch 146loader.exe (in Windows 95 compatibility mode if you are under XP). and if it going to show up anywhere.which is free is here http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool.../php/roms_3.php
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