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Everything posted by James

  1. no need to replace the roms open your dat file and change the crc to what is was expecting
  2. diid you read this thread at all ?? if you bothered to do so you would of seen that i allready said that
  3. what version is your pest control ?? mine is and the installer came from the shareaza home page and it is shareaza that has the spyware.
  4. i got neoragex v1.0b and run svc. the game hangs before the battle begins. is there a fix patch for this? thats the same problem on other versions of neorage x please read this thread properly as this has beed answered allready i must admit i am getting sick of this !! it is not working yet and it is unkown to when it may be fixed if at all !!!
  5. get this rom http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool.../roms/svcbl.zip then rename svcbl to svc.zip then go here http://svcmame.cjb.net/ then download the p1 and m1 roms which are the 3rd and 4th links unzip the m1 and p1 roms then patse them into the svc.zip there is no need to unzip the svc.zip
  6. no not really go to neogeotools and see the latest info svcbl is more like the original game svcplus is just a stupid hack so u can play the hidden players.....
  7. proper NRX roms should not need to be renamed.
  8. evrytime i start Shareaza this happens i start pestpatrol it finds this http://pestpatrol.com/PestInfo/s/savenow.asp i then delete it and then i rescan with pestpatrol it does not show up. then i start up shareaza again and after that do then scan and the file shows up again so its ad-aware spyware in shareaza it also shows up in spysweeper 2.1 Overview Summary: A single process runs at startup which monitors open IE windows and opens adverts when it sees targeted URLs and terms entered into forms. Some distributions of this software were bundled with a "WhenUDownload" control. One of the most pervasive pieces of piggyback software is dubbed "SaveNow," created by a company called WhenU.com. Distributed along with BearShare, iMesh and the Global DivX player that allows people to watch many online movies, it tracks where a person goes online and then pops up separate browser windows with targeted advertisements or special offers... continuously downloads updated information about new offers and keeps a record of where a person surfs on that person's own computer. It runs continually--even when the program it came with is not operating. Source SaveNow is installed on your computer as a module that comes with WhenUShop or other software that you download from the Internet... There are a vast number of offers and services available to Internet users that SaveNow may display... SaveNow's offers and information are provided to users by showing a limited number of relevant coupons and ads in the form of interstitials ("pop-up ads") and other ad formats. These offers and ads are shown when users visit various sites across the Internet, based on URLs visited by the user and/or search terms typed into search engines and/or the HTML content of the page viewed by the user. SaveNow's offers are delivered independently from the site the user happens to be visiting when they see a SaveNow offer. Source Collects info on user’s gender, age, what area the person resides, and his or her e-mail address which they share with others. Other info collected: referrers (HTTP Referrers, Top-level Domains, Search Engines, Keywords, Quality Index, Frequency Index, Newsgroup Referrers, and E-mail Referrers), visitor statistics (Major ISPs, Hostnames, Browsers, OSes, Countries, Timezones, Plug-Ins, Screens, Colors, Java, and JavaScript), and more. Alias: Adware-SaveNow [McAfee] Category: Adware: Software that brings ads to your computer. Such ads may or may not be targeted, but are "injected" and/or popup, and are not merely displayed within the form of an ad-sponsored application. Variants: SaveNow/B comes without the WhenUDownload component. SaveNow/Db is the same as the Save variant, but includes an ActiveX 'marker' control to prevent it being installed twice. SaveNow/Download SaveNow/Download comes bundled with a "WhenUDownload" ActiveX control. SaveNow/Save is a new version, rebranded as 'Save!', which works in the same manner. Similar Pests: Adware Origins Group: WhenU., Inc. By This Group: SaveNow/Download Date of Origin: Variants from April, 2002 to November, 2003 Distribution Distribution: BearShare and other P2P applications are bundled with SaveNow, as it RadLight video player, and all software distributed by Galt Technologies. The Db variant is also installed by drive-by-download in advertisements. Prevalence: SaveNow: 1.0% of all pest reports (1021 per 100,000 reports) More Info Clot Factor: SaveNow: On average, 32 objects detected in each machine The "Clot Factor" is a measure of how much a pest "gums up" a machine by adding registry entries, files, and directories. As more objects are placed in a machine, manual removal becomes more difficult and more error-prone. Countries Affected: In the past three months, we have received reports of SaveNow in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States. Growth: SaveNow: Increased 207.9% over the last 90 days Operation Advertising: Yes. SaveNow keeps a list of URLs and terms it is interested in on disk, in the file 'SaveNow\savenow.db' in Program Files. This file is obfuscated but it is trivial to decode.* The (large - often over a megabyte) file maps from these targets to advertisements to serve, which are downloaded through Akamai's proxies. Storage Required: SaveNow: at least 15569KB Risks Privacy Issues: As well as downloading the pop-up ads, SaveNow connects to WhenU's servers to log the ad impression. It passes the name of the affiliate software which installed the software, the ID of the advert being shown, and the site URL or term that caused the pop-up to be triggered. Privacy Policy: Privacy policy. Security Issues: No. Stability Issues: Yes. Can cause frequent crashes. Detection and Removal Automatic Removal: PestPatrol detects this. PestPatrol removes this. Manual Removal: SaveNow/B and SaveNow/Save can be removed from the Control Panel's 'Add/Remove Programs' option. SaveNow/Db does not provide an Add/Remove Program entry and must be removed manually. SaveNow/Download may be removed through the Control Panel, but leaves an ActiveX control behind, see below for removal. Finally, SaveNow often also installs 'WeatherCast', a system tray icon that displays the current weather conditions. Unless you find this useful for some reason, you should probably also remove this from Add/Remove Programs. Open the registry (Start->Run->regedit) and find the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run Delete the 'SaveNow' or 'WhenUSave' value. Reboot and you should be able to delete the 'SaveNow' or 'Save' folder inside 'Program Files'. To remove the ActiveX objects installed by the Download and Db variants, open the 'Downloaded Program Files' folder inside the Windows folder, and deleting the SaveNow object - the name of this is 'WhenUDownload' in the Download variant, and 'FC327B3F-377B-4CB7-8B61-27CD69816BC3' in the Db variant.
  9. no doubt you know this but Shareaza has spyware
  10. keep an eye on this site http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool.../php/roms_3.php
  11. you can get a virus from any p2p not just kazaa i rarely get a virus from kazaa . if i find one it can also be found on edonkey and others the main thing you need to do is check file size thats where some people are caught out....
  12. you are offtopic this thread is for svcplus anyway all nrx rom files should be named like this for CTHD for example cth_p1.rom it will only see the first three digits
  13. i use mame mostly,,, Kawaks 1.46p (hack loader),nebula 2.23c which the roms work in all three
  14. svcplus works fine on mine check the name of the rom it should be named like this svc_p1.rom your file might be named somthing different
  15. Kazaa Lite is so far working well . and will use it untill it stops lets see how long that takes many people are not aware that there's two versions of kazaa kazaa media desktop (full of spyware) kazaa lite ( spyware removed ) and in case you do not know Shareaza has spyware also D.C has some .... you can get a virus from any P2P network thats not just a kazaa problem ....
  16. snk Vs capcom was good but hey i think all neogeo games are good do there you go.
  17. It is hacked for the "Plus" & boss heads at chara select screen. But : can you prove the dump of SVC released on the Net isn't bootleg ? i never said it was not a bootleg i said i owned the jamma pcb and thats not a bootleg and i also said the svc (snk Vs capcom chaos) is the closest you get to the proper rom please i know what hacked means svcplus is not a proper arcade and is not an offical game its a hacked rom.that someone has put on the net... i doubt you will find svcplus on any proper arcade machine.. now can you proove that it is a bootleg and do not link to me some site. there's a site that says the hacked svcplus is the parent rom and the svcbl is the clone of svc. now that does not seem right how could the hacked rom set be the parent rom. its more like the other way round svcbl parent svcplus clone
  18. bootleg is a clone of the original game that is altered so it can run PCB is the board that goes inside the arcade machine . which has the game on it ....
  19. SVCPLUS is a hacked rom set nothing more svc is the closest thing you going to get to the original games i no longer use SVCPLUS i own the svc jamma pcb and in no way is a bootleg. the so called bootleg works the same as my pcb jamma game board apart from sound issues with the rom it is pefect ...
  20. From the end user's point of view, it makes no difference whether the emulator's design supports drivers or not. Because either way requires an upgrade. Would SVC work on a version of mame/kawaks/nebula released last year? No, you had to get a recent version for the game to even show on the load list. hhmm i compiled mame version 53 and svc( snk Vs Capcom Chaos)works fine and the driver had to be written for that mame version but works just as good works better on the older pc's that version ... and yes you can get svc to work in Nebula and kawaks from versions was released last year. thats what a dat is for ... and i was never talking about end-user stuff anyway . i am talking about the fact neorage has issues on games that run perfect on mame,nebula, kawaks yet need to be patched to work on Neorage and by all means if i had an older pc then yes i would use neorage X and i hope soon for the rest that like neorage i hope they get SVC to work on it (patched rom )
  21. NRX will work on any new release as long as the game does not use any hardware features it does not emulate. Try saying the same thing on the present version for those other emus in a year or two. They will not even show on the game list even if the software uses features that are fully emulated. Whether or not an emu is hacked or not is only an issue if you're a developer interested in the source code or internal design. End users could hardly bother. as for new games NRX will not emulate any more off the new neogeo's as the system will be changeing but mame on the other hand could emulate it if the right drivers are written for it NRX has no drivers and thats where it will be limited. here's a good example Snk Vs Capcom chaos NRX cannot emulate it yet mame can and its not hacked and no patches... A driver was written for it . to get some games working in NRX is to patch the rom now that say something about neorage...
  22. I saw CTHD at [http://www.fight-zone.net/neogeoroms.htm] but it seems to be neorage version, Its the same name so whether it works on NEBULA I don't know. the mame version of croching tiger hidden dragon works in nebula the neorage version CHTD will not work in nebula unless you have the correct dat. anyway lets keep this thread in the topic and that is svcplus
  23. The reason why these emus are always updated is becos the game list is hard wired into the exe. The moment their authors stop supporting them, newer games cannot be supported without some hacking skills. NRX, on the other hand, allows the game list to be edited by the user. Sure, there are oddball games now and then that won't run, but the advantages outweight the disadvantages, IMO. i have svc in mame so NRX is not needed also run svc on kawaks and nebula. Non hacked emulators . so that means the other emulators can play more of neogeo rom that neorage can therefore the thing about support is not an issue
  24. this is going off topic this thread is for svc
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