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Everything posted by James

  1. i knew that but it is running in mame hehe you will see svc running in mame in three years time runs most neogeo games pretty good
  2. hhmm what might be on that site ??? do u mean svcplus ???
  3. so far the svcplus is not working in NRX (neoragex) not all oms work in neoragex as there are differnt types of roms
  4. neorage x http://www.zophar.net/Files/NeoRAGExp0.8c.zip
  5. anyone know where i can upload two rom files svc and svcplus let me know if you know anyone PS these roms are for mame
  6. i have windows Xp and i use neorage x
  7. yes thats another hack i allready have that and wont use it there is to many rom hacks i will use the original rom hack whick can be found here http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...cks/svcplus.zip (has two files in the zip the s1 which has the flashing plus text and the p1 which shows bosses properly unlike the that other hack ) while the hack is good i use the original more i use the cheats to play some of the bosses if you have sound problems use this rom http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...ixes/269-m1.zip its not my rom so i will not take credit for it
  8. was good but i seen no changes between yours and mine they work the same. so it appears... (like you said )
  9. you have used the wrong p1 rom that was meant the svc rom not the svcplus ( the the newest p1 rom on svcmame is not for the svcplus it was meant for the svc rom) click here http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/svc/svc_P1.zip this is the correct rom and paste this into the svcplus zip
  10. the reason for that is you need to fix the dat file for svcplus as the crc has changed (thats if you have replaced the roms ) nebula and kawaks use the same type of dat just say you have downloaded this rom 269-p1.com to run in your emulator nebula or kawaks you will need to rename it to svc_p1.rom And even if it says wrong files it should still run it looks to me you should not be messing with your rom sets as you seem to have no idea what you are doing maybe you should find a good friend who can help you that is close by .
  11. do not use the original p1 rom for the svcplus use this m1 rom to fix the voices http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/svc/svc_m1.zip and here is the p1 you should use for svcplus http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/svc/svc_P1.zip
  12. you can still use them mame fixes as long as you rename the same as your older roms
  13. Yea i have 1.46p as well Im using win2k and it has no option to change compatability which is the only thing I can think of that might make it work. Main reason i wanna get it in 1.46 is so I can play online, playing against the computer is boring and im the only user on kaillera that I have know of thats using 1.45 and i desync after 1-2 mins, havn't seen any nebula users either do u have aim i could send you mine but it will need to be set up again the asr file willl have to be replaced with yours
  14. what emu is this for http://svcmame.cjb.net/ if you use the roms from there you will need to rename them to svc_??.rom
  15. if u r useing kawaks or nebula you do not rename the roms
  16. do u have the correct rom set ?
  17. ok thanks
  18. he does that as well and still does but when he has his arms folded he laughs there is no sound he did have the sound from the first release of the rom he is not the only one who is missing voices is there anywhere i can get the m1 rom you have ? i would like to test it out
  19. i undertand what you said but the crc is differnt and the m1 i have has the fixes for the voices as well Geese, Demitri, Violent Ken did you patch it yourself or did you download this from somewhere and did it fix the voices for bison he lost his laugh when he wins the fight ? in my m1 rom that is
  20. dam where's that attack button anyway hi there
  21. hhmm did you update your m1 rom as that crc does not match any of the my m1 roms that i have on file ? or any that i have seen on the net have tried this one http://emulacity.redtotalonline.com/ngtool...ixes/269-m1.zip
  22. I've been reading the thread since day one practically and do you really think i'm naive enough to not set the rompath!? I did say I have it running in kawaks 1.45 because the games in the.dat file show up in 1.45 in the list even when you don't have the roms. Like I said, kawaks 1.46 loader isn't showing games from the.dat file in the game list. For me both the hacked loader and the original winkawaks.exe display identical game lists. This isn't a problem with the rom itself, ive checked all crc entries in the.dat file alongside the rom and they are identical, but the rom won't run unless it appears in the gamelist. It has to be a problem with the hacked loader somewhere, what a lot of people don't realise is there are around 5 versions of it going around in different 1.46 hacks, but the build of the loader is the same in each so theres no point trying different loaders. Someone suggest something besides renaming roms and setting rom paths plz Just a quick note, setting the rompath will only result in displaying games that you have in your roms dir when you select the Only Available option in kawaks, it doesn't change the default gamelist that is displayed when you select Only Missing which is the problem i'm having, SNK Vs Capcom should show up in the missing list but it doesnt, so its not gonna appear even if i have it coz the emulator doesnt actually know it exists what os are you useing ? my loader works fine i am useing the one that was called 1.46p it worked first time and was the one that came from neogames have you right clicked on the loader and changed the compatibilty to win 2000 or win 98 ? maybe you have have you tried Nebula works fine .... there's no loader needed. i use 2.23c
  23. did you try to config the rom path to where your roms are ? did you read this ? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...=310#entry16167
  24. um it was not a hint and like i said it was here and wow and it was on the second last page 34 i just clsiked once and now my wrist is sore http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...=310#entry16167
  25. please read this thread from page one i am sure there is an answer there
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