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Everything posted by James

  1. okay, I'm new to this whole rom and emulator thing. I actually did it just to play this game. And it's not working. I downloaded the svckawaksFIX emulator and it works with all the other games i have BUT svc. when I downloaded it from this website, it turns out to be about 27,394 KB according to my WinXP. you say it's supposed to be 40.1 MB, and i'm wondering what I'm doing wrong for this not to work. all the "SVC Chaos" roms have the title svcplus.zip, but they don't work. I have them in the.\Roms directory of my Kawaks emulator, and I scan for it all the time, but it never picks it up. Once again, i'm new to this whole thing, so bare with me for now please. thanks three new links for the rom here http://www.neogamez.net/
  2. you copy this into the cheat dat within mame folder ; [ SNK versus Capcom Chaos Plus / bootleg ] svcplus:0:10A239:E0:000:Infinite Energy PL1 svcplus:0:10A239:70:000:Infinite Energy (Red) PL1 svcplus:0:10A1E8:63:000:Always Max Power PL1 svcplus:0:10A1E9:FF:500:Always Max Power PL1 svcplus:0:10A21D:20:500:Always Max Power PL1 svcplus:0:1000A4:01:000:Infinite Exceed PL1 svcplus:0:10A247:70:000:Infinite Guard PL1 svcplus:0:101353:21:000:Play as Mr.Karate (Super) PL1 svcplus:0:101353:23:000:Play as Shin-Gouki PL1 svcplus:0:101353:0F:000:Play as Princess Athena PL1 svcplus:0:101353:1F:000:Play as Red Arremer PL1 svcplus:0:10A239:00:000:No Energy PL1 svcplus:0:10A1E8:00:000:No Power PL1 svcplus:0:10A1E9:00:500:No Power PL1 svcplus:0:10A247:00:000:No Guard PL1 svcplus:0:10AC15:5B:000:Infinite Time svcplus:0:10ABDD:08:000:Stage 1 Clear to Ending svcplus:0:10A4B9:E0:000:Infinite Energy PL2 svcplus:0:10A4B9:70:000:Infinite Energy (Red) PL2 svcplus:0:10A468:63:000:Always Max Power PL2 svcplus:0:10A469:FF:500:Always Max Power PL2 svcplus:0:10A49D:20:500:Always Max Power PL2 svcplus:0:1000A5:01:000:Infinite Exceed PL2 svcplus:0:10A4C7:70:000:Infinite Guard PL2 svcplus:0:1015D3:21:000:Play as Mr.Karate (Super) PL2 svcplus:0:1015D3:23:000:Play as Shin-Gouki PL2 svcplus:0:1015D3:0F:000:Play as Princess Athena PL2 svcplus:0:1015D3:1F:000:Play as Red Arremer PL2 svcplus:0:10A4B9:00:000:No Energy PL2 svcplus:0:10A468:00:000:No Power PL2 svcplus:0:10A469:00:500:No Power PL2 svcplus:0:10A4C7:00:000:No Guard PL2
  3. i know of a aussie site that has complete mame rom sets up to mame 77
  4. i think a good thing to do is to remove the older stuff ( this will lower the bandwith as most people are downloading all the files even tho they do not need all of them )....... ...and only keep the latest updates meaning the three files i sent plus the driver and nothing else and maybe close it down for awhile i think some of the bandwith is comming from arcade@home now i am sure i should of only told people VIA the u2u this was my thoughts were allready there are many leechers out there
  5. there are two cheat dats if you trying to use the mame cheat it wont work with nebula there was a dat posted here on this thread for the nebula emulator i am not sure what page it is on also there was good dat the nebula as well please check all the pages here i am mostly working on my mame version
  6. first Updated Universal MAME/Nebula/WinKawaks DAT File After Patch... is not needed if you are going to use mame if you have intsalled the latest m1 patch it will not work you have to wait until the mame32 77(my version not the offical) is uploaded there has been a delay here is the rom names for mame this needs to be done for it to work in mame svcplus.zip 269-p1.bin 269-s1.bin 269-m1.bin 269-v1.bin 269-v2.bin 269-v3.bin 269-v4.bin 269-c1.bin 269-c2.bin 269-c3.bin 269-c4.bin 269-c5.bin 269-c6.bin 269-c7.bin 269-c8.bin
  7. It's the server. All servers are flying down because of these high winds and rains. I'm currently backing up the server just in case it doesn't come back up in the next few hours. If it doesn't, I'll upload the sites somewhere else. ah ok did the latest updates get added or were unable to upload due to the problems i hope it will be ok as you have put in alot work into it edit ok i seen your edit
  8. http://svcmame.cjb.net/ site seems to be offline is it me or is it the server ??????????????? this is the error i am getting You are not authorized to view this page You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the emulforums.host.sk home page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also this error Forbidden You don't have permission to access /svcmame.htm on this server HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Internet Explorer
  9. Hi alexis well if you are happy with the way it is then leave it like it is thanks for the reply................ i know it freezes up in NRX..... i am not sure if it does on mame or kawaks oh yeah this off topic if you play Matrimelee (NRX) it now can be played on my version of mame theres no need to rename files works as is
  10. you copy then paste the mame cheat dat into cheat.dat within the mame folder the dat can be opened by useing note pad
  11. the patches are not because it freezes up they are fixes for sound and player problem
  12. you would need the cheat dat here http://svcmame.cjb.net/
  13. I tried adding it to the MAME rom I even renamed it but then MAME said it was missing and would'nt run whats gonna happen? i have put this fix in mame 77 the new release i am waiting on gamecop to upload it for me EDIT : ok i have sent gamecop the (mame32 77)fixes and mame32 77 will be uploaded in an hour or so from the time of this edit... Gamecop is very busy at the momnet also has anyone tried to play it in kawaks since the latest fix the emulation is messed up on that emulator but on Nebula and Mame 77 (that i compiled ) it runs perfect
  14. the reason is that i answered other people with differnt things they asked there it had to be done like that so they knew who i was replieing to and if bother to look i use the edit i will no longer reply to you thank you GC EDIT: Enough Flaming Please edit why did you remove my last part of the mesage
  15. i have not doubled posted all my posts are updated and i also edit some of my posts if you look at the bottom of some my posts you will see that
  16. that was fixed with the new p1 rom can be found here http://www.neogamez.net/
  17. try here http://animeh2.com/main1.php?id=emu.html
  18. New Update mame32 77 This M1 update adds voices to Geese and Demitri! the fixed m1 rom and emulator mame32 77 will be updated soon also new romcenter dat will be as well also fixed is the mame driver which is shown above
  19. it shows up on my list as working did you get the latest emulator was added yesterday mame32 76.1.svc did you replace the rom pacthes s1, m1, p1 rom
  20. driver re written some parts were re added since the last driver this will be the final driver there will be no need to update your emulator this is only for those who compile there own version of mame i will add the romcenter dat for the current version of mame 76.1.svc which go in the datas folder within romcenter directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRC>DRIVER.C DRIVER( svcplus ) /* 0269 © SNK versus Capcom chaos/bootleg */ SRC>DRIVERS>NEOGEO.C ROM_START( svcplus ) /* Bootleg */ ROM_REGION( 0x600000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "269-p1.bin ", 0x000000, 0x600000, CRC(7bdc4420) SHA1(d1c9859efb9d3910ac6fb015678051a0384c79e6) ) NEO_SFIX_128K( "269-s1.bin ", CRC(bc670454) SHA1(468641985fd3136235510bc48781039ef7b05c64) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_128K( "269-m1.bin ", CRC(932AB489) SHA1(3e5a58595d7fd0cb9f7668329c091c033cedd43e) ) ROM_REGION( 0X1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) /* decrypted */ ROM_LOAD( "269-v1.bin ", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(e7203930) SHA1(c6753df1db87d223ee39ffac920da449127dbcdf) ) ROM_LOAD( "269-v2.bin ", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(675159c3) SHA1(c3a4f6db61dfab5bc31bfe94e1c3915676347031) ) ROM_LOAD( "269-v3.bin ", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(f8810665) SHA1(fc1e94629a5124076959938257a80d04b2e871eb) ) ROM_LOAD( "269-v4.bin ", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(b57b4ea3) SHA1(873dc7f5eae687bc70af01ea310e935287de0ebf) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c1.bin ", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(465d473b) SHA1(0b2be2b2657c2ae021ec91515d1d6306179751d5) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c2.bin ", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(3eb28f78) SHA1(df1b096fe95796db1515b69f74266ed13dd9ee56) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c3.bin ", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(f4d4ab2b) SHA1(a19788435173540469fe5d07429a83dde6d701a0) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c4.bin ", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(a69d523a) SHA1(98d8dac2e40f71b5b8426d3c77476a0a20783181) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c5.bin ", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(ba2a7892) SHA1(eed45e1330dcc9f610598dc53977bf3a81dd161a) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c6.bin ", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(37371ca1) SHA1(8aaa1b9ea34470085d9944c9ad64cfb0ffe09859) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c7.bin ", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(56ac5fb9) SHA1(74cb0d57060d25e35f76a9820f607633bd1b9c2c) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "269-c8.bin ", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(de99e613) SHA1(f28c6af4a31a937e5b441d4b860e3ccca725f27a) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END GAMEB( 2003, svcplus, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, ROT0, "Playmore Corporation / Capcom", "SNK versus Capcom Chaos Plus / bootleg" ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. do you use romcenter ? i have created an updated a dat file for romcenter which has not been uploaded yet which fixes the roms for you here is a pic of the rom set svcplus Hey James Im having trouble renaming the roms to "bin" I have romcenter..............what do I do ? Please help romcenter can change them for you you right click on the rom svcplus then left clcik fix file the dat for romcenter is not updated on http://svcmame.cjb.net/ i need have it uploaded you can make your own dat by doing a mame import
  22. hhhmm this not a problem you need the latest neogeo bios
  23. alright something's wrong. Everytime i Load the rom on Nebula, it crashes every time. I even tried renaming the roms and all that. Any suggestions ? if you are useing the dat i created then there is need to rename roms i have heard of this problem before on nebula i am pretty sure it is not the rom s but i am unsure what the problem maybe a clean installl of nebula may help tho
  24. do you use romcenter ? i have created an updated a dat file for romcenter which has not been uploaded yet which fixes the roms for you here is a pic of the rom set svcplus
  25. yes that will work only with the patched roms
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