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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. There is still a chance you would be getting NRX roms by doing that .
  2. Good to see it online . Was anything lost ?
  3. Tell me more and I will give you some good tips on wanking
  4. 80 I think
  5. I am still in my 30's 35 will be 36 on November 17th I am sure there are members older than me here .
  6. You know those GFX cards are Nvidia right ?
  7. Your ISP does offer higher speeds than that . But with limits Bigpond sucks . This is mine which over a network though . The download speed should be faster. dslreports.com speed test result on 2006-09-17 07:52:50 EST: 687 / 203 Your download speed : 687 kbps or 85.9 KB/sec. Your upload speed : 203 kbps or 25.4 KB/sec.
  8. There is no other emu that plays that many game as mame does . If you have a slow PC then yes Mame will be slow . Other emu's use hacks just to get the game running at full speed . To me true emulation is getting the game close to original as possible . Mame emulates the hardware as well the game which does explain why it may use more resources .
  9. Why is Mame slow ? nearly all games run at full speed here Just a few CHD's run slow
  10. Cause he wants to use kawaks . Just because you may like NRX does not mean everyone else has to use it . Such an old hacked up emu anyway .
  11. If you were after the P1 then yes you were asking for the roms .
  12. NRX can be a pain to use just like all other emulators . I rather use an emu that does not use hacked up roms like NRX does . If people have slower PC's then FBA Kawaks nebula would be best, If you have a high end pc then Mame would be good .
  13. I think your topic description might be a tad wrong . Haze's emu emulates both systems by saying its a sms emulator would confuse some people, Since many would think its the Sega Master System only . This is a Sega Master System This is the Sega Mega Drive / Genesis
  14. It would help a great deal if you could tell us what emulator you useing for your neogeo rom sets . Also you cannot ask for roms here .
  15. Good review May not be a good game machine but seems ok for other things .
  16. http://haze.mameworld.info/2006/08/26/hazemd-005a/ Cheats can be found here
  17. My keyboard does not have LED's, I never used that option in mame anyway . Not even NumLock/CapsLock/ScrollLock LEDs? Nope, They show up on screen
  18. I had few older roms that I zipped up like it is done for mame and it works . It seems haze might of removed his Mame32 version so I uploaded it to rapidshare .The link is in my post above
  19. There was already a Mame32 frontend that haze made http://haze.mameworld.info/2006/08/11/hazemd-002a/ Haze's frontend build seems to be missing now, I have it though I have uploaded it to rapidshare http://rapidshare.de/files/29923182/hazemd32_002a.zip.html I have been playing around with the source and some of the roms from the megatech driver work as well on this . Not sure about the megaplay system though . I even added Sega Arcade Classics my build, Need to remove the useless folders and do alot of renameing in the source and a icon for the exe so it no longer shows an arcade machine icon .
  20. My keyboard does not have LED's, I never used that option in mame anyway .
  21. this may help [0] Name=Infinite Time Limit 0=Off,0,0 1=On,10A7E7,99 [1] Name=P1 Health 0=Off,0,0 1=Infinite,108238,66 2=Red,108238,11 [2] Name=P2 Health 0=Off,0,0 1=Infinite,108438,66 2=Red,108438,11 [3] Name=P1 Power Gauge 0=Off,0,0 1=0 Stock,1081E9,00 2=1 Stock,1081E9,30 3=2 Stock,1081E9,60 4=3 Stock,1081E9,90 [4] Name=P2 Power Gauge 0=Off,0,0 1=0 Stock,1083E9,00 2=1 Stock,1083E9,30 3=2 Stock,1083E9,60 4=3 Stock,1083E9,90 [5] Name=Power Gauge Quick Recover 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,10821D,00 2=P2 On,10841D,00 3=P1&P2 On,10821D,00,10841D,00 [6] Name=Infinite Striker Bomb 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,1082E2,05 2=P2 On,1084E2,05 3=P1&P2,1082E2,05,1084E2,05 [7] Name=No Gauge Abandon Time 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,10823A,01,10823B,00 2=P2 On,10843A,01,10843B,00 3=P1&P2,10823A,01,10823B,00,10843A,01,10843B,00 [8] Name=Action Speed Up 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,10817B,00 2=P2 On,10837B,00 3=P1&P2,10817B,00,10837B,00 [9] Name=No Hit Stop 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,108225,00 2=P2 On,108425,00 3=P1&P2,108225,00,108425,00 [10] Name=Action Speed Up (Striker) 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,10117B,00 2=P2 On,10137B,00 3=P1&P2,10117B,00,10137B,00 [11] Name=No Special Effect 0=Off,0,0 1=On,10257B,00,10237B,01 [12] Name=Striker Flag 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 Off,1081E6,04,10EC86,00 [13] Name=P1 Character 1 Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A7FB,00 2=Maxima,10A7FB,01 3=Benimaru,10A7FB,02 4=Shingo,10A7FB,03 5=Terry,10A7FB,04 6=Andy,10A7FB,05 7=Joe,10A7FB,06 8=Mai,10A7FB,07 9=Ryo,10A7FB,08 10=Robert,10A7FB,09 11=Yuri,10A7FB,0a 12=Takuma,10A7FB,0b 13=Leona,10A7FB,0c 14=Ralf,10A7FB,0d 15=Clark,10A7FB,0e 16=Whip,10A7FB,0f 17=Athena,10A7FB,10 18=Kensou,10A7FB,11 19=Chin,10A7FB,12 20=Bao,10A7FB,13 21=King,10A7FB,14 22=Mary,10A7FB,15 23=Kasumi,10A7FB,16 24=Xiangfei,10A7FB,17 25=Kim,10A7FB,18 26=Chang,10A7FB,19 27=Choi,10A7FB,1a 28=Jhun,10A7FB,1b 29=Kyo,10A7FB,1c 30=Ramon,10A7FB,1D 31=Iori,10A7FB,1E 32=Vanessa,10A7FB,1F 33=Lin,10A7FB,20 34=Seti,10A7FB,21 35=Kula,10A7FB,22 36=Zero,10A7FB,23 [14] Name=P1 Character 2 Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A7FA,00 2=Maxima,10A7FA,01 3=Benimaru,10A7FA,02 4=Shingo,10A7FA,03 5=Terry,10A7FA,04 6=Andy,10A7FA,05 7=Joe,10A7FA,06 8=Mai,10A7FA,07 9=Ryo,10A7FA,08 10=Robert,10A7FA,09 11=Yuri,10A7FA,0a 12=Takuma,10A7FA,0b 13=Leona,10A7FA,0c 14=Ralf,10A7FA,0d 15=Clark,10A7FA,0e 16=Whip,10A7FA,0f 17=Athena,10A7FA,10 18=Kensou,10A7FA,11 19=Chin,10A7FA,12 20=Bao,10A7FA,13 21=King,10A7FA,14 22=Mary,10A7FA,15 23=Kasumi,10A7FA,16 24=Xiangfei,10A7FA,17 25=Kim,10A7FA,18 26=Chang,10A7FA,19 27=Choi,10A7FA,1a 28=Jhun,10A7FA,1b 29=Kyo,10A7FA,1c 30=Ramon,10A7FA,1D 31=Iori,10A7FA,1E 32=Vanessa,10A7FA,1F 33=Lin,10A7FA,20 34=Seti,10A7FA,21 35=Kula,10A7FA,22 36=Zero,10A7FA,23 [15] Name=P1 Character 3 Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A7FD,00 2=Maxima,10A7FD,01 3=Benimaru,10A7FD,02 4=Shingo,10A7FD,03 5=Terry,10A7FD,04 6=Andy,10A7FD,05 7=Joe,10A7FD,06 8=Mai,10A7FD,07 9=Ryo,10A7FD,08 10=Robert,10A7FD,09 11=Yuri,10A7FD,0a 12=Takuma,10A7FD,0b 13=Leona,10A7FD,0c 14=Ralf,10A7FD,0d 15=Clark,10A7FD,0e 16=Whip,10A7FD,0f 17=Athena,10A7FD,10 18=Kensou,10A7FD,11 19=Chin,10A7FD,12 20=Bao,10A7FD,13 21=King,10A7FD,14 22=Mary,10A7FD,15 23=Kasumi,10A7FD,16 24=Xiangfei,10A7FD,17 25=Kim,10A7FD,18 26=Chang,10A7FD,19 27=Choi,10A7FD,1a 28=Jhun,10A7FD,1b 29=Kyo,10A7FD,1c 30=Ramon,10A7FD,1D 31=Iori,10A7FD,1E 32=Vanessa,10A7FD,1F 33=Lin,10A7FD,20 34=Seti,10A7FD,21 35=Kula,10A7FD,22 36=Zero,10A7FD,23 [16] Name=P1 Striker Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A7FC,00 2=Maxima,10A7FC,01 3=Benimaru,10A7FC,02 4=Shingo,10A7FC,03 5=Terry,10A7FC,04 6=Andy,10A7FC,05 7=Joe,10A7FC,06 8=Mai,10A7FC,07 9=Ryo,10A7FC,08 10=Robert,10A7FC,09 11=Yuri,10A7FC,0a 12=Takuma,10A7FC,0b 13=Leona,10A7FC,0c 14=Ralf,10A7FC,0d 15=Clark,10A7FC,0e 16=Whip,10A7FC,0f 17=Athena,10A7FC,10 18=Kensou,10A7FC,11 19=Chin,10A7FC,12 20=Bao,10A7FC,13 21=King,10A7FC,14 22=Mary,10A7FC,15 23=Kasumi,10A7FC,16 24=Xiangfei,10A7FC,17 25=Kim,10A7FC,18 26=Chang,10A7FC,19 27=Choi,10A7FC,1a 28=Jhun,10A7FC,1b 29=Kyo,10A7FC,1c 30=Ramon,10A7FC,1D 31=Iori,10A7FC,1E 32=Vanessa,10A7FC,1F 33=Lin,10A7FC,20 34=Seti,10A7FC,21 35=Kula,10A7FC,22 36=Zero,10A7FC,23 [17] Name=P2 Character 1 Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A80E,00 2=Maxima,10A80E,01 3=Benimaru,10A80E,02 4=Shingo,10A80E,03 5=Terry,10A80E,04 6=Andy,10A80E,05 7=Joe,10A80E,06 8=Mai,10A80E,07 9=Ryo,10A80E,08 10=Robert,10A80E,09 11=Yuri,10A80E,0a 12=Takuma,10A80E,0b 13=Leona,10A80E,0c 14=Ralf,10A80E,0d 15=Clark,10A80E,0e 16=Whip,10A80E,0f 17=Athena,10A80E,10 18=Kensou,10A80E,11 19=Chin,10A80E,12 20=Bao,10A80E,13 21=King,10A80E,14 22=Mary,10A80E,15 23=Kasumi,10A80E,16 24=Xiangfei,10A80E,17 25=Kim,10A80E,18 26=Chang,10A80E,19 27=Choi,10A80E,1a 28=Jhun,10A80E,1b 29=Kyo,10A80E,1c 30=Ramon,10A80E,1D 31=Iori,10A80E,1E 32=Vanessa,10A80E,1F 33=Lin,10A80E,20 34=Seti,10A80E,21 35=Kula,10A80E,22 36=Zero,10A80E,23 [18] Name=P2 Character 2 Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A811,00 2=Maxima,10A811,01 3=Benimaru,10A811,02 4=Shingo,10A811,03 5=Terry,10A811,04 6=Andy,10A811,05 7=Joe,10A811,06 8=Mai,10A811,07 9=Ryo,10A811,08 10=Robert,10A811,09 11=Yuri,10A811,0a 12=Takuma,10A811,0b 13=Leona,10A811,0c 14=Ralf,10A811,0d 15=Clark,10A811,0e 16=Whip,10A811,0f 17=Athena,10A811,10 18=Kensou,10A811,11 19=Chin,10A811,12 20=Bao,10A811,13 21=King,10A811,14 22=Mary,10A811,15 23=Kasumi,10A811,16 24=Xiangfei,10A811,17 25=Kim,10A811,18 26=Chang,10A811,19 27=Choi,10A811,1a 28=Jhun,10A811,1b 29=Kyo,10A811,1c 30=Ramon,10A811,1D 31=Iori,10A811,1E 32=Vanessa,10A811,1F 33=Lin,10A811,20 34=Seti,10A811,21 35=Kula,10A811,22 36=Zero,10A811,23 [19] Name=P2 Character 3 Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A810,00 2=Maxima,10A810,01 3=Benimaru,10A810,02 4=Shingo,10A810,03 5=Terry,10A810,04 6=Andy,10A810,05 7=Joe,10A810,06 8=Mai,10A810,07 9=Ryo,10A810,08 10=Robert,10A810,09 11=Yuri,10A810,0a 12=Takuma,10A810,0b 13=Leona,10A810,0c 14=Ralf,10A810,0d 15=Clark,10A810,0e 16=Whip,10A810,0f 17=Athena,10A810,10 18=Kensou,10A810,11 19=Chin,10A810,12 20=Bao,10A810,13 21=King,10A810,14 22=Mary,10A810,15 23=Kasumi,10A810,16 24=Xiangfei,10A810,17 25=Kim,10A810,18 26=Chang,10A810,19 27=Choi,10A810,1a 28=Jhun,10A810,1b 29=Kyo,10A810,1c 30=Ramon,10A810,1D 31=Iori,10A810,1E 32=Vanessa,10A810,1F 33=Lin,10A810,20 34=Seti,10A810,21 35=Kula,10A810,22 36=Zero,10A810,23 [20] Name=P2 Striker Select 0=Off,0,0 1=k,10A813,00 2=Maxima,10A813,01 3=Benimaru,10A813,02 4=Shingo,10A813,03 5=Terry,10A813,04 6=Andy,10A813,05 7=Joe,10A813,06 8=Mai,10A813,07 9=Ryo,10A813,08 10=Robert,10A813,09 11=Yuri,10A813,0a 12=Takuma,10A813,0b 13=Leona,10A813,0c 14=Ralf,10A813,0d 15=Clark,10A813,0e 16=Whip,10A813,0f 17=Athena,10A813,10 18=Kensou,10A813,11 19=Chin,10A813,12 20=Bao,10A813,13 21=King,10A813,14 22=Mary,10A813,15 23=Kasumi,10A813,16 24=Xiangfei,10A813,17 25=Kim,10A813,18 26=Chang,10A813,19 27=Choi,10A813,1a 28=Jhun,10A813,1b 29=Kyo,10A813,1c 30=Ramon,10A813,1D 31=Iori,10A813,1E 32=Vanessa,10A813,1F 33=Lin,10A813,20 34=Seti,10A813,21 35=Kula,10A813,22 36=Zero,10A813,23 [21] Name=P1 Striker Type Select 0=Off,0,0 1=Type 1,10A80B,00 2=Type 2,10A80B,01 3=Type 3,10A80B,02 [22] Name=Force Power Down 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,10E7FD,FF 2=P2 On,10EA29,FF 3=P1&P2 On,10E7FD,FF,10EA29,FF [23] Name=Everytime Counter Hit 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,1083E7,10 2=P2 On,1081E7,10 3=P1&P2 On,1083E7,10,1081E7,10 [24] Name=Endless Hit 0=Off,0,0 1=P1 On,1081E3,02 2=P2 On,1083E3,02 3=P1&P2,1081E3,02,1083E3,02 [25] Name=Background Modifier 0=Off,0,0 1=Factory,10A7AF,00 2=Ships,10A7AF,01 3=Garbage,10A7AF,02 4=Pyramid,10A7AF,03 5=Korea,10A7AF,04 6=Aquarium,10A7AF,05 7=Zero Stage,10A7AF,06 8=Kula Stage(factory),10A7AF,07 9=Kula Stage(Ships),10A7AF,08
  22. For Mameplus its needed to pass the audit or the neogeo games will not show up . The bios files only to be in one file ( Not every game rom ) called neogeo.zip .
  23. No and I hope not
  24. Mame plus uses a few extra bios roms in the neogeo.zip . No doubt your missing the uni-bios.22 .
  25. All the information (which is also linked in the news post) is below.. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11867 Ah I see thank you Thanks for that Robert
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