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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. Who is Robert Anyway Welcome to the Super Mod team To those who keep fragging me You guys have no life and should get out more.
  2. In some cases the clone set is needed because sometimes the parent set does not work.
  3. A form of protection.
  4. Your machine is getting a bit old by todays PC's. So is mine but mine is still able to play them games.
  5. In addition to the official release, the MAME team periodically releases updates to the most recent official release. These are packaged as diff/patch files and should be applied by switching to the base of your MAME source tree (where the makefile lives) and executing: patch -p0 -E <diffname.diff where diffname.diff is the name of the.diff file that contains the patch. http://www.mamedev.org/ Derivative Builds: MAME32qa MAME32FX MAMEplus! MAME32Hp4 MAME32plus (Ash build) Dats: MAMEinfo Notes:
  6. I think its a bit soon since there is not much emulation going on for that console yet.
  7. That has been fixed with version 61
  8. Any kof2003 rom that is decrypted will be hacked. Since the P rom needs to changed to work in emu's like NRX. If you wait for awhile Kawaks will end up supporting this rom . As its offically supported in Mame now.
  9. I was able to download the momment it was on the sever. Normally when that problem happens is when there are too many connections ( Too many people trying to download ) Which means it was pointless in complaining
  10. http://mamedev.org/source.html Derivative Builds: MAME32qa MAMEplus MAME32FX Mame32plus Special Mame32Hp4 Dats: MAMEinfo.dat Notes:
  11. I never knew it was missing since I have alweys had the files. But anyway its no big issue for me. You can still get the files from the offical mame or Mame plus. Now do not forget kids Mame32, Mame Plus Mame32FX etc is only a GUI add on. Without the mame core ( The emulator ) the GUI would be useless. I doubt that to be honest. Iike I said just above in red Mame32 is only a GUI add on ( Frontend ) without Mame the emu the GUI would be useless Yes I sort of uderstood that, But I am just going to ignore it. I have a few of my real life problems to worry about.
  12. Mame32 v0.100 and up can still use those controllers. All they did was not include the said files which are easy added.
  13. Yeah I found some cool stuff at google
  14. Or he can wait until its offically supported. Which will not be too long since its now supported in Mame.
  15. http://www.mamedev.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mame32 builds --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to robbbert for the information. zetamame notes >> Get it HERE
  16. I love my DVD player since its region free and can play NTSC and PAL.
  17. Yes I know
  18. Where ?, I know about kof2k2mp but in the driver c I only see these samsho5p looks like an typo on your part. By the looks of things samsh5sp will be removed again. And the main reason why they added the later games to try stop the deriviatves
  19. I can't think of any reasons why anyone should/would ever ban James. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I am happy to report that I am not banned on any forum or site
  20. Someone needs to give this guy a visit Now I am going to see if my account is still active at EP
  21. Welcome back -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- James attacked Fatal Rose with a Pimp Slap (1 str) and took off 30! Fatal Rose has 0 HP left! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fatal Rose is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You gain: 1 EXP points!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. OMG I hate being in photos these days "Getting old". Very good idea this is GC
  23. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well we know where they got the GFX fix for kof10th and kog from
  24. Well its hacked so what did you expect ? Neorage X has been dead a long time now I just wish they leave the emu alone.. hacking it is just makeing it worse.
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