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Everything posted by James

  1. And were you adding Encrypted or Decrypted sets ?. And what games did you add ?. and did you know I already posted drivers here ? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10562 If they were only decrypted sets then you have lot more to do I have added code to drivers.c drivers\neogeo.c machine\neogeo.c machine\neocrypt.c and thats just the neogeo games.
  2. I think there is a few versions of that rom. I know I have one of them.
  3. Yes credtt is given to the emu authors and always has been that way Just say I read some news on Arcade@Home for example I would then check the original author site for the news to get the correct info. I then come here to see if it has been posted. If it has not then I would then post the news and give credit to the emu author from the site it originated from Not Arcade@Home or the member who posted it for the simple reason Arcade@Home is not the emu author. Maybe just to be nice a bigs thanks can be added for the heads up on the news.
  4. Thats why I do not check other forums for news. Only orginal author emulator sites. It takes a few seconds to check the orlginal site. Anyway I have my ways on finding news By all means if I find news other than the original site I will give a nice big thanks for the infomation to where it came from.
  5. It is always good to get news from the sites that release the updates ( The author of the emulator ) since there could be a chance that the news found on a forum could be bogus (Fake) By all mean give thanks to someone who may of posted it at another forum But the real credit goes to the original Author. And thats why I only check the sites that release the updates and not other forums that post the news. Personally I would not care if someone seen the news at another forum I posted it at and posted it here since I was not the one who released the news in the first place. And I was just letting people know at the forum I posted it at of the news.. The one who oginaly released the news is the the one who should get the credit and maybe give a thanks to whoever. crap I wish had not said anything about this in the first place. Please be aware that this is only my veiw and has nothing to with the rules of posting news at 1Emulation.
  6. I am sure when you talk to him on messagner things will be sorted.
  7. I see no issue, nor is it an issue for me. I only told you my veiw on the news posting. Sorry if you feel like this is an arguement but thats not what I intended.
  8. No Credit is given to the site it originated from period Now how can I post news when its already been done by others. I used to do it all the time but it got taken over.
  9. I only give credit to the original site it came from. Never from another news site or forum. I think the the news section here is getting a bit crazy . I hardly ever read it now unless its about Mame.
  10. I would say no because I have no issues with windows Just like how you dislike windows is how much I dislike Linux.
  11. I have had no problems with windows. You just sound bitter But hey thats up to you what software you like to use
  12. Thats strange IE and WMP can be uninstalled and has no affect on the OS.
  13. He asked for help with WMP and thats what he should get help with. Not telling him to use other players. If its WMP10 uninstall it. reboot the PC then reinstall WMP10
  14. No doubt it runs an emulator not original arcade hardware. I have a bigger cab in my lounge room which uses original arcade hardware
  15. have you tried another disk ?
  16. In the mean time play it on the original hardware
  17. You will not be seeing Naomi or CPS3 emulation anytime soon. The protection is not the same as the DC.
  18. You were told that we cannot help you for the simple reason board rules and asked you not to make posts asking for roms 1. DO NOT ask where to download WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes 2. DO NOT provide direct links to WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes. 3. DO NOT provide links to websites that link to WAREZ, ROMs, ISOs or BIOSes.
  19. Sounds like an issue with the emulator not the rom. Try a clean install.
  20. Not for me. I cannot be bothered at the momment.
  21. Topic now closed ! I thought you can anyway . I know I did before I was a supermod
  22. Well now GC knows about it. It is good to be aware of things like that.
  23. Um yes it is The only time there was fake links was when people asked for roms and another member posted some weird site
  24. Yes sir
  25. I cannot find anything - - - - - J/K
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