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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. Can I be made the owner ?
  2. I think it sucks people get banned for something they have no control over. I have a proxy as well yet its not set on my machine.
  3. I did a crap on Mr T door step once
  4. Ah another rom to download
  5. Maybe GC should compile his own build of Mame. Its fun to do GC trust me
  6. Just waiting on Mame plus
  7. New threads are not needed Since there is already a thread for this sort of thing. Mame32 FX is only a GUI add on anyway. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15026
  8. GOLDEN AXE - THE DUEL is playable
  9. Die Hard Arcade and Batman forever work.
  10. I can compile a normal version But cannot compile a I686 no dll version keep getting errors at ui\history.c
  11. You need to use the mingw from the mame plus site also the extra tools from there as well.
  12. Nah Then we would have no one to flame. Anyway Back to work on CPS3
  13. How long will IQ's forum be offline ?
  14. Yeah that and other protection
  15. At least I found this one easier to get working unlike the original hack.
  16. From the "original" hack the logo has changed. As for the rest I am not sure.
  17. If you played the original hack you would know one of the changes already
  18. No but that is easy.
  19. Do not need it They only release it when there are changes Since its only the GUI it does not matter as much since there was no changes
  20. http://mamedev.com/source.html
  21. Mame plus has been released http://mameplus.emu-france.com/
  22. biatch you beat me
  23. Try google.
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