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Everything posted by James

  1. Mame is a project and is not really there as a game machine The driver is open source. By adding the game ( DRIVER ) they hope others who may know about arcade hardware might be able to fix the broken games ( games that do not work in mame ) You are going to find more games that do not work or not woking properly.
  2. jojo bizare adventure does not work nor will it work in your life time CPS3 is widely known as not working. Please check the status of a game before asking for help. jojo also needs a CHD file as well as the rom.
  3. Its outdated But it will give you an idea. http://www.emuchrist.org/compile/drivers.html
  4. Well it would of helped you get rid of some of the compile errors The binary is useless. Use the current source it should help http://www.classicgaming.com/mame32qa/Mame...99.6_Source.exe
  5. No not yet Do you still have the 99u4 source for Mame32 ?
  6. Psikyo PS5V2 hardware ---------------------------- Dragon Blaze, Psikyo, 2000 Gunbarich, Psikyo, 2001 Tetris The Grand Master 2, Psikyo, 2000 Tetris The Grand Master 2+, Psikyo, 2000 ------------------------------ Board PS5V2 (Custom Chip PS6406B) --------------------------------- Dragon Blaze ©2000 Tetris The Grand Master 2 ©2000 Tetris The Grand Master 2 Plus ©2000 (Confirmed by Japump to be a Dragon Blaze upgraded board) GunBarich ©2001 (Appears to be a Dragon Blaze upgraded board, easily replaced chips have been swapped)
  7. http://www.mamedev.com/ MAME32 released! »» Official Site »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server] MAME32FX released! »» Official Site »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server] MAMEplus! released! »» Official Site »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]
  8. Tetris Grandmaster 2 is not ZN hardware. I have the roms anyway
  9. Yes you are right about that
  10. Yes that too. But that was typo more than a spelling error.
  11. Well I am still a newbie to grammar.
  12. The source does not have the drivers for the game. Its only the source for the GUI add on. I guess your still a newbie to emulation.
  13. Yes you mean the latest hacked version The offical NRX emulator died a long time ago.
  14. Around 5 years. Now do not forget mame does not go by any 3 year rule. Anyway I have the code and have it working in Mame32 Plus 99u2 I think they wanted 99u4 removed becuase of the new Tetris that has just been released. As it might be on the same hardware and would make it easy for it to be emulated in Mame. Now someone please dump this game so I can try it in Mame Tetris The Grand Master 3 Terror-Instinct released 2005 http://www.arika.co.jp/arika_eng/tgm3/tgm3_top.html
  15. Source http://mamedev.com/ I will be keeping Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 in my build
  16. Oh ok . Not to worry I know where a keygen is anyway
  17. SAdly I have no ISO's to test it with
  18. And i was looking forward to a bed time story.
  19. Thanks for that Now can you plesse read to me
  20. No doubt you are trying to run unsupported roms in NRX.
  21. Have you seen the Sega Mega drive ?
  22. Thanks for those I found them usefull.
  23. I think he will need a good PC for testing Sega Saturn emu's. I doubt mine is even good enough.
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