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Everything posted by James

  1. Nice, But as of right now I cannot be be bothered to compile.
  2. There is a known sound issue, But I did not see any GFX problems
  3. No your right.
  4. Where because they do not normally release the Binary U releases Only diff files for those who compile and test these U releases . Only the offical Binary is released. I think you should not link to there if it was not compiled by MameDEV.
  5. Meanwhile I will play it on Mame
  6. You mean Vliner etc ? or is there others ? Vliner and JockeyGP are already there.
  7. Well that does not count since its not an offical Mame build. And is old now.
  8. Looks like they have not added all of the gambling games ?
  9. The original kof10th Unique does have BITSWAP though.
  10. You are behind the times. All sets works lol thats the megatech one go find the ones I suggested.
  11. It will never happen Maybe on a console but not on the PSP.
  12. Source: http://www.davieboy.net/nescafe/ »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]
  13. So who has this set ? This set is protected However there is a decrypted set.
  14. Name for the game in Mame is Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker Moonwalker rom sets are mwalk mwalkbl mwalkj mwalku Why ? Is it that hard to work out that the roms do not belong to Mame ( Not owned by Mame ). My reply was to this ok, so only the Mame rom will work, right?
  15. Nope it runs like crap on my PC
  16. Yes it is in Mame its the rom of the original board and its not really a mame rom Mame uses the rom its that simple. The reason why I say its not a Mame rom is because Mame did not create it. It was dumped from the original hardware and is used in Mame. Topic Moved
  17. Hehe I only just compiled mame 99 yesterday
  18. I tried fastmame and it was no better than the normal mame.
  19. That game does not work. And the emu clearly tells you that when you try to run it.
  20. He should not need the older versions since the latest one has all those changes anyway.
  21. Just get the latest source, I see no reason why you would want the older diff files.
  22. Your PC CPU heatsink might need cleaning. when it gets hot it will try to protect its self and slow down
  23. Send me a money order Yes matrim is the correct rom name
  24. Yeah but I could get more cookies and whipped cream with $10
  25. Yes but its for my build I am still waiting for my $10 Oh by the way this dat is wromg since its rom name is 100% wrong ; [ Power Instinct - Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Tokon - Matrimelee ] pim:0:103069:C8:000:Infinite Energy PL1 pim:0:10306B:C8:500:Infinite Energy PL1 pim:0:10306F:C8:500:Infinite Energy PL1 pim:0:10307D:F0:000:Infinite Power PL1 pim:0:10B81F:0F:000:Use Princess Sissy PL1 pim:0:10B823:0F:500:Use Princess Sissy PL1 pim:0:10B84D:07:000:Always Rank SSS PL1 pim:0:10306F:01:000:No Energy PL1 pim:0:10307D:00:000:No Power PL1 pim:0:10B90B:64:000:Infinite Time pim:0:10B9DC:FF:000:Enable ROTD Characters pim:0:10B0E1:06:000:Go to Final Stage pim:0:102E9D:C8:000:Infinite Energy PL2 pim:0:102E9F:C8:500:Infinite Energy PL2 pim:0:102EA3:C8:500:Infinite Energy PL2 pim:0:102EB1:F0:000:Infinite Power PL2 pim:0:10B84F:0F:000:Use Princess Sissy PL2 pim:0:10B853:0F:500:Use Princess Sissy PL2 pim:0:10B87D:07:000:Always Rank SSS PL2 pim:0:102EA3:01:000:No Energy PL2 pim:0:102EB1:00:000:No Power PL2
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