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Everything posted by James

  1. Thats the worst known emulator. Uses 100% bad neogeo rom sets.
  2. DIFF updates are not really releases. Since the diff file is not the emulator. Thats why I never name the title a release.
  3. Thanks for that
  4. The 7800 cards I have seen so far only have daul DVI no VGA. maybe I missing something here ?
  5. I find the game a bit laggy ( The player seems to go slow and when theres lots of action its even worse ). I have a 2 gig CPU is that enough ?
  6. I cannot use this card anyway. As it seems it does not use the standard monitor connection. Which It wont work on my old DELL .. But I do find them better than ATI. Had heaps of problems with them. Games crash etc. If it can work on my current monitor then I will get one Since I only have the GeForce 5600 which has been great except for the GPU fan.
  7. Cool As time goes by this place is getting better.
  8. It's awesome, but let's stay on track. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was Its just that I was taking a break from it to post here.
  9. Who says were buying it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For it to be dumped. Someone would of brought it Anyway back to GTA-SA
  10. I feel sorry for those who buy hacks like this.
  11. Cool. Just the release I was waiting for.
  12. Yes . And what site are you talking about. Send a PM
  13. Yeah Mine is in my lounge room .
  14. Raz has been asked by many people to add it. Lets hope it will be added one day. As it would be a great improvement to kawaks.
  15. Like what? I can argue that the only possible effects missing are the transparencies found in some of the never games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Raster I am sure someone else knows what I am talking about more. Have you seen a true NEOGEO machine running ?
  16. Yeah I know. I was just letting you know. And anyone else who might post about Mame
  17. The decrypted roms are hacked to work in NRX I am not talking about the C roms I am talking about the Program roms. In some ways the game is not working properly due to the fact that NRX is meant for the non protected games around 1997 and before. NRX , Kawaks does not fully emulate the game properly and there are missing effects. Mame however emaulates this and has code which runs the protected game how it is meant to run. I rather use an emu that is able to emulate a game more closer to original hardware than a emu that needs hacked rom sets to work. I am for the game but also true emulation.
  18. Just so you know you do not need to put TM everytime you make a forum post of Mame.
  19. The original neorage was made for the older PC. But I never said you had a older PC though. I would understand if you had a Old PC with no harddrive space to be useing decrypted rom sets. NRX does not emulate the machine hardware properly. Myself like the idea of having the correct rom set. NRX needs roms that have the protection removed which in many cases is patched out and nothing more. Which makes it a hacked rom set. All neogeo games after 1998 were encrypted. Other emu's Like Mame have code that process the protection properly. Also the lastest neogeo roms do not have a S rom ( Which is in the C roms now ). So in the end all it means to me that NRX uses hacked up roms to play the game and in some cases its not emulating the game properly. By all means if anyone here wishes to use an outdated Emulator That were created on a P1 P2 systems then thats fine.
  20. Thats why it says New program code within Which means his code is in the Original bios.
  21. As you can see this bios may contain some SNK copyright material. In the grey zone IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Little bit more of the same thing here
  22. I think that rom file might not be allowed to be posted here.
  23. Yes. It looks rather nice, don't you think? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is this really what emulation is about ? Anyway I do not use the the S rom since I run the original encrypted set. Which the S text data is exracted from the C roms like it is meant to be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bah...we like decrypted roms <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I would understand that if you had no hard drive space and a low end pc. Those who are really into emulation do not bother with hacked up rom sets
  24. Cool OFFTOPIC : I am going visit my friend robert in sydney soon .
  25. I already know this build. And it does support the newer neogeo games and others.
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