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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. http://haze.mameworld.info/
  2. In some ways yes But in other ways no. This could affect Derivative builds of Mame.
  3. http://www.aarongiles.com/
  4. Hhmm Oh well I will still use AIM Its better than MSN for file transfer.
  5. Some emulators cannot handle the 512k S rom I think the older Kawaks cannot load it The S rom can be fully decrypted But still be 512k
  6. Yes I know its old news
  7. Cool Thanks for the info.
  8. This is why I never ring tech support Because they always ask stupid things.
  9. The starnge thing is everytime I do a ram dump I get a differnt CRC that does not make sense to me..
  10. Does that Ram Dump work in Mame ?
  11. Yes it seems Who else did you give it too ? The one above does not match the one you gave me.Which in fact works a bit better than the one posted. With the driver you gave me I can play the game even though GFX is messed up. The driver above cannot be played. No its not
  12. Ah the non working driver This is why I will not post the driver Because its not working yet. Please do not post non working drivers
  13. Also its not a release its a diff update Cause if it was a release the Mame exe would be on Mame net.
  14. http://haze.mameworld.info/
  15. Thats old news
  16. Yes But not sure what..Apart from the sound core changes
  17. There are many trying to get it working in Mame and FBA.I see no point in posting the driver yet. Unless there is someone who willing to help make it work.
  18. I was going to say the same thing Ebsy
  19. http://www.cyd.liu.se/~micol972/site/dualis/
  20. Yeah i have almost the same results in Mame thanks to IQ
  21. Cool you have done better than me I will message you on MSN
  22. http://www.mame.net/downmain.html
  23. That is really a stupid law
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