I would not do it myself simply because it has the right ID now If you change it then it is wrong The correct ID is there for a reason. You should try FBA one day Agozer Maybe I could compile you a version that matches your neogeo rom sets
Xeon always knows how to expalin things Not to offend anyone But anyone who says that NRX is the best just does not know anything about emulation. NRX is very old and alot of things have changed since then.
Well you use what you like thats the main thing as long you are happy. Mame32 is the best place to start Yes I know it does not have a pretty interface but all the options are there you just need to look for them Which is easy No one taught me how to use Mame32 If you use mame(Command Line Version) then you need to learn commands But that can be avoided by useing a Front end which some have pretty interface and easy to use menu I only use Mame classic front end myself. I do not care for pretty interface gui's I look at the game play and emulation and without a doubt Mame Beats NRX. NRX has never been offically updated for years Only hacked versions If you have Low end PC then yes NRX is good But if you have a good PC then I see no reason to use it when there are better emulators to use.
Why is that ? All neogeo games made after 1998 were encrypted NRX needs hacked P roms and decrypted roms to work Where Mame , Nebula , Kawaks, FBA can handle the roms without the need to use hacked roms. Even the sound is bad in NRX You are welcome