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Everything posted by James

  1. If you read the PM to what i said and checked the links properly you would of found that one there is no romset called svc for clonemame I even provided you roms yet you have ignored that as well. Everything was provided. Supported sets svcchaos - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos (PCB) svchaosa - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos (MVS Set) svcboot - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos (Bootleg) svcplus - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos Plus (Bootleg Set 1 / Hack) svcpulsa - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos Plus (Bootleg Set 2 / Hack) svcsplus - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos Super Plus (Bootleg / Hack) svcrmu - Snk Vs. Capcom Chaos Remix Ultra v.1.2 (Bootleg / Hack)
  2. Patches should be ok Since they do not contain roms Patches are not hacks nor are they roms All a patch does is change the data of rom that you allready have you cannot create that rom with correct CRC or data unless you allready have the rom to start with.
  3. Alot of my sets have changed and are use mostly kawaks dev sets Clone Mame now supports kof2003 PCB working svcchaos PCB working svchaosa MVS working YOu will need to PM me for more info.
  4. You didn't know what was going on? Anyways, yes, it's nice to see that people still work with the Neo-Geo on some level or another. I don't use Encrypted sets or rom images, but I'm sure some people get their kicks out of it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Since Mame FBA can handle encrypted sets and I rather use them. I am greatfull for any work and codes that will get the proper roms working in Mame , FBA Gameplay is not the only thing about emulation. Anyway aquasync there is still a set of V roms to work out and thats kof2003
  5. Also that site is a no no. So please do not mention that stie again. Reason why I say this is simply becasuse that Bittorrent site has roms and ilegal software
  6. Just do not ask for roms Look at the first post as thats where there are patches to help you get your roms you need. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...topic=9472&st=0
  7. Hehe I have that site bookmarked Now with Mame or FBA I can get true decrypted V roms However I thank aquasync for all the work he has done
  8. When you click reply scroll down You should see a browse button Which allows to uplood from your PC
  9. http://haze.mame.net/
  10. putting wrong roms into other games causes too much trouble This really prooves that some rom sitea have no idea what there doing.Now we have to put up with post saying the sound is bad. ssvs should not of been released until the correct rom were released.instead they thought were eltie and released it. At least now the roms set is complete But what is bugging is that some rom sites have not fixed the sets which still has samsho5 M and V roms
  11. I get about 50FPS on a 2gig SO yeah your CPU is slow.
  12. Sure PM me if you need more info.
  13. Nope look at your Spam count
  14. So where is my milk and cookies? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sorry its only for the newbies.
  15. Yes we even offer milk and cookies.
  16. We are nice at most times. Now if he posted that on another forum I know of he would of been banned with no warning at all.
  17. erm... no good..... do you uh... do you have to rename anything or throw the BIOS rom in there to get a neo geo rom to work on neb? now I'm really getting stumped. I'm just hoping that neogamez 2.0 comes back with that neorage for it someday otherwise I may be S.O.L..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> all neogeo games need the neogeo bios neogeo.zip Which goes in the roms folder
  18. Oh please you readded the link Even after another moderator removed it and even told you it is not allowed.
  19. I am sure he knows he is not allowed to post rom links So yeah he should be banned.
  20. http://s6.invisionfree.com/emu_inferno/ind...hp?showforum=30
  21. I like the Game but I thought the intro sux's But thats me
  22. If you allready have the encrypted V roms why are you trying to make encrypted V roms If work out a driver for Mame would'nt it better to be for the encrypted V roms that are allready in use.Mame allready loads them but does not use them at this point.
  23. Do you have Lunar IPS (LIPS) patcher ? and do you have the correct roms to patch ? Also please stay with the topic of thread please. All off topic posts will be deleted without notice.
  24. http://www.mame.net/downmain.html
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