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Everything posted by James

  1. C Mame 88u6 is yes Plus version no.
  2. That close thread button is looking very good right now.
  3. Actually, if we were to split hairs in half, one could call modifying MAME's code then compiling it "hacking". Not in the recent meaning the word took, but in its original meaning: understanding the way something works with the intent to make it work in a better/more appropriate way. Linux system programmers, for exemple, call themselves "hackers", and they don't work on raw machine code (which would be stupid, as the sources are available). They modify C code (in Linux's exemple) just like what is done with MAME (except MAME modification doesn't require extensive programming skills). Therefore, a modified version of MAME could be called a hacked MAME (maybe it's a little abusive, but not to the point of making it a wrong name for such a thing). Here ends my hair splitting Happy bday again, James <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah code was added that was not even there.Unlike Nebula , Kawaks where loaders are needed to bypass the lockouts to prevent you playing newer games. Mame is open source unlike kawaks Nebula NRX.Nothing in Mame needs to be hacked for added games to work.
  4. Mingw is not the problem http://www.classicgaming.com/mame32qa/bugs.htm
  5. Which M rom ? CRC please
  6. http://haze.mame.net/
  7. James can now claim senior citizens' benefits. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 34 is not old If things goes well I will not need any money from the goverment Because I pay super which is my fund Which will be a lot moe than any goverment benifit will pay Also whatever tax refunds I get goes into my super as well. Anyway Back to the topic of thread. Thanks all.
  8. you have obviously never played in mexico or in south america in general, most of the screens if not all have the scanlines, and some around here have different filters too, like the SVC chaos at my local arcade has terribe chopy looking quality and its far smoother looking on kawaks <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But is not true emulation "Sings" Happy birthday to me.
  9. I doubt Kawaks is perfect.
  10. Normaly the M rom causes this and needs to be fixed This is not the only game that has this problem. Just be happy that it works.after all you got it for free. Maybe Someone will know how to fix it soon. Yes it could be
  11. these should be the ones for it to work.your ones are ok as well. File Name Size CRC Value 272d-m1.rom 131,072 b5abda07 272d-v1.rom 4,194,304 32156cfe 272d-v2.rom 4,194,304 0e46d2f8 272d-v3.rom 4,194,304 3f0f7554 272d-v4.rom 4,194,304 ad8fabb4 Works fine in kawaks
  12. I will say this again and it will be that last time I will say this There is no P rom patches on this thread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I know! And the patch that you post here is supposed to patch the M rom! But that is the message I get when I am using your patch! Pls see attached! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> its a IPS patch and is meant to be used with Lunar IPS (LIPS) - IPS patch utility http://fusoya.cg-games.net/lips/
  13. I will say this again and it will be that last time I will say this There is no P rom patches on this thread. There is only M rom patches.
  14. I put no P rom patches here at all. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...indpost&p=94214
  15. Sorry No such thing as Hacked Mame please ask again when you know what you are asking for.
  16. I use Winkawaks's SS5 Special loader. 1.46. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The sound in Mame is ok for this game. Please explain more.There is no such thing as a SS5 Special loader it will be same old loader thats been used for kawaks 1.46 for months.
  17. http://www.mame.net/downmisc.html
  18. You have the Decypted set The encrypted set 92mb Send me PM please for more info.
  19. what everyone else has is the decrypted set What is the file size of the set you have ? And no Clone Mame plus will not support the decrypted set.
  20. Any decrypted set after 1998 are not true dumps.and in some cases the decrypted set have been patched (hacked) just so they can work without code.... In Mame there is simple code that does all that and leaves the rom intact So that means the encrypted set would be more accurate than the decrypted set
  21. Your rom set is named wrong Thats the name of the encrypted set. And Why does is it have 15 for the fix ? when you allready have the S rom for the Text data. Only one V rom is used as well.
  22. Thats is what this thread is for
  23. Things have been done like that before.Then after that they still post asking for help. If people are too lazy to search then thats not our fault.Most tend to go to the last page ( without even checking the first page )and post even though the info is allready there in the first page.
  24. ok coolies And no the gun is not a threat It seems MDK is no more.
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