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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. That will not work because someone will open a new thread asking for help for ssvs.
  2. No rom links of any kind !
  3. I came to post this ! Please Do not do this again Not wise to clash with others who post news Your not the only one who post news and info. I had ISP problems which was no fault of mine and could not connect.
  4. James Slaps ugenn around a bit with a large trout.
  5. Well those sort patches will not be allowed IPS patches are ok.Now are you trying to get patches banned on here as well ?
  6. These patches do not have the whole rom data Only the changes theres no way you turn it into a rom without the correct rom.
  7. Do you have 272-m1 ADEEBF40 If so then use the patches that are posted on this thread.
  8. Has anyone tried to compile a Mame32 version yet ? i get errors when I try to compile 88u3.
  9. The Bios is not on the cart The program rom has the support for whatever bios is in the MVS or AES unit. Only the Jamma PCB version has the bios on the same board as the roms.
  10. The game is bug free, I just think that my S1 is slighly borked. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have to check that as I do not have a S rom ( encrypted set )
  11. http://haze.mame.net/ This includes the new debugger code from Aaron, this needs testing, feedback is important! please use the mame.net forums
  12. So far the uni bios 2.0 says the CRC's are 100% correct But never been sure if this checks all roms.I will not use that patch code in the driver for Fatalities it cause other bugs ( one is that the level inicator cannot be turned off ) I just use the uni bios for Fatalities.
  13. Here is another patch thanks to IQ that gives you a 512k rom CRC 3a75c37 Just put the 272 m1d CRC B5ABDA07 into the extracted folder then run the RunMe!.bat >> 272-m1d Patch B5ABDA07 to 3a75c37
  14. Hey James, the patch you gave me gives a crc of E5EADC1E, not B5ABDA07,although it does sound ok (tested with Galford and Ukyo against Kyoshiro and Yoshi). I used ucon.exe for the patching. Is this a different dump? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Try Lunar IPS (LIPS) thats what I used its a patch which it clearly says that. its a decrypted m1 patch which is now becomes m1d I still have the encrypted m1 in Mame even though its not needed. If anyone uses the decrypted ssv set the m1 crc ADEEBF40 is not needed or used
  15. No Problem >> 272-m1d Patch ADEEBF40 to B5ABDA07
  16. Offical thread open It is now fully released This topic is now closed.
  17. He is never mean. But hey do you want a cookie ?
  18. Nope http://www.neostore.com/detail.asp?ProductID=1001
  19. Thats not the correct name for that game. Anyway I use the 77mb romset of Metrimelee And please do not say its in a hacked Mame because it is not hacked since Mame is open source and no hacking is needed to make games work in Mame.
  20. what the world comming to.
  21. I never created it here is a clr Mame dat game ( name samsh5sp description "Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (non-MAME)" romof neogeo rom ( name 272-c1.bin size 8388608 crc 4f97661a ) rom ( name 272-c2.bin size 8388608 crc a3afda4f ) rom ( name 272-c3.bin size 8388608 crc 8c3c7502 ) rom ( name 272-c4.bin size 8388608 crc 32d5e2e2 ) rom ( name 272-c5.bin size 8388608 crc 6ce085bc ) rom ( name 272-c6.bin size 8388608 crc 05c8dc8e ) rom ( name 272-c7.bin size 8388608 crc 1417b742 ) rom ( name 272-c8.bin size 8388608 crc d49773cd ) rom ( name 272-m1.bin size 524288 crc adeebf40 ) rom ( name 272-m1d.bin size 524288 crc 74f37225 ) rom ( name 272-p1.bin size 4194304 crc 9291794d ) rom ( name 272-p2.bin size 4194304 crc fa1a7dd8 ) rom ( name 272-v1.bin size 8388608 crc 76a94127 ) rom ( name 272-v2.bin size 8388608 crc 4ba507f1 ) rom ( name 272-v1d.bin size 16777216 crc e3aa568e ) rom ( name sfix.sfx merge sfix.sfx size 131072 crc 354029fc ) rom ( name sp-s2.sp1 merge sp-s2.sp1 size 131072 crc 9036d879 ) rom ( name sp-s.sp1 merge sp-s.sp1 size 131072 crc c7f2fa45 ) rom ( name usa_2slt.bin merge usa_2slt.bin size 131072 crc e72943de ) rom ( name sp-e.sp1 merge sp-e.sp1 size 131072 crc 2723a5b5 ) rom ( name asia-s3.rom merge asia-s3.rom size 131072 crc 91b64be3 ) rom ( name vs-bios.rom merge vs-bios.rom size 131072 crc f0e8f27d ) rom ( name sp-j2.rom merge sp-j2.rom size 131072 crc acede59c ) rom ( name sm1.sm1 merge sm1.sm1 size 131072 crc 97cf998b ) rom ( name 000-lo.lo merge 000-lo.lo size 65536 crc e09e253c ) )
  22. From my romcenter dat I have
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