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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. Yes I know this info is late. http://haze.mame.net/
  2. No Rom Links ! Does that solve the rumours
  3. I hope so as many confused the sound that was used to be correct sound.Yet it was the the zupapa sound roms.
  4. With the correct sound ? No doubt you had the set with the zupapa M and V roms.
  5. Yep this game is now working with correct sound. encrypted decrypted
  6. Uhmm.. New topic? It'll probabaly be in this topic as welll since this is the official thread. But please, stop asking till it's out. I'll make an announcement once the game is fully playable. That's why I have a new closed Pinned topic for when it is fully released.
  7. Matrimelee seems ok here. By the way this is the Mame rom set.
  8. I failed to work out the m1 oh to keep Agozer happy There is no decrypted M1 yet
  9. Wow I would never pay that much for a hack
  10. For Nebula it goes in the romdata folder.
  11. Shut up poopie head! LMAO. Awesome post
  12. N3o doesn't like the fact that you attacked his precious KOF Special Edition 2004. lol ok Anyway I am Mr poopie head and he is Ms poopie head.
  13. flocking bastard Why would he want to shoot a monkey anyway ?.I hope his kids beat the crap out of him for killing there mother.
  14. I like to see it But thats all..I might add it to Mame. Hacks are worth nothing and have no rights claiming copyright.And in no way is this is a legit game
  15. Which emulator are you talking about ?
  16. the MAME team refuses to officially support games that have not been released for at least 3 years Plus if the arcade game is still making money it wont be emulated in Mame. There is no rule on how many years before it's emulated in Mame.
  17. http://www.mame.net/downmain.html
  18. Most Jamma cabs will do.
  19. looks like a another hack I think Many have kof2003 hero which is a hack of kof2003 silly you.You should know that allready.
  20. Is this X box ? I think you better reset the settings to default as it sounds like you have messed with them.
  21. Works the same way as the the encrypted kof2002 does The C roms are not scrambled like svcboot and svcplusa.It uses the same encrypted as kof2002 Mame set
  22. I am trying to work out the current protection on the encrypted M rom.
  23. This is the kof2002 plus I know That I have running in Mame Which was from that leaked kawaks dev .
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