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Everything posted by James

  1. hehe I only said the Vconv.zip worked out for me I still need the m1d to see if it worked properly And since ssvs does not have the correct roms anyway I thought it wont hurt to try things out.
  2. It worked for me
  3. The encrypted M V have been released days ago but for the sound to work we need the decrypted M and V roms. Erm....your point is? meaning those encrypted M and V roms are useless. encrypted M and V roms = original
  4. The encrypted M V have been released days ago but for the sound to work we need the decrypted M and V roms.
  5. There not new
  6. Thank you I wish to thank Haze , R. Belmont and all the Mame Dev that has made Mame what it is today.
  7. I wish you luck with it.
  8. Welcome Agozer and GryphonKlaw to the 1Emulation Team
  9. Man thats like a great burger to me MMMMMM making me hungry.
  10. does not seem too Not sure what the right fix is for kawaks
  11. like this for nebula System: NEO RomName: ss5snd Game: Samurai Shodown V SPECIAL Parent: samsh5sp [Program] 272-p1d.bin,0,800000,3E3961F5,0 [Text] [Z80] 270-m1d.bin,0,20000,18114FB1,0 [Samples] 270-v1d.bin,0,800000,E5C71699,0 270-v2d.bin,800000,800000,70B7083D,0 [Graphics] ss5sn_c1.rom,0,800000,8548097E,0 ss5sn_c2.rom,1,800000,8C1B48D0,0 ss5sn_c3.rom,1000000,800000,96DDB28C,0 ss5sn_c4.rom,1000001,800000,99EF7A0A,0 ss5sn_c5.rom,2000000,800000,772E8B1E,0 ss5sn_c6.rom,2000001,800000,5FFF21FC,0 ss5sn_c7.rom,3000000,800000,9AC56A0E,0 ss5sn_c8.rom,3000001,800000,CFDE7AFF,0 [System] CartridgeID: 272 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 15
  12. Just so you all know you do not need to use the S rom in nebula or kawaks just use( fix 15 for nebula ) ( fix 1 ?? for kawaks )in the dat and remove the s1 rom info this should help solve some of the graphic problems
  13. I've rad all of what you've said before, but i still say it has to do with the rom images, regardless if MAME does it "right" or not. hehe ok I just checked it with Nebula and here is no problem there as well But maybe thats because I am not using the decrypted set but if there were bugs with the roms it will also show up in Mame.and it is not So far my rom has tested out ok on Mame FBA and Nebula. I will also test the decrypted set in Mame i will let you know how that goes.
  14. does anyone bother to read.many of the bugs are due to issue with emu's as Mame does not seem to have any of those bugs
  15. Now children, don't quote the vice-president on the playground.... he was having a joke i'm sure
  16. Yeah well...uh...go flock yourself. now that was nice
  17. Most of the problems and bugs is down to the emu My mame build has none of those bugs Maybe because I am using the encryoted set
  18. There was nothing wrong with the S rom.
  19. you lamers with your patches
  20. I used to always get this problem too I figured out that I had to have the uni-bios inside neogeo.zip try it Yes thats where it should be placed neogeo.zip = Bios files
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