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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. Oh well you can go where you find it the best to get them from ,I never had problems with fileplanet. Says wait time 10 min but took only 5 mins to wait .
  2. Never will Sorry.
  3. Thats strange I have never had any wait time most of the time anyway the max I had to wait was 2 min and the download speeds are fast.
  4. http://www.classicgaming.com/mame32qa/down.htm
  5. Works ok on Mame32 85u3 but has Small problem with Mame32 plus
  6. Please tell me what emulator you are using As I might have a solution.
  7. http://haze.mame.net 0.85u3 ------ Driver Improvements: -------------------- - Improved video performance in suprnova games. [Carlos Santillan] - Improved sound balance for nyanpani, citybomb, topspeed. - Fixed visible area and controls in hanaawas. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] - Additional input port cleanup. [El Condor] - Fixed sound board error in Tapper. [b.S.Ruggeri] - Fixed numerous problems in Return of Lady Frog. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] - Added preliminary sound to Return of Lady Frog. [R. Belmont] - Fixed colors in usclssic. [David Haywood] - Fixed music tempo in athena. [unzu] Changes to the main program: ---------------------------- - Incorporated bugfix to the zlib code that was missing from the official distribution. [smf] New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Field Goal [stefan Jokisch] Robo Wres 2001 [Tomasz Slanina] Jumping Pop [David Haywood, Guru, R. Belmont]
  8. Send me a Message on AIM if you wish to test out my Mame32 plus build. Screen Name JLAING14
  9. This Site should help http://unibios.free.fr/howitworks.html
  10. Part of my job is to hang around here as I am a Moderator here. As for your missing rom problem a solution has been sorted.When you see me on AIM I will tell you the details. @Xeon Thanks for that advice I was too lazy to explain it myself
  11. Yeah you can do it yourself
  12. Simply means you are missing that rom.Which mean you have to find that missing rom.
  13. The P2 has no protection
  14. No I doubt there is.
  15. Patches My svc and svcplus have been fixed to sort most of the bugs they had thats why the crc's are not the same.
  16. Just rember this is not the proper game and is a Hack called svcplus -Snk Vs Capcom Plus anyone who has it named Snk Vs Capcom Chaos Has it named wrong. My svcplus P is CRC 57784F99
  17. For the last time look for the NRX set as that's the one that will work in kawaks 1.45
  18. There is a Mame set but it is not offically supported.
  19. Topic Moved to current affairs.Could not think of anywhere else to move it.
  20. Yes there is a Mame set which was removed from Mame many versions ago Because it was new
  21. Bump I did this because some members were posting in older threads.
  22. This topic is for news info only !.Anyway this is old news Mame is updated to 85u2 If you have a problem please post it in the Mame thread thanks.
  23. You are right it never had Encrypted C roms But I think it had scambled c rom though scrambled? Yes Take a look at The NRX set then look at Mame set. Anyway only the fully decrypted Set will work in Kawaks 1.45
  24. Read the Subject Line it says basketball
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