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Everything posted by James

  1. I have TMPGEnc 4 Xpress and TMPGEnc DVD Author, I was trying to avoid useing more then one app to do the job. I have IFOedit so I check that out now
  2. Cool, I will check that out
  3. Is it ok now? Somtimes this can happen due to your ISP haveing DNS problems.
  4. I have a DVD movie I like to re-author and crop the top and bottom of the video. So does anyone know of software that could do this for me?
  5. Yes thats what I was thinking
  6. So you WERENT Referring to me or Davis when you said this?? Right. Watever. Ive got better things to do. Ok good
  7. My mouse is USB, but I use the PS/2 converter to connect it. Ah that explains it, If you plug the mouse into a usb port, that should solve that problem. If have no spare ports then you need to get a usb card or hub.
  8. Doing what? I am not doing anything, Now please end this nonesense.
  9. So? thats no reason to turn it into something its not You are turning this into something its not and there is no need for it. All you and GoRDoOnE are doing are putting what I said out of context.
  10. Is your mouse a PS2 mouse? That always has power. Some things remaimed powered because some devices are able to start the PC.
  11. Exactly, so then you have no business trying to downsize me for finding something funny. Now lets get one thing clear here, I never said any such things nor am I doing any such thing. So stop putting words in my mouth. Some people will find it funny others will not. Now stop turning this into something its not.
  12. There are also no cd version in mame Just in your own build or in the official releases as well? Yes in the offical build
  13. Yes I agree But I did not find it to be random humor, Maybe if it was random then maybe it would of been funny Wow, I said what I thought nohing more needs to be said. If you cannot understand that then I cannot help you. Just becauase you may find it funny does not mean everyone else is going to agree with you.
  14. There are also no cd version in mame
  15. No, Your saying that. Still, it does not change the fact that this is not funny. I find the simpsons movie to be more humorous than this
  16. Level of sense in humor does not even come into it, Hence the meaning "small things amuse small minds"
  17. Thats nothing like the simpsons At least the simpsons is funny compared to that. Its has nothing to do with a higher sense of humor, Ever heard of the saying small things amuse small minds?
  18. How so? If this is what people find funny, then I feel sorry for them..
  19. I find this stuff rather childish.
  20. Try here http://nebula.emulatronia.com/ http://nebula.emulatronia.com/downloadgw.p...ps3emulator.zip Plus I compiled a CPS3 only version of Mame http://rapidshare.com/files/41466612/CPS3-32.0.116u4a.exe
  21. I suggest you get the latest rom sets
  22. ROFL. Leave it to James to make new, young members feel welcome. No its not about being welcome or not Its was just genuine concern I was taught about stranger danger when I was 8
  23. Wow, Do your parents know you are talking to strange men on the internet?
  24. Is this your new PC? I thought it had XP on it?
  25. I have no idea why people like Firefox, I think its a POS and it will never be better than IE You really are one of the strangest persons I have ever met. For me, Firefox takes around 5-7 seconds to start up the first time, having to initialize 15 extension. Subsequent restarts take around 2-3 seconds. Firefox uses around 72MB of RAM in my computer. Ok, Yes I am strange nothing new there , IE7 Only uses 32mb on windows vista here. For me FF was slow to load up, pages loaded slow and used more ram than IE. IE works the way i want without the need of silly add ons Just because I think Firefox is crap, Does not mean I am strange. IE works for me and see no reason to use Firefox.. So if anyone asks what broswer to use, I would suggest they use what best suits them, Just because something may work for you, does not mean its going to work well for them.
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