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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. Hi I am trying to compile a Mame32 Plus but it is missing something, Does anyone have any idea what it might be ? C:\mame32m-0.83b-src>make mkdir obj mkdir obj/mame32m mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/adsp2100 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/arm mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/asap mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/ccpu mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/dsp32 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/e132xs mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/g65816 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/gensync mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/h6280 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/hd6309 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/i386 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/i8039 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/i8085 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/i86 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/i8x41 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/i960 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/jaguar mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/konami mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/m6502 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/m6800 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/m68000 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/m6805 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/m6809 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/mips mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/nec mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/pic16c5x mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/r3000 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/s2650 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/sh2 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/spc700 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/t11 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/tms32010 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/tms32025 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/tms32031 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/tms34010 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/tms34020 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/tms9900 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/upd7810 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/v60 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/z180 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/z80 mkdir obj/mame32m/cpu/z8000 mkdir obj/mame32m/drivers mkdir obj/mame32m/machine mkdir obj/mame32m/sndhrdw mkdir obj/mame32m/sound mkdir obj/mame32m/ui mkdir obj/mame32m/vc mkdir obj/mame32m/vidhrdw mkdir obj/mame32m/windows mkdir obj/mame32m/windows/scale mkdir obj/mame32m/xml2info mkdir obj/mame32m/zlib Compiling icl: not found make: *** [obj/mame32m/version.o] Error 127 C:\mame32m-0.83b-src>
  2. Do your roms look like this ?
  3. it should be CRC(e0c74c85)
  4. Compile your own FBAX topic closed
  5. Were still waiting for the day when 1 emulator that doesn't need kick ass specs or a sound card that accpects ALL KNOWN ROMSETS known to mankind. With joypad and video recording for those who like matches. FBA plays kof2003 and its not a high spec emulator.
  6. yep Xeon was right..I should of doubled checked. been said at romshare svcnd is complete yet i have not been able to get them
  7. um ok what are the crc for the c roms as i am now sure i have those allready
  8. Would you like to send me the c roms ? i will keep an eye out for those you are seeking in the meantime
  9. Try pest patrol
  10. sounds like the drive belts need to be replaced
  11. Yeah he gave the forims that i know info about.I never asked for more.but sometimes i wish i did as it would of come in handy for those spamming and flaming threads.
  12. i never seen them before are those from that Kawaks dev emulator ?
  13. Like, you could have moved this thread dude. no I am not able too but if i was a global mod i could of. (Hint Hint gamecop)
  14. Next time please post about Mame in the Mame thread thanks
  15. src\driver.c DRIVER( kof2003p ) /* 0271 (c) 2003 Playmore Corporation */ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- src\drivers\neogeo.c ROM_START( kof2003p ) /* Bootleg Hack */ ROM_REGION( 0x700000, REGION_CPU1, 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "271p-p1.bin" , 0x000000, 0x700000, CRC(73474729) SHA1(33655820746d8e107fcdd6a33372eff58325bea5) ) NEO_SFIX_128K( "271p-s1.bin", CRC(a5d78a9a) SHA1(4d5697a52c40b4fbb9602d49221f37fac36d97c6) ) NEO_BIOS_SOUND_512K( "271-m1d.bin", CRC(0e86af8f) SHA1(769102b67bb1a699cfa5674d66cdb46ae633cb65) ) ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, REGION_SOUND1, ROMREGION_SOUNDONLY ) ROM_LOAD( "271-v1d.bin", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(d2b8aa5e) SHA1(498f0556c1de56822141f8043f1ce20444f4ed0a) ) ROM_LOAD( "271-v2d.bin", 0x400000, 0x400000, CRC(71956ee2) SHA1(a890941e60db358cf45b58909f4719f4826f3bb1) ) ROM_LOAD( "271-v3d.bin", 0x800000, 0x400000, CRC(ddbbb199) SHA1(0eea4b064bdb8daa03c354fe0a0aa27c4c665bda) ) ROM_LOAD( "271-v4d.bin", 0xc00000, 0x400000, CRC(01b90c4f) SHA1(387164aa1995d8c11ed939b3afbc294d86d2e27f) ) NO_DELTAT_REGION ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, REGION_GFX3, 0 ) /* decrypted */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c1d.bin", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(e42fc226) SHA1(1cd9364993e141facdcdd53ec2277df7b275d8a7) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c2d.bin", 0x0000001, 0x800000, CRC(1b5e3b58) SHA1(0eb254477a9479541291e43e415310852a0f0bed) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c3d.bin", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(d334fdd9) SHA1(1efe30b4f56a55e25ab518cf6999de797b5e407c) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c4d.bin", 0x1000001, 0x800000, CRC(0d457699) SHA1(ec73d0c9fc7094d0ac6c0986a6e07cde25893e57) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c5d.bin", 0x2000000, 0x800000, CRC(8a91aae4) SHA1(802f4baacf801646be1ef686e105b2e867a6a5df) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c6d.bin", 0x2000001, 0x800000, CRC(9f8674b8) SHA1(65964f40b2227d020023fb436579927e65807dcd) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c7d.bin", 0x3000000, 0x800000, CRC(374ea523) SHA1(613827d72c6181f3e08353750c9af0c4dbad020b) ) /* Plane 0,1 */ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "271-c8d.bin", 0x3000001, 0x800000, CRC(75211f4d) SHA1(d82f044e816ee539ff131d9c931200c818d34cd0) ) /* Plane 2,3 */ ROM_END data16_t CartRAM[4096]; unsigned char svc_r8(unsigned int offset) { unsigned char *cr=(unsigned char *) CartRAM; offset-=0x2fe000; return cr[offset^1]; } void DoBankSw2k3(void) { unsigned char *cr=(unsigned char *) CartRAM; unsigned int offset=(svc_r8(0x2ffff2)<<16)|(svc_r8(0x2ffff3)<<8)|(svc_r8(0x2ffff0)<<0); unsigned char prt=svc_r8(0x2ffff3); unsigned char *mem=(unsigned char *) memory_region(REGION_CPU1); *((unsigned char *) (cr+((0x2ffff0-0x2fe000)^1)))&=0xfe; *((unsigned char *) (cr+((0x2ffff1-0x2fe000)^1)))=0xa0; *((unsigned char *) (cr+((0x2ffff2-0x2fe000)^1)))&=0x7f; neogeo_set_cpu1_second_bank(offset+0x100000); mem[0x58197^1]=prt; } void DoBankSw2k3alt(void) { unsigned char *cr=(unsigned char *) CartRAM; unsigned int offset=(svc_r8(0x2ffff2)<<16)|(svc_r8(0x2ffff3)<<8)|(svc_r8(0x2ffff1)<<0); unsigned char prt=svc_r8(0x2ffff3); unsigned char *mem=(unsigned char *) memory_region(REGION_CPU1); *((unsigned char *) (cr+((0x2ffff1-0x2fe000)^1)))&=0xfe; *((unsigned char *) (cr+((0x2ffff2-0x2fe000)^1)))&=0x7f; neogeo_set_cpu1_second_bank(offset+0x100000); mem[0x58197^1]=prt; } WRITE16_HANDLER( kof2003_w) { data=COMBINE_DATA(&CartRAM[offset]); if(offset==0x1ff0/2 || offset==0x1ff2/2) { DoBankSw2k3(); } } WRITE16_HANDLER( kof2k3pl_w) { data=COMBINE_DATA(&CartRAM[offset]); if(offset==0x1ff0/2 || offset==0x1ff2/2) { DoBankSw2k3alt(); } } READ16_HANDLER( kof2003_r) { return CartRAM[offset]; } DRIVER_INIT( kof2003p ) { install_mem_read16_handler (0,0x2fe000,0x2fffff, kof2003_r); install_mem_write16_handler (0,0x2fe000,0x2fffff, kof2k3pl_w); init_neogeo(); } GAMEB( 2003, kof2003p, kof2003, neogeo, neogeo, neogeo, kof2003p, ROT0, "Playmore Corporation", "The King of Fighters 2004 Hero (BootLeg / Hack)" )
  16. an Aussie here
  17. hhmm never heard of that emulator anyway what is the CRC of the P rom is needing ? better yet my Mame emulator might be better as long as you know where to get the Kawaks dev rom set of kof2003 kof2003b i even have that kof2003(kof2004 hero) hack working in my mame compile if want to know more please send me a Private message
  18. ok Samurai Shodown V Special, has not been dumped yet !!!
  19. I wonder if the demo can be downloaded ?
  20. i not taking sides here but it looks like jennyjennyjenny does not understand english very well. dam i wish i was able to mod the Sega Genesis Emulation Section
  21. i still think Duo Lon is ok
  22. you have been on 1emulation too much when you see the same thing been asked in the Mame and neogeo thread
  23. Try http://www.filemirrors.com/
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