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1Emu Veteran
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Everything posted by James

  1. ForceX Has had no bang bang for years
  2. sorry for being offtopic I compiled mame to use the uni-bios works good too
  3. they both have filters yes i never use any myself as i feel no need to best to try mame and fba for yourself.
  4. why is that ?
  5. the grapahics are good but from what i understand the sound still has problems. but i hate it when they tell everyone that they have dumped it yet do not let anyone have the rom.kof2003 was a good exapmle and look what happened we ended up getting the rom anyway.if anyone was able to lend me this cart i would have it dumped there not the only people who can dump neogeo carts
  6. hehe he posted the same thing at a few forums
  7. i use NRX but i wont limit myself to that emulator I use Mame and FBA mostly FBA is another good emulator for the older PC
  8. dats can be found for Mame FBA Kawaks Nebula NeoRageX
  9. Mame and FBA play this game as well no problems
  10. yes its working on NRX
  11. I have WinXp sp1 and mine works fine.and i never used the W98 compatibility mode on the loader. when you make a dat make sure where it say neo uses all caps NEO
  12. There is a new dump but it has not been released
  13. make your own asr dat kof2003 does not work in kawaks
  14. I think its in mame now but its not working yet
  15. works in FBAX without all that hassle
  16. http://haze.mame.net/ 0.81u3 ------ clean compile required otherwise things won't work as they should General Source Changes ---------------------- Various ZN updates [smf, R.Belmont] several games are improved (Brave Blade, Judge Dredd etc.) but still need work Made Raiden DX display something (but not much) i386 Core Fixes + SPI improvements [Ville Linde] senkyu / ejanhs now do something Preliminary PGM sound emulation [Olivier Galibert] has bad sounds + causes crashes for now Centipede Driver Cleanup [Aaron Giles] Reset Fix / Timer Bug Fix [Aaron Giles] New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Boarders Arcade Jam [R.Belmont, smf] New Non-Working games / clones supported ---------------------------------------- CPS-3 System this will never work (encryption etc.) driver does NOTHING, for reference only Street Fighter III etc. 0.81u2 ------ Minor Update, just to help me stay in sync General Source Changes ---------------------- Various ZN updates [smf, R.Belmont] Improvements to Raiden 2 decryption New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Rival Schools [smf, R.Belmont] Shanghai Matekibuyuu [R.Belmont, smf] 0.81u1 ------ Just a dev-sync update, done by request General Source Changes ---------------------- Fixed a bug with Beastorizer hi-score portraits [smf] Fixed another Hyperstone bug [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Partial Raiden 2 Sprite Decryption (check sprite gfx with viewer, F4) New Non-Working games / clones supported ---------------------------------------- Sega Model 1 [Olivier Galibert] some vital tgp coprocessor functions are not simulated correctly Virtua Fighter Virtua Racing Star Wars Arcade Wing War Raiden DX Zero Team / New Zero Team unemulated protection
  17. thank you are the man
  18. the ini file wont help you it will load up whatever is in your NRX rom folder and kof2003 has a black screen kof2003 only works in a hacked version of NRX and that hacked version only plays kof2003
  19. more info needed like the crc's
  20. Neo Arcadia X is back up i must admit that was fast.
  21. I seen this posted originally on the first of April on another site
  22. yes i got an emial telling me the same thing. by the looks of things he has lost all Defaced By Rocket ( Evolucion-Hack.net )
  23. I really didn't understand that... same here
  24. now turns off AIM
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