0.81u3 ------ clean compile required otherwise things won't work as they should General Source Changes ---------------------- Various ZN updates [smf, R.Belmont] several games are improved (Brave Blade, Judge Dredd etc.) but still need work Made Raiden DX display something (but not much) i386 Core Fixes + SPI improvements [Ville Linde] senkyu / ejanhs now do something Preliminary PGM sound emulation [Olivier Galibert] has bad sounds + causes crashes for now Centipede Driver Cleanup [Aaron Giles] Reset Fix / Timer Bug Fix [Aaron Giles] New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Cool Boarders Arcade Jam [R.Belmont, smf] New Non-Working games / clones supported ---------------------------------------- CPS-3 System this will never work (encryption etc.) driver does NOTHING, for reference only Street Fighter III etc. 0.81u2 ------ Minor Update, just to help me stay in sync General Source Changes ---------------------- Various ZN updates [smf, R.Belmont] Improvements to Raiden 2 decryption New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Rival Schools [smf, R.Belmont] Shanghai Matekibuyuu [R.Belmont, smf] 0.81u1 ------ Just a dev-sync update, done by request General Source Changes ---------------------- Fixed a bug with Beastorizer hi-score portraits [smf] Fixed another Hyperstone bug [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Partial Raiden 2 Sprite Decryption (check sprite gfx with viewer, F4) New Non-Working games / clones supported ---------------------------------------- Sega Model 1 [Olivier Galibert] some vital tgp coprocessor functions are not simulated correctly Virtua Fighter Virtua Racing Star Wars Arcade Wing War Raiden DX Zero Team / New Zero Team unemulated protection