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Everything posted by James

  1. Not much. I've been pretty busy the last week or so, and when I have posted here, I usually don't post in the current affairs Haven't seen much of you at RS Please tell em to fix romshare hehe. A dozen times a day (I'm here all the time)
  2. Thats why i said you may not like the answer.
  3. The site was deleted but GameCop and miskie restored an older backup thats why there are posts missing. EDIT oops this was answered allready i missed the last page
  4. Honestly, were not sure if he hacked those other emulation sites. The rate of it being that he did is very high. Since a lot of hackings happened this month and last. yes ok.and maybe he not working alone.
  5. As far as I know at the moment, there have been no reports of it as of now. However before around January and February, there some reports of trojan's and viruses. All we are telling people is if they browse the website, keep their guards up. Oh crap. Now that I think about it I referred my friend to that site telling him how you could get all the latest ROMs and stuff. So after he downloaded one of them his computer started crashing before his eyes. Than he had to restart, so he lost everything. He still says his comp is giving him problems because of that incident. But now I know for sure it is because of that site. I downloaded allot of stuff from that site and it never gave me any problems. Should I delete all of the stuff I got from his site just to be on the safe side? just do a full system scan.also get a program called Pest patrol as this detects keyloggers and trojans etc
  6. so what was the sites that he attacked ? was neogames one of them ? as i am not sure whats sites were attacked as a few sites have been been messed up at the momnet.
  7. hehe i was not sure if it was posted before.since the site was down and lost posts so i posted it to make sure.
  8. you very naughty boy do not do that again.
  9. i am sure he has answered him allready there is many posts missing from this thread since the site went down.
  10. These are the known problems with 1.3 As of version 1.3 MVS only issues There are problems in console mode with some games when trying to use the coin switches as select buttons (pressing a coin switch won't pause a game). This is due to games accessing the ports directly and not via the BIOS. Games affected include; 3 Count Bout Metal Slug 3 Strikers 1945 Plus Andro Dunos Metal Slug 4 Super Dodge Ball Art of Fighting 2 Metal Slug 5 Temco World Soccer Art of Fighting 3 Money Puzz Exchngr The Last Blade Ganryu Rage of the Dragons The Last Blade 2 Magical Drop 3 Sengoku The Super Spy Matrimelee Sengoku 2 Voltage Fighter Metal Slug 2 Sengoku 3 Metal Slug X Spin Master As a work around you can use JAMMA pins '26' and 'd' as player 1 & 2 select buttons. You can also link JAMMA pins '26' to '16' by soldering a wire from one to the other. Doing this will make 'coin 1' also 'select' when used (link pins 'd' to 'T' for player 2). *** DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK *** Resetting the backup SRAM via the hardware test section or test mode (backup clear using A+B+C) will cause the splash screen (if enabled) to show twice the next time the system boots. When in console mode some games may not use the correct language even though the system is running in the correct region. This situation will happen if the region is changed after the game in question has data already stored in the backup SRAM. Games affected can have the language set manually by going into the games options (most require you to experience 'GAME OVER' before the new settings are permanently saved). The text font is sometimes different in the gamecart check, jukebox and in game menu. This is basically a hardware limitation to get correct functionality. Some games in the 'Metal Slug' series (Metal Slug X and up) may not work correctly in console mode until after you have set up the controller config and lives in the options menu (after starting a game). This problem is due to the games not setting up the initial backup ram data correctly for console mode if the game is first run on the system while it is in ARCADE mode. The games 'King of Fighters 98', 'Real Bout 2', Neo Geo Cup 98', and 'Breakers Revenge' will cause gfx glitches and even possible system resets if you insert a coin during the 'winners don't use drugs' screen (USA arcade mode). This is a bug with game code and not the UNIVERSE BIOS, the same problem happens when using an original USA region SNK BIOS. On 4 or 6 Slot hardware fonts will be missing in the UNIVERSE BIOS menus and splash screen if you have the game 'King of Fighters 2003' in SLOT 1. To fix this simply place a different game into SLOT 1 and KOF2003 into any other spare slot. To my knowledge the game 'Irritating Maze' is not supported. MVS and AES issues Using the in game menu can cause bad colors on parts of the game area still visible (once the menu is closed colors will be fixed). There is no possible fix for this issue. Accessing the in game menu will not pause game music. This causes music to go out of sync with graphics during a timed sound to graphics piece (like in many attract mode sequences). There is no possible fix for this issue. Not all cheats have been tested so it's quite likely some may not work. As I become aware of these I will try and fix them. When in Japan or USA region some Soft DIP settings of certain games may have no effect (language setting for example). This is because we force Soft DIP's to always display in English. AES only issues There is no attract mode sounds for many games when running in MVS mode. This is because they read the demo sound soft dip from the backup SRAM which the AES doesn't have (this problem exists on the DEBUG bios also). Some early games like Nam1975 for example will have corrupted 'How to Play' screens when in arcade mode. This is because the AES does not have the needed character font built in that the MVS has. When in USA arcade mode some games will have a corrupted 'Winners don't use Drugs' screen. This is because the AES does not have the needed character font built in that the MVS has.
  11. ...Thats a pimp design right there... yeah it's a great red x as of now. strange...I clicked it again and it was fine for me... oh well it's not for me
  12. http://bios.cps2shock.com/ WHATS NEW IN VERSION 1.3 ------------------------ AES support (nuff said). some AES notes..... Region settings are saved to the memory card, however if no card is available on power up the system will default to EURO / CONSOLE operation. To do a hardware check hold buttons A+B+D during power up this will keep the system looping through a hardware check until all buttons are released. When in ARCADE mode devmode is enabled and cannot be disabled. There is no attract mode sound for some games in MVS mode. This is beacuse they read the demo sound soft dip from backupram (which the aes dosnt have) instead of the adjescent RAM location (this problem exists on the DEBUG bios also). Some early games (nam75 for example) will have currupted 'how to play' screens. This is because the AES does not have the needed character font the MVS has. When in USA mode some games will have a currupted 'winners dont use drugs' screen. This is because the AES does not have the needed character font the MVS has. The Test Mode menu is not availabe for use. Additions The NeoGeo/ProGear logo now displays only once at the beginning when in console mode to match bios on AES. New entry method to access the in game menu, START+A+B+C. Old access methods are still usable. Ability to abort the game cart crc check while its calculating. Ability to exit from slot selection screen (multislot hardware only). Enabled the AES controller test, access via holding player 2 A+B+C+D during power on or splash screen. 68000 exception handling. Instead of games reseting they will stop and the current 68000 status will be displayed. Simple memory/vram viewer that can be accesses from the hardware error screen. Changes Exiting the jukebox or crc check on multislot HW now restores the initially used font. Added a shadow to bring out the NeoGeo logo in the splash screen and main menu. Made the Red color used in the Splash Screen and main menu a little darker. Improved the hardware check so you only see a couple of flashes on screen at power on instead of lots of green garbage. Improved the hardware error screens to make them look nicer but I'm sure you will never want to see these. Changed the test mode hardware test so that the test memory card section no longer looses any data on the card. This problem affected the original BIOS also. Changed some very bad English in the card manager including one point where the word 'no' should actually be 'yes' when it comes to confirming data delete. This problem affected the original BIOS also. Fixes Fixed an issue that caused some hardware error messages appear darker or distorted. Fixed the 'gameselect' option being lost the first time the UNIVERSE BIOS is used on multislot hardware. Fixed button (A) not responding when trying to continue from failed HW check when using a joypad. Fixed credits from 2nd coin shoot not showing but still registering in VS-MODE when the game dosent support it. Fixed the select buttons not registering in the testmode input test when in console mode. Fixed testmode input test so that the input crossing feature does not take effect while testing buttons. Fixed a problem in the memory card manager that stoped the letter 'o' visually showing when selecting a card name. This problem affected the original BIOS also. Fixed a clicking sound that sometimes happened during boot if the hardware check was disabled. Fixed a soft dip issue that could cause confusion (because we force softdips to display in English). Basically in some games the language softdip setting is different depending on region. For example the kof games default language now reads 'Japanese' instead of 'English' when in Japanese mode. There could be issues like this in other games too, if you find any please let me know. Game Fixes Fixed Sengoku 3 language not changing when swapping region in arcade mode. Fixed many menu problems in the official kof2001 mvs cart when in console mode (there are still problems though). Fixed a Matrimelee font problem in menus on multislot hardware and in the jukebox / crc check on slot1 hardware. Fixed Pochi and Nyaa sound distortion in the jukebox if the game is not allowed to run first. Fixed missing font in crc check, jukebox, and ingame menu for KOF2003. New and Updated Cheats SNK vs Capcom Samurai Shodown 5 Metal Slug 5 King of Fighters 2003 Pochi and Nyaa Zintrick Samurai Shodown 2 New original/hacked game CRC's to database SNK vs Capcom SNK vs Capcom (bootleg cart) Samurai Shodown 5 Metal Slug 5 (MVS and AES) Pochi and Nyaa King of Fighters 1997 Plus King of Fighters 2001 (alternate set) King of Fighters 2002 Plus Metal slug 4 Plus Metal slug 5 Plus SNK Vs Capcom Plus SNK Vs Capcom Super Plus King of Fighters 2003 (MVS and AES) King of Fighters 2003 (bootleg cart) Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy (set 2) http://bios.cps2shock.com/
  13. ...Thats a pimp design right there... yeah it's a great red x as of now.
  14. 0.80u2 http://haze.mame.net/ General Source Changes ---------------------- Various Sega 16-bit game driver updaes [Charles MacDonald, http://cgfm2.emuviews.com] (03/18/04) - Added correctly dumped ROM set for eswat to replace the old one. Game is encrypted and unplayable. - Moved Ace Attacker to system16.c, it's not a System 18 game. - Added sound support for tturf, tturfu, tturfbl (no samples), fpointbl, fpointbj - Fixed toryumon RAM test - Cleaned up timscannr, toryumon drivers - Added Where's Wally? (wwally) Game is encrypted and unplayable. - Fixed System 18 sample ROM banking. This doesn't help the current working games, but will support others when/if they are decrypted. - Fixed RF5C68A clock (7.15 MHz -> 8.00 MHz). - Fixed Z80 clock (8.192 Mhz -> 8.00 MHz). - Cleaned up shdancbl sound hardware a little. (03/15/04) - Fixed 2nd 68000 ROM visibility in hangon, ROM test works. - Fixed sprite RAM, tile RAM, and shared RAM size in hangon, RAM test works. - Fixed shared RAM and road RAM visibility to hangon, road layer works again. - Added proper emulation of the I/O hardware in hangon, no patches needed and test mode doesn't crash anymore. - Migrated aurail, riotcity, bayroute to use sys16_sprite_shinobi. - Cleaned up altbeast, riotcity, bayroute, aurail drivers (no junk in error logs, took care of unused inputs/outputs, etc.) - Removed 'extra' RAM in some drivers and replaced with sys16_tilebank_w. - Fixed sprite zooming in sys16_sprite_shinobi (corrects sprite placement in Heavyweight Champ) - Fixed sprite list parsing (fixes output test progression in Heavyweight Champ) - Added Shadow Dancer (Rev. - Checked and fixed speed-ups for shdancer, shdancrj, shdancbl, shdancrb. - Added I/O chip and partial VDP emulation for shdancer, shdancrj, shdancbl, shdancrb, moonwlkb, astormbl. - Added Datsu bootleg sound hardware support for shdancrb and fixed sound crash. - Fixed shdancbl sprite loading. - Cleaned up shdancbl driver, now fully playable with only minor graphics problems. - Fixed sys16_paletteram_w and removed sys16_dactype. - Palette now generated using routines in res_net.h to properly make normal, shadow, and highlight colors. Discrete Sound System updates [Aaron Giles, Derrick Renaud] (Aaron) * major internal cleanup and reworking of how nodes are created * fixed bug in 555 timer that led to whiny noise in Hit Me * added new input port type for analog adjuster * changed osd interface for discrete sound adjusters to use the new input port type * changed NODE_ADJUSTMENT to get its value from an input port * adjuster values are now saved in the config file * changed all games using adjusters to use the new system (Derrick) Discrete Sound Changes ====================== * Continued cleanup of code to make it more readable New Discrete Modules Added ========================== * DISCRETE_OP_AMP_OSCILLATOR - various op amp oscillator circuits that are entered using component values. * DISCRETE_OP_AMP_VCO - various op amp voltage controlled oscillator circuits that are entered using component values. Game Driver Changes =================== * Finished updating games to use Aaron's DISCRETE_ADJUSTMENT changes. Misc Fixes [Nathan Woods] src/fileio.c: src/fileio.h: src/windows/fileio.c: - Changed MESS specific file type from FILETYPE_CRC to FILETYPE_HASH src/hash.c: src/hash.h: - Added hash_data_insert_printable_checksum() call - Made things more const correct Nintendo 8080 based games update [stefan Jokisch] All games: - fixed CPU speed - unified memory maps - changed ROM labels Space Fever / High Splitter / Space Launcher: - relabelled ROM sets: Space Fever color => Space Fever Space Fever b & w => Space Fever High Splitter - uncloned High Splitter from Space Fever - fixed High Splitter ROM loading (wrong sound ROM in one set) - color support (Space Launcher needs its color PROM dumped) - implemented red screen flash (when the player dies) - implemented red laser cannon flash (when the player shoots) - implemented UFO color cycling - properly hooked up SN76477 (needs to be verified) - properly hooked up I8035 sound CPU - added bonus life DIPs to High Splitter and Space Launcher - added cocktail mode - documented diagnostic ROM location Sheriff / Bandido: - fixed scheduling of SN76477 sound effects (shots + hits) - added second coin input in Bandido - removed unused cocktail mode controls from Bandido - properly hooked up I8035 sound CPU - removed fake color overlay from Bandido - added colours based on screenshots - PROM still needs dumping - implemented color effects (e.g. red heart after round 3) - implemented screen flashing (when the players dies) - documented diagnostic ROM location Helifire: - corrected bonus life DIP - fixed starfield pattern, confirmed by shots on the flyer - fixed starfield priority (no more stars in the water) - fixed video bugs related to pausing and frame skipping - properly hooked up sound CPU (different from the other games) - added partial support for cocktail mode - added IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS and NO_COCKTAIL flags - various audio and video effects are still missing, including a few which were previously implemented and which I hope to re-add soon Various Timer Fixes, correcting some problems with SlySpy etc. [Aaron Giles] Fixed some problems with the 32010 update [Quench] Misc bug fixes (HuC6280 problems) [bryan McPhail] Some Task Force Harrier Improvements [Tomasz Slanina] - fixed sprite rendering - hacks for bg scrolling - patched some protection issues (sprites are rendered, no more strange resets) Game is NOT playable (controls doesn't work). Maybe something is not mapped correctly or it's problem with protection (for example, player2 buttons works durning boot - it's possible to enter service mode). ST-V update [Angelo Salese] fixes bitmap transparencies,adds the RBG0 layer(no scroll/roz effects yet) adds a really preliminary window effect(just for get tile-based sprites in shanhigw) and readded the VDP1 PTM register support which has been lost in the past. Cleaned up Capcom Bowling driver and fixed crash on reset [Aaron Giles] IREM GA20 Update [R.Belmont] adds the channel status readback for the GA-20, which fixes some occasional odd voice-stealing behavior I've heard playing R-Type Leo. Reverted some Star Wars code back to older working version New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: ------------------------------------------------------------- Rock 'n' Roll Trivia (part 2) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Scooter Shooter [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Dynamic Dice [Tomasz Slanina] - might be a gambling game Lovely Cards - doesn't actually appear to be a gambling game, just gambling themed New Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status: -------------------------------------------------------------- 2020 Super Baseball (set 2) (2020bba) [HPMAN] Spinner (Spiders bootleg) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Gyrodine (Crux license?) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli / f205v] Griffon [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Blaster (early 30 wave version) New Non-Working games / clones supported ---------------------------------------- Various Non-working CPS2 clones Swinging Singles [Tomasz Slanina] - not much work done on it Taiwan Chess Legend [Tomasz Slanina] - only partially decrypted Parallel Turn [Tomasz Slanina] - Jaleco protection chip not emulated Change Lanes [Phil Stroffolino, Jarek Burczynski, Tomasz Slanina] - weird early Taito hardware Dragon World 3 - unemulated protection Zero Target [bryan McPhail, Pierpaolo Prazzoli, David Haywood] - various things not yet understood Counter Steer [bryan McPhail, Pierpaolo Prazzoli, David Haywood] - various things not yet understood
  15. You might not like the answer. anyway it is good to back online with 1emulation Why wouldn't we like the answer? I think if GameCop wishes to tell you all he will.lets just wait and see what happens. but i hope this boy gets shut down for awhile
  16. You might not like the answer. anyway it is good to back online with 1emulation
  17. Has anyone got the new s1 rom for kof2003 yet that works with the uni-bios ?
  18. I am looking for nebula 2.23 that has no locked games.
  19. this dat has sound issues music is slow. i wonder if anyone knows what the problem is ?
  20. been thinking about this mame dev has removed older hacks like galaga so it makes no sense why they have added this game.
  21. I keep the older pc when i upgrade for parts etc when no longer needed i give it away. so those tests are BS
  22. I can send it to you, just PM me. Yes Please.
  23. seems like you talking about FBAX emulator. thread moved.
  24. not strange for me.i even said it to a few people that i was thinking of stopping my compile to the public. anyway since romshare is so bad (very very slow) i do not go there i do hope they fix there problems as it really suxs at the moment.
  25. what makes you say that ?
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