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Everything posted by James

  1. i just added all the 2.24 dats into the 2.23 dats folder that way i can still play all the newer games.
  2. yes so did i on mame 79u4 many people did not just you
  3. no it still has bugs or do you guys have a hearing ploblem. many sounds are missing. all sounds work fine in mame and fba.
  4. ok everyone lets all give him a a hug.
  5. this is from the neogeo source
  6. just another stuipid hack
  7. fba and mame use the same rom set next time when you say hacked please get the facts please
  8. Maybe i should rename this thread to lets fight about what controller is best.
  9. It seems the Neogeo CD to MVS conversions are possible but only for smaller games... oh well maybe the prototype will turn up one day anyway i am going to move this topic to the neogeo thread
  10. i doubt there are cheats for nrx how about the in-game cheats of selecting chizuru and kusanagi? sorry i do not know the codes
  11. why u want it to do that ?
  12. i doubt there are cheats for nrx
  13. all i know it only works on a hacked nrx which means it wont work on any other nrx version as for for bugs there is sound problems and thats all i know.and no there has not been any fixes for it considering it was only just released.
  14. yeah but it only works on that hacked nrx nothing esle i will use mame and fba and use the cheats at least i know its not a hack. i say down with them lame hacks Yup just realised that... oops... luckily i still have the ones in mame and all intact! lol i never touched my kof2003 i had a copy allready sitting in my NRX Folder.
  15. yeah but it only works on that hacked nrx nothing esle i will use mame and fba and use the cheats at least i know its not a hack. i say down with them lame hacks
  16. how can he be sure and how would you get a cd version to run on mvs and aes hardware ?
  17. This thread is for the status of kof2003 on the kawaks emulator please keep with the topic thanks
  18. you must have the wrong s1 rom or its missing
  19. i liked it. it would of been better if it had some more sounds and music
  20. FAKE Nebula CPS3 - ElSemi has asked me to post/pass around that the news on emulatronia regarding emulation of CPS3 is not true, its protected so there wont be any progress for some time, so please stop emailing him **EDIT** - Since posting this its turned out that someone had hacked emulatronia (the No.1 spanish emulator news site) and posted not only this fake news but also about an xbox emulator which doesnt exist, the offending articles have now been removed From http://www.retrogames.com/
  21. uncheck the the box that says show available only then try to run kof2003 let me know what rom is wrong as i might be able to help you also do you have the neogeo.zip in your roms folder ?
  22. is that the only place ?
  23. hehe i never put that there. as the site is not mine. but it comes with the counter which was one of those free ones you get and it links to another site.its like some sort of payment for the use of there counter.
  24. I have added it to my mame compile no doubt mame kawaks nebula Final burn alpha will add support for it http://members.westnet.com.au/the%2Dkula/mame.html
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